43 research outputs found

    Styringsgruppens oppsummering og vurdering av lakseluspåvirkning på ville laksefisk i produksjonsområdene i 2022

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    Innledning og bakgrunn for vurderingen I henhold til mandatet fra Nærings- og fiskeridepartementet (NFD) til Styringsgruppen for vurdering av lakseluspåvirkning, oversendes vår vurdering basert på Ekspertgruppens rapport av lakseluspåvirkning i produksjonsområdene i 2023 (Vedlegg 1). I mandatet for Styringsgruppen sies blant annet: «Styringsgruppen skal opprette en ekspertgruppe som skal lage en årlig rapport som vurderer status for lakseluspåvirkning i produksjonsområdene. Styringsgruppen skal gjennomgå og evaluere ekspertgruppens rapport, og levere en oppsummering av denne med relevante faglige vurderinger til Nærings- og fiskeridepartementet. Disse leveransene skal danne grunnlag for Nærings- og fiskeridepartementets beslutning for fargelegging av produksjonsområdene.» Styringsgruppen for vurdering av lusepåvirkning ble opprettet etter bestilling fra Nærings- og fiskeridepartementet. Havforskningsinstituttet (HI), Veterinærinstituttet (VI) og Norsk institutt for naturforskning (NINA) er bedt om å oppnevne en person hver. Følgende personer har vært oppnevnt for 2023: Tor Fredrik Næsje (NINA), Karin Kroon Boxaspen (HI, leder) og Eirik Biering (VI). NFD’s mandat til Styringsgruppen og Ekspertgruppen er vedlagt (Vedlegg 2). Medlemmene i Ekspertgruppen er personlig oppnevnt av Styringsgruppen i kraft av sin ekspertise. Ekspertgruppen er sammensatt slik at de viktigste problemstillingene i arbeidet er dekket med minst ett medlem med spesialkompetanse. Ekspertgruppen har hatt følgende sammensetning: Knut Wiik Vollset (leder, NORCE), Frank Nilsen (nestleder, UiB), Ingrid Ellingsen (SINTEF Ocean), Ørjan Karlsen (HI), Rachel A. Paterson (NINA), Jofrid Skardhamar (HI), Leif Christian Stige (VI), Ola Ugedal (NINA) og Lars Qviller (VI). Vidar Lien (HI) har vært gruppens sekretær. Oppnevnt medlem Harald Sægrov (Rådgivende Biologer) har vært sykemeldt og har ikke deltatt i årets rapportering. Rapporten fra Ekspertgruppen har seks vedlegg som forfatterne og deres institusjoner står ansvarlig for, samt ett vedlegg med skjema brukt for vurdering (SHELF) og ett vedlegg med ekspertgruppens heterogenitetsanalyser for 2022. Femtende oktober 2017 ble det ved forskrift innført et nytt system for mulig kapasitetsøkning i norsk lakse- og ørretproduksjon, hvor effekten av lakselus fra oppdrettsanlegg på ville laksefisk regulerer produksjonskapasiteten. Kysten ble samtidig delt inn i 13 geografiske områder (produksjonsområder, POer) (Figur 1). Utformingen av produksjonsområdene følger ikke fylkesgrensene og er bygget på biologisk kunnskap om lakselus og hydrodynamisk analyse av spredning av lakselus

    Work-related exposure to violence or threats and risk of mental disorders and symptoms:A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    OBJECTIVE: This review aimed to examine systematically the epidemiological evidence linking work-related exposure to violence and threats thereof with risk of mental disorders and mental ill-health symptoms. METHODS: We searched PubMed, EMBASE, PsycINFO and Web of Science to identify original studies that provide quantitative risk estimates. The evidence was weighted according to completeness of reporting, potential common method bias, and bias due to differential selection and drop out, selective reporting, and misclassification of exposure and outcome. RESULTS: We identified 14 cross-sectional and 10 cohort studies with eligible risk estimates, of which 4 examined depressive disorder and reported an elevated risk among the exposed [pooled relative risk (RR) 1.42, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.31–1.54, I(2)=0%]. The occurrence of depressive and anxiety symptoms, burnout and psychological distress was examined in 17 studies (pooled RR 2.33, 95% CI 3.17, I(2)=42%), and 3 studies examined risk of sleep disturbance (pooled RR 1.22, 95% CI 1.09–1.37, I(2)=0%). In most studies, common method bias and confounding could not be ruled out with confidence and strong heterogeneity in most outcome definitions invalidate the strict interpretation of most pooled risk estimates. CONCLUSION: The reviewed studies consistently indicate associations between workplace violence and mental health problems. However, due to methodological limitations the causal associations (if any) may be stronger or weaker than the ones reported in this study. Prospective studies with independent and validated reporting of exposure and outcome and repeated follow-up with relevant intervals are highly warranted

    Negative Acts as Risk Factor for Work-Related Violence and Threats from Clients towards Employees: A Follow-Up Study

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    Background: Work-related violence and threats are major problems in many occupations, especially within the human service sector, with consequences at multiple levels, including reduced physical and mental health, increased absenteeism, and reduced organizational commitment. It is, therefore, crucial to identify risk factors for work-related violence and threats. However, only a few studies have examined whether negative acts at work increase the risk of work-related violence and threats from clients toward employees. Objective: To examine the associations between exposure to negative acts towards employees from colleagues, clients, or a combination of both, and the risk of work-related violence and threats perpetrated by clients towards employees in a longitudinal study. Methods: Questionnaire data were collected in 2010, 2011, and 2015. In total, 5333 employees from special schools, psychiatric wards, eldercare, and the Prison and Probation Services participated in the first round of data collection in 2010. Negative acts were measured in 2010 using the Short Negative Acts Questionnaire, while work-related threats and violence were measured at all three-time points. The analyses were performed using multilevel logistic regression. Results: Negative acts from clients and the combination of negative acts from both clients and colleagues were associated with later exposure to work-related violence and threats. The associations were observed after one year, and work-related threats were still present after four years. Conclusion and implications: Negative acts are associated with an increased risk of work-related violence and threats perpetrated by clients toward employees. Organizations may reduce the risk of work-related violence and threats by preventing negative acts

    Assessing time to treatment and patient inflow in a Danish emergency department: a cohort study using data from electronic emergency screen boards

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    BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to assess and describe the patient inflow during a 1-month period in a Danish emergency department and to evaluate if the intended times to treatment (TTT) related to category of triage were met. METHODS: Data from electronic emergency screen boards were extracted from the 1st to the 30th of April 2013. 2000 patients were enrolled of which 1011 were eligible for inclusion in the study of TTT. Patient inflow was described according to hours of the day and days of the week. Patients were divided into groups of triage and TTT was assessed in the different groups. Adjusted odds ratios of not being seen on time were calculated between triage groups and time of the day/week. RESULTS: The pattern of inflow differed between weekdays and weekends. On weekdays it peaked around midday and on weekends it peaked during the late afternoon/evening. The distributions of the different triage categories between days were similar. Monday had the most patient contacts while Saturday showed the least. Category II (orange) patients were the most prone to exceed the intended TTT. The risk of not being seen on time when compared to daytime, was on evenings OR 2.3 [1.1;4.9] and on nights OR 2.0 [1.2;3.9]. On weekends the odds ratio was OR 1.9 [0.8;4.7] compared to weekdays. CONCLUSION: The results demonstrated varying patterns of patient inflow between weekdays and weekends. There was a significantly increased risk of being attended late when arriving on evenings and nights. Likewise higher acuity was associated with exceeded TTT