7 research outputs found
Особливості підготовки майбутніх фахівців з фізичного виховання та спорту до рекреаційно-оздоровчої діяльності у Польщі
Нині в Україні існує суспільна необхідність у фахівцях із фізичного виховання та спорту, здатних виконувати рекреаційно-оздоровчу діяльність, що вкрай важливо для пропаганди здорового способу життя, профілактики захворювань і підвищення рівня рухової активності різних верств населення. Особистість фахівця з рекреаційно-оздоровчої діяльності є одним із найважливіших факторів залучення населення до раціональної рухової активності. Критичне осмислення ключових аспектів польського досвіду підготовки таких фахівців слугуватиме потребам розвитку національної галузі фізичної культури й спорту. Визначено та проаналізовано основні тенденції підготовки майбутніх фахівців з фізичного виховання та спорту до рекреаційно-оздоровчої діяльності в Польщі. Використано теоретичні методи дослідження: аналіз, синтез, узагальнення, систематизацію, конкретизацію, порівняннята прогнозування. Порівняння нормативних засад працевлаштування фахівців із фізичного виховання та спорту в Україні й Польщі дав змогу встановити їх подібність.В Україні підготовка таких фахівців здійснюється розрізнено в межах спеціалізацій та освітніх програм спеціальностей «Середня освіта (фізична культура)» та «Фізична культура і спорт»; у Польщі – відповідно, у межах спеціалізацій за напрямами «Фізичне виховання» і «Туризм та рекреація». Схарактеризовано Польські освітні стандарти в частині переліку знань, умінь і компетентностей, необхідних для виконання рекреаційно-оздоровчої діяльності. Визначено перелік спеціальностей і спеціалізацій для набуття кваліфікації інструктора фітнесу й рухової рекреації. Наведено приклади їх реалізації польськими закладами вищої освіти, перелік яких визначено з урахуванням вимог ринку праці та наявних можливостей для підготовки таких кадрів. Названу вище кваліфікацію можна здобути також на курсах або післядипломних студіях польських закладів вищої освіти. Найбільш розповсюджені спеціалізації в межах спеціальності «Рухова рекреація»: Аквафітнес; Фітнес – силові вправи; Фітнес – сучасні види гімнастики; Корекційна рухова активність
Prerequisites for stretching use in physical education of high school female students
The article deals with flexibility as one of the leading physical characteristic of a person, presents the scientific view of the types of flexibility and their description, as well as peculiarities of flexibility development at different stages of human life. The paper also covers flexibility development methods using various exercises, including different types of stretching. The author considers the possibilities of stretching use in physical education of secondary schools students in Ukraine
Organizational and methodological aspects of primary swimming teaching for junior schoolchildren
The goal. The current state of development of society makes quite high demands on man as a person and a bearer of universal cultural values, an important place in which are healthy forms of human life. One of the important components of these forms is the ability to swim, the foundation of which is laid in childhood. This is since the qualities formed in childhood are the strongest and play a major role in the formation of personality.
Methodology: To achieve this goal, research methods such as data analysis of scientific and methodological literature, a generalization of the experience of best pedagogical practice were used. Analysis of data of scientific and methodical literature, the generalization of experience of advanced pedagogical.
Results. The mechanism of forming a value attitude to swimming is the activity of resolving the contradiction between the awareness of its importance in human life and fear and psychological unpreparedness for water activities. Based on the analysis of the scientific literature, the main components of the methodology of primary swimming training of junior schoolchildren were identified, which contains the target, content, and methodological components.
Conclusion. The proposed components of organizational and methodological aspects of primary swimming training of junior schoolchildren form a system that combines based on a common goal target, meaningful, criterion, methodological component and provide the result – achieving sustainable positive internal personality changes and positive dynamics of swimming skills in young children
Current Situation in Teaching Physical Education at Universities in the Slovak Republic
The aim of the study was to draw an accurate picture of the current situation in teaching physical education at universities in the Slovak Republic. The authors seek further ways of sustaining and developing it as a prerequisite for a healthy lifestyle of the university population. The analysis confirmed that technical universities in Slovakia show a substantially more positive approach towards physical education in their curriculum than social and natural sciences universities. Of the 105 monitored faculties of public universities, physical education is listed as a compulsory subject at 13 out of 27 faculties of technical universities and only at 9 out of 78 faculties with a humanities focus. Physical edu- cation is present at every faculty of technical universities in our research; the situation is much less favorable at all other universities, where as many as 45 faculties do not offer physical education in their curriculum. Among them are faculties that educate future primary and secondary school teachers. We further found that directly affiliated university departments of Physical Education have a better chance of maintaining sport and physical activity at university, whether as compulsory part of the higher education curricula or as extracurricular optional sporting activities
Current Situation in Teaching Physical Education at Universities in the Slovak Republic
The aim of the study was to draw an accurate picture of the current situation in teaching physical education at universities in the Slovak Republic. The authors seek further ways of sustaining and developing it as a prerequisite for a healthy lifestyle of the university population. The analysis confirmed that technical universities in Slovakia show a substantially more positive approach towards physical education in their curriculum than social and natural sciences universities. Of the 105 monitored faculties of public universities, physical education is listed as a compulsory subject at 13 out of 27 faculties of technical universities and only at 9 out of 78 faculties with a humanities focus. Physical edu- cation is present at every faculty of technical universities in our research; the situation is much less favorable at all other universities, where as many as 45 faculties do not offer physical education in their curriculum. Among them are faculties that educate future primary and secondary school teachers. We further found that directly affiliated university departments of Physical Education have a better chance of maintaining sport and physical activity at university, whether as compulsory part of the higher education curricula or as extracurricular optional sporting activities
The Influence of Crossfit on the Dynamics of Physical Fitness Indicators of Youth
The strategy of modern higher education should form a specialist who is able not only to realize the accumulated potential of knowledge, abilities and skills, but also to go beyond the limits of regulated activities, which characterizes the tendency to increase the role of the “human factor” in all spheres of work, including in the military sphere. Therefore, the purpose of the research was to study and determine the effectiveness of the influence of CrossFit on the dynamics of indicators of physical fitness of young people. We conducted a comparative analysis of the level and dynamics of physical fitness of young people (17.6 ±0.2 years old; range: 17–21 years old), who during their studies, were systematically engaged in CrossFit activities (n = 24), and students who had PE classes run according to the existing program of physical education in higher education institutions (n = 23). The level of physical fitness was determined according to the results of exams andcredits in physical education. The study of the level of physical fitness of young people showed that the use of CrossFit leads to better resultsof basic physical qualities and positive changes in the human body (t = 4.44; p < 0.001)