137 research outputs found

    Optical thickness and effective radius of Arctic boundary-layer clouds retrieved from airborne nadir and imaging spectrometry

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    Arctic boundary-layer clouds in the vicinity of Svalbard (78° N, 15° E) were observed with airborne remote sensing and in situ methods. The cloud optical thickness and the droplet effective radius are retrieved from spectral radiance data from the nadir spot (1.5°, 350–2100 nm) and from a nadir-centred image (40°, 400–1000 nm). Two approaches are used for the nadir retrieval, combining the signal from either two or five wavelengths. Two wavelengths are found to be sufficient for an accurate retrieval of the cloud optical thickness, while the retrieval of droplet effective radius is more sensitive to the number of wavelengths. Even with the comparison to in-situ data, it is not possible to definitely answer the question which method is better. This is due to unavoidable time delays between the in-situ measurements and the remote-sensing observations, and to the scarcity of vertical in-situ profiles within the cloud

    Retrieval of Cirrus Optical Thickness and Assessment of Crystal Shape from Ground-Based Imaging Spectrometry

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    An imaging spectrometer (AisaEAGLE) is applied for ground-based measurements of downward spectral radiance fields with high spatial (1024 spatial pixels within 36.7° field of view), spectral (488 spectral pixels, 400-970 nm, 1.25 nm full width at half maximum) and temporal (4-30 Hz) resolution. The calibration, measurement, and data evaluation procedures are introduced. A method is presented that retrieves the cirrus optical thickness tci using the spectral radiance data collected by AisaEAGLE. On the basis of four measurement cases during the second campaign of the Cloud Aerosol Radiation and tuRbulence of trade wInd cumuli over BArbados (CARRIBA) project in 2011 the spatial inhomogeneity of the investigated cirrus is characterized by the standard deviation of the retrieved tci, as well as the width of the frequency distribution of the retrieved tci. By comparing measured and simulated downward solar radiances as a function of scattering angle, a first estimation of the detected cirrus ice crystal shape is given and used in the retrieval of tci.Ein abbildendes Spektrometer (AisaEAGLE) wurde bodengebunden zur Messung von Feldern abwÀrts gerichteter spektraler Strahldichten mit hoher rÀumlicher (1024 Raumpixel auf 36.7° FOV), spektraler (488 spektrale Pixel, 400-970 nm, 1.25 nm FWHM) und zeitlicher (4-30 Hz) Auflösung verwendet. Die Kalibrierungsprozedur, das Messverfahren sowie die Datenauswertung werden hier vorgestellt. Weiter wird eine Methode zur Ableitung der Zirrus optischen Dicke tci unter Verwendung dieser bodengebundenen spektralen Strahldichtedaten vorgestellt. Auf der Grundlage von vier MesszeitrÀumen wÀhrend der zweiten Kampagne des Cloud Aerosol Radiation and tuRbulence of trade wInd cumuli over BArbados (CARRIBA) Projektes in 2011 wird die rÀumliche InhomogenitÀt der untersuchten Zirren durch die Standardabweichung der abgeleiteten tci, wie auch der Breite ihrer HÀufigkeitsverteilungen charakterisiert. Vergleiche der gemessenen Strahldichten mit Simulationen abwÀrts gerichteter solarer Strahldichten als Funktion der Streuwinkel ermöglichen eine erste AbschÀtzung der Eiskristallform im detektierten Zirrus und gehen in die Ableitung der tci ein

    An improved constraint satisfaction adaptive neural network for job-shop scheduling

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    Copyright @ Springer Science + Business Media, LLC 2009This paper presents an improved constraint satisfaction adaptive neural network for job-shop scheduling problems. The neural network is constructed based on the constraint conditions of a job-shop scheduling problem. Its structure and neuron connections can change adaptively according to the real-time constraint satisfaction situations that arise during the solving process. Several heuristics are also integrated within the neural network to enhance its convergence, accelerate its convergence, and improve the quality of the solutions produced. An experimental study based on a set of benchmark job-shop scheduling problems shows that the improved constraint satisfaction adaptive neural network outperforms the original constraint satisfaction adaptive neural network in terms of computational time and the quality of schedules it produces. The neural network approach is also experimentally validated to outperform three classical heuristic algorithms that are widely used as the basis of many state-of-the-art scheduling systems. Hence, it may also be used to construct advanced job-shop scheduling systems.This work was supported in part by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) of UK under Grant EP/E060722/01 and in part by the National Nature Science Fundation of China under Grant 60821063 and National Basic Research Program of China under Grant 2009CB320601

    A new method for deriving aerosol solar radiative forcing and its first application within MILAGRO/INTEX-B

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    We introduce a method for deriving aerosol spectral radiative forcing along with single scattering albedo, asymmetry parameter, and surface albedo from airborne vertical profile measurements of shortwave spectral irradiance and spectral aerosol optical thickness. The new method complements the traditional, direct measurement of aerosol radiative forcing efficiency from horizontal flight legs below gradients of aerosol optical thickness, and is particularly useful over heterogeneous land surfaces and for homogeneous aerosol layers where the horizontal gradient method is impractical. Using data collected by the Solar Spectral Flux Radiometer (SSFR) and the Ames Airborne Tracking Sunphotometer (AATS-14) during the MILAGRO (Megacity Initiative: Local and Global Research Observations) experiment, we validate an over-ocean spectral aerosol forcing efficiency from the new method by comparing with the traditional method. Retrieved over-land aerosol optical properties are compared with in-situ measurements and AERONET retrievals. The spectral forcing efficiencies over ocean and land are remarkably similar and agree with results from other field experiments

    Combined quay crane assignment and quay crane scheduling with crane inter-vessel movement and non-interference constraints

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    Integrated models of the quay crane assignment problem (QCAP) and the quay crane scheduling problem (QCSP) exist. However, they have shortcomings in that some do not allow movement of quay cranes between vessels, others do not take into account precedence relationships between tasks, and yet others do not avoid interference between quay cranes. Here, an integrated and comprehensive optimization model that combines the two distinct QCAP and QCSP problems which deals with the issues raised is put forward. The model is of the mixed-integer programming type with the objective being to minimize the difference between tardiness cost and earliness income based on finishing time and requested departure time for a vessel. Because of the extent of the model and the potential for even small problems to lead to large instances, exact methods can be prohibitive in computational time. For this reason an adapted genetic algorithm (GA) is implemented to cope with this computational burden. Experimental results obtained with branch-and-cut as implemented in CPLEX and GA for small to large-scale problem instances are presented. The paper also includes a review of the relevant literature

    The fine-scale structure of the trade wind cumuli over Barbados – An introduction to the CARRIBA project

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    The CARRIBA (Cloud, Aerosol, Radiation and tuRbulence in the trade wInd regime over BArbados) project, focused on high resolution and collocated measurements of thermodynamic, turbulent, microphysical, and radiative properties of trade wind cumuli over Barbados, is introduced. The project is based on two one-month field campaigns in November 2010 (climatic wet season) and April 2011 (climatic dry season). Observations are based on helicopter-borne and ground-based measurements in an area of 100 km2 off the coast of Barbados. CARRIBA is accompanied by long-term observations at the Barbados Cloud Observatory located at the East coast of Barbados since early in 2010 and which provides a longer-term context for the CARRIBA measurements. The deployed instrumentation and sampling strategy are presented together with a classification of the meteorological conditions. The two campaigns were influenced by different air masses advected from the Caribbean area, the Atlantic Ocean, and the African continent which led to distinct aerosol conditions. Pristine conditions with low aerosol particle number concentrations of ∌100 cm3 were alternating with periods influenced by Saharan dust or aerosol from biomass burning resulting in comparably high number concentrations of ∌ 500 cm3. The biomass burning aerosol was originating from both the Caribbean area and Africa. The shallow cumulus clouds responded to the different aerosol conditions with a wide range of mean droplet sizes and number concentrations. Two days with different aerosol and cloud microphysical properties but almost identical meteorological conditions have been analyzed in detail. The differences in the droplet number concentration and droplet sizes appear not to show any significant change for turbulent cloud mixing, but the relative roles of droplet inertia and sedimentation in initiating coalescence, as well as the cloud reflectivity, do change substantially
