12 research outputs found

    Variability of Some Physical Properties of Limnic Rendzinas in the Mazurian Lakeland (NE Poland)

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    The variability of some physical properties of limnic rendzinas in the Mazurian Lakeland are discussed in the paper. For the study, six sites (68 soil carbonate samples) in NE Poland were examined in terms of their physical properties: total porosity, specific density, wet and dry bulk densities, volumetric and gravimetric water content. Moreover, the content of organic matter, CaCO3 and non-calcareous fractions were also analysed to determine the type of soil calcareous sediments, and on this basis, three groups were isolated: calcareous gyttja, meadow limestone, lacustrine chalk. The highest values of specific and bulk densities were stated in lacustrine chalk, whereas the lowest ones – in calcareous gyttja. The highest total porosity was noted in calcareous gyttja, and the lowest one in meadow limestone. Lacustrine chalk and calcareous gyttja had the highest water content, and the differences between physical properties and soil calcareous materials were statistically significant. However, the differences between soil physical properties in surface soil horizons and calcareous materials were not statistically significant. Correlation coefficients showed that there were statistical dependencies between the examined soil properties, and the principal component analysis proved that soil physical properties were dependent mainly on organic matter

    Ocena wybranych markerów komórek śródbłonka naczyń w blaszkach miażdżycowych tętnic szyjnych i osoczu krwi chorych poddanych endarterektomii

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    Background. In spite of many experimental and clinical examinations, the composition of atherosclerotic plaques is not quite known. The aim of our study was to determine the concentration of selected endothelial cell markers: thrombomodulin (TM), endothelin (ET) and selectins E and P (sel E, P) in extracts of carotid bifurcation plaques and in plasma. Material and methods. Thirty-eight patients (20 symptomatic, 18 asymptomatic) undergoing carotid endarterectomy were enrolled in this study. The concentration of selected endothelial cell factors in extracts of carotid plaques and plasma was measured with enzyme immunoassay (ELISA). The concentration of these factors was calculated per mg of protein (mg/P). Results. In extracts of carotid plaques, a much higher concentration of TM, ET and sel. E and P was observed than in patient’s plasma. The concentration of examined parameters in plaques was uninfluenced by sex, age, arterial hypertension, the degree of arterial stenosis, hyperlipidemia and smoking. Only diabetes increased its level in plaques. Conclusions: All evaluated factors TM, ET, sel. E and P are the components of the carotid plaque. Its concentrations are much higher in plaques than in plasma. Therefore, they take part in the pathogenesis of carotid plaque formation and arterial stenosis.Wstęp. Mimo że przeprowadzono już bardzo wiele badań doświadczalnych i klinicznych, patomechanizm powstawania i skład blaszki miażdżycowej w tętnicach szyjnych nie jest w pełni poznany. Celem pracy była ocena stężenia wybranych markerów czynności śródbłonka naczyń: trombomoduliny (TM), endoteliny (ET) oraz selektyn E i P w wyciągach blaszek miażdżycowych tętnic szyjnych. Materiał i metody. Badaniem objęto 38 chorych (20 pacjentów z objawami i 18 osób, u których objawy nie występowały) poddanych endarterektomii szyjnej. W wyciągach blaszek miażdżycowych oraz osoczu krwi chorych oznaczono metodą immunoenzymatyczną (ELISA) stężenie wybranych markerów czynności śródbłonka naczyń, których stężenia przeliczono na 1 mg białka w badanych płynach. Wyniki. W wyciągach blaszek miażdżycowych stwierdzono wielokrotnie wyższe stężenia TM, ET i selektyn E i P w porównaniu z ich poziomem w osoczu. Na ich stężenie w blaszkach nie miały wpływu: płeć, wiek, stopień zwężenia tętnic, współistniejące nadciśnienie tętnicze, hiperlipidemia oraz palenie tytoniu. Jedynie współistniejąca cukrzyca zwiększała w blaszkach ich stężenie. Wnioski. W wyciągach blaszek miażdżycowych tętnic szyjnych stwierdzono obecność dużych stężeń TM, ET i selektyn E i P wielokrotnie przekraczających ich poziom w osoczu. Duże ich stężenie w zmienionej miażdżycowo tętnicy może wskazywać na ich udział w patomechanizmie powstawania blaszek i zwężeniu tętnic

    Multi-Domain Modeling and Simulations of the Heterogeneous Systems, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2010, nr 1

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    This paper discusses the multi-domain modeling and simulation issues of the design and analysis of heterogeneous integrated systems. Modeling and simulation methodology and tools are also discussed

    Variation in Fruit and Seed Morphology of Selected Biotypes and Cultivars of <i>Elaeagnus multiflora</i> Thunb. in North-Eastern Europe

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    Elaeagnus multiflora Thunb., also known as “cherry silverberry”, “cherry elaeagnus”, and “goumi” has been used for a long time in traditional Chinese medicine as a phytosterol-rich plant. Today, the fruits of this species are also becoming more popular as a “superfood” in Europe, but the cultivation of these plants is not yet carried out on a large commercial scale. The aim of this study was to evaluate the yield and morphological quality of the fruit of nine E. multiflora biotypes and two cultivars, ‘Jahidka’ and ‘Sweet Scarlet’, to determine their suitability for cultivation in the climatic conditions of Poland. The lowest yields (an average of 0.49 kg per bush) were recorded in 2021. In this year, the fruits of the biotypes and cultivars were distinguished by the highest mean fruit weight, fruit-to-seed weight ratio, and total soluble solids content. Our research shows that due to the greatest weight of fruits, cultivar ‘Jahidka’ and the biotype B11 can be recommended for cultivation in north-eastern Poland. Biotype B11 was distinguished by the highest yield (an average of 4.02 kg per bush). The smallest share of stone in relation to the weight of the fruit was shown for the cultivars ‘Jahidka’, and biotype B4

    The organic matter content and pH of forest soils in the Brodnica Forest Division

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    The study was conducted in the Górzno and Czarny Bryńsk Forest, ranges which belong to the Brodnica Forest Dis-trict. Brunic Arenosol (Dystric) soils predominate in the Brodnica Forest Division (over 77% of the total area). The aim of this study was to analyze the granulometric composition, the organic matter content and pH values in H2O and KCl at three genetic horizons of soils (A – humus, B – sideric and C – parent material) within the crown extension of four tree species: English oak, European beech, Scots pine and Norway spruce. Silt and clay had a signifi-cantly higher share of A-horizon compared with B and C hori-zons. Soil samples collected under the crowns of Norway spruces were characterized by a significantly higher percentage of sand and a significantly lower percentage of silt than soil samples col-lected under beech and pine trees. In the analyzed soil horizons, pH values increased significantly with depth regardless of tree species. Tree species had a significant effect on the pH of the analyzed soils and the organic matter content of A horizon. Soil samples collected under the crowns of Norway spruces had sig-nificantly lower pH values than those collected under pine trees. Soil samples collected under the crowns of Norway spruces had significantly higher organic matter content than those collected under oak trees. There was a very high negative correlation be-tween organic matter content and the values of pH measured in 1 M KCl, and a high negative correlation between organic matter content and the values of pH measured in H2O suspension

    Effect of biological treatment used before harvesting and storage methods on the quality, health and microbial characteristics of unripe hazelnut in the husk (Corylus avellana L.)

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    Background The hazelnut (Corylus avellana) is still one of the most profitable nut crop species. In recent years, however, there has been growing interest in this species in the form of “fresh nuts” that are picked before falling out of the fruit cover. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of storage conditions for hazelnuts protected with biological preparations on selected morphological features of the fruits, their health status and the count of bacteria and fungi colonizing the fruits. Results The hazelnuts harvested from the trees protected with a preparation containing Pythium oligandrum and stored for 2 months under the controlled atmosphere conditions and in Xtend® bags (MAP) had the greatest weight and the highest percentage of the kernel. After 3 months of storage, the hazelnuts had reduced commercial value. Only a few hazelnuts displayed symptoms of infectious diseases caused by species of Botrytis and Monilia. The protection applied before the hazelnut harvesting contributed to a multiple increase in the bacterial and yeasts count on the husks and shells of the hazelnuts stored for 3 months. The bacterial count on the nuts stored under the controlled atmosphere (CA, 3%O2:3%CO2, a temperature of 0–1 °C, humidity of 85–95%) and under the controlled atmosphere conditions and in Xtend® bags (MAP) increased significantly. An analysis of the ITS region sequence revealed the presence of bacteria Arthrobacter luteolus and Pantoea agglomerans. A Koch test proved that both non-pathogenic bacteria and pathogenic fungi can cause the browning of the C. avellana leaf under conditions of high humidity. The application of a controlled atmosphere is recommended for a short-term storage of hazelnuts in the husk. Conclusion This research showed that 2 months’ storage of hazelnuts under controlled atmosphere conditions and Xtend® bags (MAP) prevented a reduction in the weight of hazelnuts in the husk, without the husk, and of the kernel and prevented the nut separation from the husk. In general, the application of biopreparations for the protection of the hazelnut had a positive effect on the kernel weight and size

    Spatial variability of macroelements in soils in the Lier River valley (Buskerud Region, Southern Norway)

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    The total content and relationships between macroelements (Ca, Mg, K, Na, Mn, Fe and Al) and soil properties along the soil catena in the hilly valley of Lier River, S Norway, are discussed in the paper. The upper and middle part of the Lier River valley is covered with Stagnic Phaeozems formed from silt loam and sandy loam. In some parts of middle slope, Haplic Phaeozems (Anocolluvic) formed from silt loam and sandy loam occurred. The flat areas in the lower part of slope were covered with Mollic Gleysols formed from silt and silt loam. The average total amounts of macroelements were not high: Ca – 4.04g kg -1, Mg – 4.34g kg -1, K – 4.31 g kg -1, Na – 0.53 g kg -1, Fe – 19.05 g kg -1, Mn – 0.32 g kg -1 and Al – 20.22 g kg -1. These total amounts showed little vertical and horizontal variance in the soil profiles. The principal component analysis showed that the total amounts of elements in analysed soils was dependent mainly on sand and silt, and the similarity of soil horizons, in the cluster analysis, proves the translocation of macroelements was probable

    Ocena głębokości i częstotliwości kompresji klatki piersiowej podczas symulacji resuscytacji krążeniowo-oddechowej, w trakcie 10-minutowego ciągłego zewnętrznego masażu serca

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    INTRODUCTION: External cardiac massage has been a basic CPR maneuver for years. The aim of the study was to assess the quality of chest compression during a real-time continuous cardiac compression simulation on a cardio-pulmonary resuscitation mannequin (considering medical rescuer experience and BMI). MATERIAL AND METHODS: This was a prospective study involving 17 medical rescuers, and 21 Medical Rescue stu-dents and university lecturers. During the simulation the participants performed continuous external cardiac compres-sion for 15 minutes or until the refusal to continue. The depth and rate were analyzed at 60-second periods, leading to average values of cardiopulmonary resuscitation effectiveness. The analysis covered complete research data gathered in real time (10 minute periods). RESULTS: The average compression depth significantly decreased from the first (40.66 SE ± 0.80 mm) to the fourth minute of the study (38.21 SE ± 0.95 mm). The average compression rate was significantly different between the initial values (120.97 SE ± 2.83/min) and the sixth minute of the study (123.69 SE ± 2.55/min). The average com-pression depth amounted to n 36.03 SE ± 1.22 mm in non-professionals and 40.06 SE ± 1.37 mm in professionally active participants. In the participants with a BMI > 25, the only differentiating point in time was the beginning of the task when the average compression depth was 41.97 SE ± 1.12 mm. In the participants with a BMI 25 jedynym różnicującym punktem czasowym był początek badania, w którym średnia głębo-kość ucisku wynosiła 41,97 SE ± 1,12 mm. WNIOSKI: Masa ciała ratownika jest istotnym czynnikiem wpływającym na uzyskanie głębszej kompresji klatki pier-siowej. Profesjonalni ratownicy są w stanie prowadzić skutecznie ciągłą kompresję klatki piersiowej w dłuższym czasie, osiągając zadowalające ugięcie oraz częstotliwość jej kompresji