4 research outputs found

    Family caregivers discuss roles and needs in supporting adults with cerebral palsy and complex communication needs in the hospital setting

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    The aim of this study was to explore the views of family caregivers of adults with cerebral palsy and complex communication needs (CCN) on their roles in the hospital setting and what would help them in these roles. As part of a larger study we conducted one focus group with six family caregivers who together explored issues surrounding involvement of family caregivers on the hospital ward. Participants described being involved in supporting communication and providing valuable information and guidance to hospital staff in caring for adults with cerebral palsy and CCN. The participants also suggested strategies to support family caregivers in their roles, to improve collaboration, and to benefit the patient with cerebral palsy and CCN. In this paper the authors present results of the focus group and discuss implications for policy and practice. © Springer Science + Business Media, LLC 200