215 research outputs found

    Strengthening of the National Hydrographic Office of Sri Lanka - A German Technical Co-operation Development Project

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    The project ‘Strengthening of the National Hydrographic Office of Sri Lanka’ was initiated in 1988 as a project of Technical co-operation between the Government of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka and the Federal Republic of Germany. Implementing agencies were the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ — German Agency for Technical Cooperation) and the National Aquatic Resources Agency of Sri Lanka (NARA). Hamburg Port Consulting, with its qualified and experienced experts in Hydrography and on account of their close co-operation with the Bundesamt fiir Seeschiffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH — Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency) and the Forschungsbereich Hydrographie of the Fachhochschule Hamburg (Hamburg Polytechnic — research section ‘Hydrography’), is carrying out the German part of the project by sub contract. Since 1988, experts of HPC have been working on the project in Sri Lanka. In September 1990, phase I of the Project was completed successfully. The personnel of the National Hydrographic Office (NHO) were trained in basic hydrography, an outfit of hydrographic equipment was installed and put into operation, and the NHO was enabled to produce fair-sheets. At present, phase II of the project is in progress (1990 to 1993). The objectives of phase II are the expansion and improvement of phase I to carry on the training on-the-job, to organize training courses and to install additional equipment. It is intended to procure a survey vessel and a small survey boat

    El tiempo como número y el estrato temporal elemental en Aristóteles

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    El objetivo de este escrito es doble, por un lado, busca explicitar el sentido del tiempo como número, por otro, mostrar por qué tal concepto de tiempo depende del horizonte de pasado y futuro, el cual remite a un "estrato" más elemental del tiempo, el cual es, por lo que concierne a Aristóteles: el presente. Pero no el presente visto como ahora sin duración (sentido lógico del ahora), sino el presente en el cual nos encontramos viviendo y desde el cual podemos medir el tiempo, un presente abierto al pasado y futuro y constituido por los mismos de un modo más radical.The aim of this paper is twofold: first, it attempts to make explicit the sense of time as number. In second place, it explains why such concept of time depends on the horizon of past and future that refers to a more elementary "stratum" of time which is, in so far as Aristotles is concerned, the present. But not the present conceived as a non-lasting now (logical sense of now), rather the present where we already find ourselves living and from wich we are able to measure time, a present open to future and past and constituted by them in a more radical way

    La escala del tiempo: El concepto pitagórico de analogía en la definición de tiempo platónico-aristotélica

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    Este artículo apunta a someter a consideración si existe o no un fundamento histórico-filosófico para la hipótesis de una homonimia no azarosa entre "escala de tiempo" y "escala musical". Un examen minucioso de ciertos pasajes del diálogo Timeo muestra que Platón fue el primero en sentar las bases para el concepto de tiempo, definido como número, al incorporar el concepto de 'analogía' ( ἀναλογία) o proporción, el cual fue desarrollado por los pitagóricos en el marco místico y teórico de los principios emergentes de la armonía tonal. La teoría pitagórico-platónica de proporciones subyace -como intentaré probar- en el concepto aristotélico de tiempo y, en cuanto tal, en la representación tradicional del tiempo como parámetro y escala del movimiento.This article aims to unpack the query of whether or not there is a historical- philosophical basis for the hypothesis of a non-random homonymy between 'time scale' and 'musical scale.' A deeper look into certain passages of Plato's dialog Timaios, shows that he first laid the foundation for the concept of time, defined as number, by incorporating the concept of 'proportion' or 'analogy' ( ἀναλογία), which was developed by the Pythagoreans in the mystical and theoretical frame of the rising principles of tonal harmony. The pythagorean-platonic theory of proportion underlies -as I will try to prove- the aristotelian concept of time, and thus the traditional representation of time as a parameter and scale of movements.Fil: Simesen de Bielke, Martín Miguel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Instituto de Modelado e Innovación Tecnológica. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Naturales y Agrimensura. Instituto de Modelado e Innovación Tecnológica; Argentin

    Formation of the solid-state high-order harmonic generation plateau through destructive interference

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    In frequently studied two-band models for solid-state high-harmonic generation, interband harmonics in principle can range from the minimum to the maximum bandgap. However, it is known that a laser-intensity dependent cutoff exists that may be well below the maximum bandgap unless the laser intensity is so high that the electrons explore the entire Brillouin zone. We show that this laser-intensity dependent cutoff is formed by destructive interference of the emission of electrons starting at different initial states in the Brillouin zone. The calculations in this work are for Su-Schrieffer-Heeger chains but our findings apply to other two-band systems as well. Only when the sampling of the Brillouin zone is fine enough or, equivalently, a finite chain is long enough in position space, the destructive interference is complete and forms the cutoff. For coarser sampling and shorter chains all harmonics between minimum and maximum bandgap are emitted. A time-frequency analysis shows how certain trajectories are responsible for the formation of the cutoff.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Alternative Strategies for Salmonella Control in Poultry

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    El valor del dato en la industria del conocimiento

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    El objetivo general del estudio es contribuir a identificar cuellos de botellas en la cadena de valor en la Industria del Conocimiento, más precisamente en el primer eslabón (las fuentes), con el propósito de estimular pequeños cambios en la productividad científica-universitaria y demás instituciones vinculadas a la industria. La redacción de esta ponencia surgió a partir de la observación resultante del abordaje de un estudio exploratorio aterrizado a la estructuración de un reservorio de fuentes para la investigación, análisis e interpretación de las mismas para distintos usuarios de la provincia de Entre Ríos.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació
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