417 research outputs found

    Pathological regional blood flow in opiate-dependent patients during withdrawal: A HMPAO-SPECT study

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    The aims of the present study were to investigate regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) in heroin-dependent patients during withdrawal and to assess the relation between these changes and duration of heroin consumption and withdrawal data. The rCBF was measured using brain SPECT with Tc-99m-HMPAO in 16 heroin-dependent patients during heroin withdrawal. Thirteen patients received levomethadone at the time of the SPECT scans. The images were analyzed both visually and quantitatively, a total of 21 hypoperfused brain regions were observed in 11 of the 16 patients. The temporal lobes were the most affected area, hypoperfusions of the right and left temporal lobe were observed in 5 and 5 patients, respectively. Three of the patients had a hypoperfusion of the right frontal lobe, 2 patients showed perfusion defects in the left frontal lobe, right parietal lobe and left parietal lobe. The results of the quantitative assessments of the rCBF were consistent with the results of the qualitative findings. The stepwise regression analysis showed a significant positive correlation (r = 0.54) between the dose of levomethadone at the time of the SPECT scan and the rCBF of the right parietal lobe. Other significant correlations between clinical data and rCBF were not found. The present results suggest brain perfusion abnormalities during heroin withdrawal in heroin-dependent patients, which are not due to the conditions of withdrawal

    Evidence of Josephson-coupled superconducting regions at the interfaces of Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite

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    Transport properties of a few hundreds of nanometers thick (in the graphene plane direction) lamellae of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) have been investigated. Current-Voltage characteristics as well as the temperature dependence of the voltage at different fixed input currents provide evidence for Josephson-coupled superconducting regions embedded in the internal two-dimensional interfaces, reaching zero resistance at low enough temperatures. The overall behavior indicates the existence of superconducting regions with critical temperatures above 100 K at the internal interfaces of oriented pyrolytic graphite.Comment: 6 Figures, 5 page

    On the optical properties of Ag^{+15} ion-beam irradiated TiO_{2} and SnO_{2} thin films

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    The effects of 200-MeV Ag^{+15} ion irradiation on the optical properties of TiO_{2} and SnO_{2} thin films prepared by using the RF magnetron sputtering technique were investigated. These films were characterized by using UV-vis spectroscopy, and with increasing irradiation fluence, the transmittance for the TiO_{2} films was observed to increase systematically while that for SnO_{2} was observed to decrease. Absorption spectra of the irradiated samples showed minor changes in the indirect bandgap from 3.44 to 3.59 eV with increasing irradiation fluence for TiO_{2} while significant changes in the direct bandgap from 3.92 to 3.6 eV were observed for SnO_{2}. The observed modifications in the optical properties of both the TiO_{2} and the SnO_{2} systems with irradiation can be attributed to controlled structural disorder/defects in the system.Comment: 6 pages, ICAMD-201

    Depth concentrations of deuterium ions implanted into some pure metals and alloys

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    Pure metals (Cu, Ti, Zr, V, Pd) and diluted Pd-alloys (Pd-Ag, Pd-Pt, Pd-Ru, Pd-Rh) were implanted by 25 keV deuterium ions at fluences in the range (1.2{\div}2.3)x1022 D+/m2. The post-treatment depth distributions of deuterium ions were measured 10 days and three months after the implantation using Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis (ERDA) and Rutherford Backscattering (RBS). Comparison of the obtained results allowed to make conclusions about relative stability of deuterium and hydrogen gases in pure metals and diluted Pd alloys. Very high diffusion rates of implanted deuterium ions from V and Pd pure metals and Pd alloys were observed. Small-angle X-ray scattering revealed formation of nanosized defects in implanted corundum and titanium.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    The 21Na(p,gamma)22Mg Reaction and Oxygen-Neon Novae

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    The 21Na(p,gamma)22Mg reaction is expected to play an important role in the nucleosynthesis of 22Na in Oxygen-Neon novae. The decay of 22Na leads to the emission of a characteristic 1.275 MeV gamma-ray line. This report provides the first direct measurement of the rate of this reaction using a radioactive 21Na beam, and discusses its astrophysical implications. The energy of the important state was measured to be Ec.m._{c.m.}= 205.7 ±\pm 0.5 keV with a resonance strength ωγ=1.03±0.16stat±0.14sys\omega\gamma = 1.03\pm0.16_{stat}\pm0.14_{sys} meV.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Inter-Destination Multimedia Synchronization; Schemes, Use Cases and Standardization

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    Traditionally, the media consumption model has been a passive and isolated activity. However, the advent of media streaming technologies, interactive social applications, and synchronous communications, as well as the convergence between these three developments, point to an evolution towards dynamic shared media experiences. In this new model, geographically distributed groups of consumers, independently of their location and the nature of their end-devices, can be immersed in a common virtual networked environment in which they can share multimedia services, interact and collaborate in real-time within the context of simultaneous media content consumption. In most of these multimedia services and applications, apart from the well-known intra and inter-stream synchronization techniques that are important inside the consumers playout devices, also the synchronization of the playout processes between several distributed receivers, known as multipoint, group or Inter-destination multimedia synchronization (IDMS), becomes essential. Due to the increasing popularity of social networking, this type of multimedia synchronization has gained in popularity in recent years. Although Social TV is perhaps the most prominent use case in which IDMS is useful, in this paper we present up to 19 use cases for IDMS, each one having its own synchronization requirements. Different approaches used in the (recent) past by researchers to achieve IDMS are described and compared. As further proof of the significance of IDMS nowadays, relevant organizations (such as ETSI TISPAN and IETF AVTCORE Group) efforts on IDMS standardization (in which authors have been and are participating actively), defining architectures and protocols, are summarized.This work has been financed, partially, by Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV), under its R&D Support Program in PAID-05-11-002-331 Project and in PAID-01-10, and by TNO, under its Future Internet Use Research & Innovation Program. The authors also want to thank Kevin Gross for providing some of the use cases included in Sect. 1.2.Montagud, M.; Boronat Segui, F.; Stokking, H.; Van Brandenburg, R. (2012). Inter-Destination Multimedia Synchronization; Schemes, Use Cases and Standardization. Multimedia Systems. 18(6):459-482. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00530-012-0278-9S459482186Kernchen, R., Meissner, S., Moessner, K., Cesar, P., Vaishnavi, I., Boussard, M., Hesselman, C.: Intelligent multimedia presentation in ubiquitous multidevice scenarios. IEEE Multimedia 17(2), 52–63 (2010)Vaishnavi, I., Cesar, P., Bulterman, D., Friedrich, O., Gunkel, S., Geerts, D.: From IPTV to synchronous shared experiences challenges in design: distributed media synchronization. Signal Process Image Commun 26(7), 370–377 (2011)Geerts, D., Vaishnavi, I., Mekuria, R., Van Deventer, O., Cesar, P.: Are we in sync?: synchronization requirements for watching on-line video together, CHI ‘11, New York, USA (2011)Boronat, F., Lloret, J., García, M.: Multimedia group and inter-stream synchronization techniques: a comparative study. Inf. Syst. 34(1), 108–131 (2009)Chen, M.: A low-latency lip-synchronized videoconferencing system. 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In: 11th IEEE Symposium on Object Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC), pp. 587–592 (2008)Ott, D.E., Mayer-Patel, K.: An open architecture for transport-level protocol coordination in distributed multimedia applications. ACM Trans. Multimedia Comput. Commun. Appl. 3(3), 17 (2007)Boronat, F., Montagud, M., Guerri, J.C.: Multimedia group synchronization approach for one-way cluster-to-cluster applications. In: IEEE 34th Conference on Local Computer Networks, LCN 2009, pp. 177–184, Zürich (2009)Boronat, F., Montagud, M., Vidal, V.: Smooth control of adaptive media playout to acquire IDMS in cluster-based applications. In: IEEE LCN 2011, pp. 617–625, Bonn (2011)Huang, Z., Wu, W., Nahrstedt, K., Rivas, R., Arefin, A.: SyncCast: synchronized dissemination in multi-site interactive 3D tele-immersion. In: Proceedings of MMSys, USA (2011)Kim, S.-J., Kuester, F., Kim, K.: A global timestamp-based approach for enhanced data consistency and fairness in collaborative virtual environments. ACM/Springer Multimedia Syst. J. 10(3), 220–229 (2005)Schooler, E.: Distributed music: a foray into networked performance. In: International Network Music Festival, Santa Monica, CA (1993)Miyashita, Y., Ishibashi, Y., Fukushima, N., Sugawara, S., Psannis K.E.: QoE assessment of group synchronization in networked chorus with voice and video. In: Proceedings of IEEE TENCON’11, pp. 393–397 (2011)Hesselman, C., Abbadessa, D., Van Der Beek, W., et al.: Sharing enriched multimedia experiences across heterogeneous network infrastructures. IEEE Commun. Mag. 48(6), 54–65 (2010)Montpetit, M., Klym, N., Mirlacher, T.: The future of IPTV—Connected, mobile, personal and social. Multimedia Tools Appl J 53(3), 519–532 (2011)Cesar, P., Bulterman, D.C.A., Jansen, J.: Leveraging the user impact: an architecture for secondary screens usage in an interactive television environment. ACM/Springer Multimedia Syst. 15(3), 127–142 (2009)Lukosch, S.: Transparent latecomer support for synchronous groupware. In: Proceedings of 9th International Workshop on Groupware (CRIWG), Grenoble, France, pp. 26–41 (2003)Steinmetz, R.: Human perception of jitter and media synchronization. IEEE J. Sel. 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In: Proceedings of International Symposium Communications, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 317–323 (1999)Lu, Y., Fallica, B., Kuipers, F.A., Kooij, R.E., Van Mieghem, P.: Assessing the quality of experience of SopCast. Int. J. Internet Protoc. Technol 4(1), 11–19 (2009)Shamma, D.A., Bastea-Forte, M., Joubert, N., Liu, Y.: Enhancing online personal connections through synchronized sharing of online video, ACM CHI’08 Extended Abstracts, Florence (2008)Ishibashi, Y., Tasaka, S.: A distributed control scheme for causality and media synchronization in networked multimedia games. In: Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks, pp. 144–149, Miami, USA (2002)Ishibashi, Y., Tomaru, K., Tasaka, S., Inazumi, K.: Group synchronization in networked virtual environments. In: Proceedings of the 38th IEEE International Conference on Communications, pp. 885–890, Alaska, USA (2003)Tasaka, S., Ishibashi, Y., Hayashi, M.: Inter–destination synchronization quality in an integrated wired and wireless network with handover. IEEE GLOBECOM 2, 1560–1565 (2002)Kurokawa, Y., Ishibashi, Y., Asano, T.: Group synchronization control in a remote haptic drawing system. In: Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, pp. 572–575, Beijing, China (2007)Hashimoto, T., Ishibashi, Y.: Group Synchronization Control over Haptic Media in a Networked Real-Time Game with Collaborative Work, Netgames’06, Singapore (2006)Nunome, T., Tasaka, S.: Inter-destination synchronization quality in a multicast mobile ad hoc network. In: Proceedings of IEEE 16th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, pp. 1366–1370, Berlin, Germany (2005)Brandenburg, R., van Stokking, H., Van Deventer, M.O., Boronat, F., Montagud, M., Gross, K.: RTCP for inter-destination media synchronization, draft-brandenburg-avtcore-rtcp-for-idms-03.txt. In: IETF Audio/Video Transport Core Maintenance Working Group, Internet Draft, March 9 (2012)ETSI TS 181 016 V3.3.1 (2009-07) Telecommunications and Internet converged Services and Protocols for Advanced Networking (TISPAN); Service Layer Requirements to integrate NGN Services and IPTVETSI TS 182 027 V3.5.1 (2011-03) Telecommunications and Internet converged Services and Protocols for Advanced Networking (TISPAN); IPTV Architecture; IPTV functions supported by the IMS subsystemETSI TS 183 063 V3.5.2 (2011-03) Telecommunications and Internet converged Services and Protocols for Advanced Networking (TISPAN); IMS-based IPTV stage 3 specificationBrandenburg van, R., et al.: RTCP XR Block Type for inter-destination media synchronization, draft-brandenburg-avt-rtcp-for-idms-00.txt. In: IETF Audio/Video Transport Working Group, Internet Draft, Sept 24, 2010Williams, A., et al.: RTP Clock Source Signalling, draft-williams-avtcore-clksrc-00. In: IETF Audio/Video Transport Working Group, Internet Draft, February 28, 201

    Damage buildup in GaN under ion bombardment

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    The damage buildup until amorphization in wurtzite GaN films under keV Light(C-12) and heavy (Au-197) ion bombardment at room and liquid nitrogen (LN2) temperatures is studied by Rutherford backscattering/channeling (RBS/C) spectrometry and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The effect of beam flux on implantation damage in GaN is reported. A marked similarity between damage buildup for Light and heavy ion bombardment regimes is observed. The results point to substantial dynamic annealing of irradiation defects even during heavy ion bombardment at LN2 temperature. Amorphization starts from the GaN surface with increasing ion dose for both LN2 and room-temperature bombardment with light or heavy ions. A strong surface defect peak, seen by RBS/C, arises from an amorphous layer at the GaN surface, as indicated by TEM. The origin of such an amorphous layer is attributed to the trapping of mobile point defects by the GaN surface, as suggested by the flux behavior. However, in the samples implanted with light ions to low doses (1 X 10(15) cm(-2)), no amorphous layer on the GaN surface is revealed by TEM. Damage buildup is highly sig-modal for LN: temperature irradiation with light or heavy ions. Formation of planar defects in the crystal bulk is assumed to provide a "nucleation site" for amorphization with increasing ion dose during irradiation at LN2 temperature. For room-temperature bombardment with heavy ions. the damage in the GaN bulk region saturates at a level lower than that of the amorphous phase, as measured by RBS/C, and amorphization proceeds From the GaN surface with increasing ion dose. For such a saturation regime at room temperature, implantation damage in the bulk consists of point-defect clusters and planar defects which are parallel to the basal plane of the GaN film. Various defect interaction processes in GaN during ion bombardment are proposed to explain the observed somewhat unexpected behavior of disorder buildup

    Vortex phase diagram in BSCCO with damage tracks created by 30 MeV fullerene irradiation

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    Using 30 MeV C60 fullerene irradiation, we have produced latent tracks of diameter 20 nm and length 200 nm, near the surface of single crystalline BSCCO. A preliminary transmission electron microscopy study shows evidence for a very high density of deposited energy, and the ejection of material from the track core in very thin specimens. The latent tracks reveal themselves to be exceptionally strong pinning centers for vortices in the superconducting mixed state. Both the critical current density and magnetic irreversibility line are significantly enhanced. The irradiated crystals present salient features of the (B,T) phase diagram of vortex matter both of pristine crystals, such as the first order vortex phase transition, and the exponential Bose-glass line characteristic of heavy ion-irradiated crystals. We show that the latter is manifestly independent of the pinning potential.Comment: 10 pages, 13 figure