40 research outputs found

    Observation of a Spinning Top in a Bose-Einstein Condensate

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    Boundaries strongly affect the behavior of quantized vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates, a phenomenon particularly evident in elongated cigar-shaped traps where vortices tend to orient along a short direction to minimize energy. Remarkably, contributions to the angular momentum of these vortices are tightly confined to the region surrounding the core, in stark contrast to untrapped condensates where all atoms contribute \hbar. We develop a theoretical model and use this, in combination with numerical simulations, to show that such localized vortices precess in an analogous manner to that of a classical spinning top. We experimentally verify this spinning-top behavior with our real-time imaging technique that allows for the tracking of position and orientation of vortices as they dynamically evolve. Finally, we perform an in-depth numerical investigation of our real-time expansion and imaging method, with the aim of guiding future experimental implementation, as well as outlining directions for its improvement.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Observation of a Cooperative Radiation Force in the Presence of Disorder

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    Cooperative scattering of light by an extended object such as an atomic ensemble or a dielectric sphere is fundamentally different from scattering from many point-like scatterers such as single atoms. Homogeneous distributions tend to scatter cooperatively, whereas fluctuations of the density distribution increase the disorder and suppress cooperativity. In an atomic cloud, the amount of disorder can be tuned via the optical thickness, and its role can be studied via the radiation force exerted by the light on the atomic cloud. Monitoring cold 87Rb^{87}\text{Rb} atoms released from a magneto-optical trap, we present the first experimental signatures of radiation force reduction due to cooperative scattering. The results are in agreement with an analytical expression interpolating between the disorder and the cooperativity-dominated regimes

    Modification of radiation pressure due to cooperative scattering of light

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    Cooperative spontaneous emission of a single photon from a cloud of N atoms modifies substantially the radiation pressure exerted by a far-detuned laser beam exciting the atoms. On one hand, the force induced by photon absorption depends on the collective decay rate of the excited atomic state. On the other hand, directional spontaneous emission counteracts the recoil induced by the absorption. We derive an analytical expression for the radiation pressure in steady-state. For a smooth extended atomic distribution we show that the radiation pressure depends on the atom number via cooperative scattering and that, for certain atom numbers, it can be suppressed or enhanced.Comment: 8 pages, 2 Figure

    Lyapunov exponents, one-dimensional Anderson localisation and products of random matrices

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    The concept of Lyapunov exponent has long occupied a central place in the theory of Anderson localisation; its interest in this particular context is that it provides a reasonable measure of the localisation length. The Lyapunov exponent also features prominently in the theory of products of random matrices pioneered by Furstenberg. After a brief historical survey, we describe some recent work that exploits the close connections between these topics. We review the known solvable cases of disordered quantum mechanics involving random point scatterers and discuss a new solvable case. Finally, we point out some limitations of the Lyapunov exponent as a means of studying localisation properties.Comment: LaTeX, 23 pages, 3 pdf figures ; review for a special issue on "Lyapunov analysis" ; v2 : typo corrected in eq.(3) & minor change

    One-dimensional classical diffusion in a random force field with weakly concentrated absorbers

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    A one-dimensional model of classical diffusion in a random force field with a weak concentration ρ\rho of absorbers is studied. The force field is taken as a Gaussian white noise with \mean{\phi(x)}=0 and \mean{\phi(x)\phi(x')}=g \delta(x-x'). Our analysis relies on the relation between the Fokker-Planck operator and a quantum Hamiltonian in which absorption leads to breaking of supersymmetry. Using a Lifshits argument, it is shown that the average return probability is a power law \smean{P(x,t|x,0)}\sim{}t^{-\sqrt{2\rho/g}} (to be compared with the usual Lifshits exponential decay exp(ρ2t)1/3\exp{-(\rho^2t)^{1/3}} in the absence of the random force field). The localisation properties of the underlying quantum Hamiltonian are discussed as well.Comment: 6 pages, LaTeX, 5 eps figure

    Initiation à l'analyse spatiale à l'aide d'ArcView version 3.1

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    *INRA Centre de recherches de Nancy Laboratoire d'Intelligence Artificielle et Biométrie - 54280 Champenoux Diffusion du document : INRA Centre de recherches de Nancy Laboratoire d'Intelligence Artificielle et Biométrie - 54280 ChampenouxNational audienc