640 research outputs found

    Custom Application Cost Survey in Kansas

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    Crop Production/Industries,

    Novel functions for Arp2/3 complex-mediated actin networks discovered in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

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    Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, a unicellular member of the Chlorophyta or Green Algae phylum, has been used for decades as a model for ciliary studies. Using this tool, previous work from our lab found a role for actin in ciliary assembly and maintenance. However, while the microtubule-based, membrane-ensheathed cilia of Chlamydomonas are highly conserved in relation to mammalian cells, the actin cytoskeleton is not as simple. Chlamydomonas contains two actin genes: IDA5, a conventional actin, and NAP1, a divergent actin. Here, we find that despite the divergence of NAP1, it is still able to interact with the actin nucleator, the Arp2/3 complex. We take advantage of this interaction to further dissect the role of actin in ciliary assembly and maintenance, as focusing on actin networks nucleated by a single actin nucleator allows us to look at a subset of the filamentous actin in this cell instead. By doing this, we are able to uncover a novel trafficking pathway for ciliary material where proteins and membranes are reclaimed from a pool in the cell body plasma membrane through Arp2/3 complex- dependent endocytosis. This trafficking pathway is important for ciliary assembly from zero length, ciliary maintenance, and ciliary elongation in the presence of lithium

    The programmable spring: towards physical emulators of mechanical systems

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    The way motion is generated and controlled in robotics has traditionally been based on a philosophy of rigidity, where movements are tightly controlled and external influences are ironed out. More recent research into autonomous robots, biological actuation and human machine interaction has uncovered the value of compliant mechanisms in both aiding the production of effective, adaptive and efficient behaviour, and increasing the margins for safety in machines that operate alongside people. Various actuation methods have previously been proposed that allow robotic systems to exploit rather than avoid the influences of external perturbations, but many of these devices can be complex and costly to engineer, and are often task specific. This thesis documents the development of a general purpose modular actuator that can emulate the behaviour of various spring damping systems. It builds on some of the work done to produce reliable force controlled electronic actuators by developing a low cost implementation of an existing force actuator, and combining it with a novel high level control structure running in software on an embedded microcontroller. The actuator hardware with its embedded software results in a compact modular device capable of approximating the behaviour of various mechanical systems and actuation devices. Specifying these behaviours is achieved with an intuitive user interface and a control system based on a concept called profile groups. Profile group configurations that specify complex mechanical behaviours can be rapidly designed and the resulting configurations downloaded for a device to emulate. The novel control system and intuitive user interface developed to facilitate the rapid prototyping of mechanical behaviours are explained in detail. Two prototype devices are demonstrated emulating a number of mechanical systems and the results are compared to mechanical counterparts. Performance issues are discussed and some solutions proposed alongside general improvements to the control system. The applications beyond robotics are also explored

    Everyone’s Committed: Evaluating Accessibility Statements Across Design Systems

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    While most organizations keep their accessibility guidelines private, many digital design systems are public. This allows researchers to study and compare how different systems situate and discuss accessibility. Through a content analysis of over 90 design systems, four different categories of accessibility value statements were identified: framing, modes of address, responsibilities, and commitments. Using critical discourse analysis, each category was assessed through the lens of value sensitive design, an approach focused on how the design process can better identify and debate key values such as ethics, human rights, and inclusion. The four categories constructed were framing—statements inspired by universal design that included the word “everyone”; modes of address—statements containing the phrase “we believe”; responsibilities—statements that referred to employees of the host organization; and commitments, which contained a mix of ambiguous and unambiguous value statements. The findings indicate that accessibility responsibilities and commitments are more likely to be successful when value statements contain clear language and specific associated actions. Related to this, accessibility value statements would benefit from a shift away from universal design and towards inclusive design to better identify and minimize the unintended consequences of exclusion. Finally, this research suggests that many accessibility statements reflect core aspects of value sensitive design without making direct reference to the approach, indicating potential overlap

    Making the Invisible Visible: The Neo-Conceptual Tentacles of Mark Lombardi

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    "... allerlei Sonstiges ..." Auf den Spuren des Zauberberg von Thomas Mann im Prosawerk Max Frischs

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    Die Arbeit „... allerlei Sonstiges ...“ Auf den Spuren des Zauberberg von Thomas Mann im Prosawerk Max Frischs untersucht mögliche Interferenzen zwischen dem Prosawerk Max Frischs und dem Zauberberg von Thomas Mann. Mit einer eigenen Lesart der Prosa Frischs stellt sie die Untersuchung der intertextuellen Beziehungen zwischen Thomas Manns Zauberberg und dem Prosawerk von Max Frisch in den Vordergrund. Diese Bezüge wurden bislang nur unzureichend und unsystematisch untersucht und gehen über punktuelle Vergleiche nicht hinaus. Demgegenüber umfasst die vorliegende Arbeit das gesamte Prosawerk Frischs und will in diesem als zentrale These durchgehende Spuren von Manns Zauberberg systematisch nachweisen und es als „Echokammer des Zauberberg“ lesen. Vor dem Hintergrund verschiedener Intertextualitätskonzepte samt eines Problemaufrisses zum Thema Kanon und einer eingehenderen Untersuchung des Begriffes Zauberberg im allgemeinen und literarischen sowie einem „frischschen“ Kontext im Besonderen zeigt die Arbeit weitergehend, auf welch unterschiedliche Weise sich dieses Phänomen in den Texten niederschlägt, so dass es mit dem Diktum Stillers als „allerlei Sonstiges“ treffend charakterisiert werden kann. In Form von Einzeluntersuchungen der längeren Prosatexte von Max Frisch werden intertextuelle Verweise aufgespürt und im Text benannt. Die tabellarischen Übersichten im Anhang belegen die eingangs aufgestellte These, dass sich der Zauberberg latent durch die Prosa Max Frischs zieht, indem sie die intertextuellen Einschreibungen den Markierungs- bzw. Intertextualitätskriterien nach Jörg Helbig, Manfred Pfister und Heinrich F. Plett zuordnet. Besonders die Quantität der qualitativ sehr verschieden gestalteten Verweise ist dabei augenfällig. Bezogen auf die Intertextualitätsdebatte und das nach wie vor im Raum stehende Desiderat einer einheitlichen Taxonomie bestätigt diese Arbeit den Sinn einer individuell ausgerichteten Beschreibung der Intertextualität anstelle des Fokus auf die Entwicklung eines allgemeingültigen Begriffs. Dabei ist nicht zu verkennen, dass bereits ein Grundkonsens in der Intertexualitätsforschung hinsichtlich operationalisierbarer Konzepte existiert und die Untersuchung letztlich ein Beleg für die Operationalisierbarkeit verschiedener bereits existierender Konzepte – sogar nebeneinander einander befruchtend – ist
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