17 research outputs found

    Ammonia borane-based nanocomposites as solid state hydrogen stores for portable power applications

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    Ammonia borane (AB) based nanocomposites have been investigated with the aim of developing a promising solid-state hydrogen store that complies with the requirements of a modular polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEM FC) in a portable power pack system. AB-carbon nanocomposites (prepared via ball milling or solution-impregnation) demonstrate improved hydrogen release performance compared to AB itself in terms of onset temperature and hydrogen purity, while maintaining a gravimetric density of more than 5 wt. % H2. The most promising of these materials is an AB-AC (activated carbon) composite, synthesised via solution-impregnation with an optimal dehydrogenation temperature of 96 掳C. When combined with an external nickel chloride filter downstream, no evolved gaseous by-products can be detected above 100 ppb. The feasibility of an AB-AC storage tank has been further endorsed by simulations in which the reaction rate and the hydrogen flux was found to be almost constant as the temperature front propagated from the bottom to the top of the tank after initiation

    Rapid surfactant-free synthesis of Mg(OH)2 nanoplates and pseudomorphic dehydration to MgO

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    Magnesium hydroxide nanoplates ca. 50 nm in thickness can be prepared over minute timescales via hydrothermal synthesis in a multimode cavity (MMC) microwave reactor. This approach allows ca. 1 g of single-phase Mg(OH)2 to be synthesised in under 3 minutes without the requirement of surfactants or non-aqueous solvents. The hydroxide nanomaterial dehydrates at temperatures >200 K below that of the equivalent bulk material and can be utilised as a precursor for the pseudomorphic synthesis of nanoplates of MgO as investigated by TG-DTA-MS, XRD and SEM measurements. Equally, the pseudomorphic synthesis can be performed by irradiating the Mg(OH)2 nanomaterial with microwaves for 6 minutes to produce single phase MgO

    First Workshop on Identification of Future Emerging Technologies for Low Carbon Energy Supply

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    As part of the European Commission's internal Low Carbon Energy Observatory project, the Joint Research Centre is developing an inventory of future emerging technologies relevant to energy supply. A key part of this initiative is consultation with external experts. This workshop is the first step in this process. It targets two main energy research areas: electricity from electromagnetic irradiation (principally photovoltaics, but also thermo-electric concepts) and fuels (comprising fuel cells, hydrogen and biofuels). Issues of general interest are also considered. The goal is to identify innovative technologies and processes for energy supply, possibly not sufficiently considered in current research funding programs.JRC.C.4-Sustainable Transpor

    Rapid surfactant-free synthesis of Mg(OH)2 nanoplates and pseudomorphic dehydration to MgO

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    Magnesium hydroxide nanoplates ca. 50 nm in thickness can be prepared over minute timescales via hydrothermal synthesis in a multimode cavity (MMC) microwave reactor. This approach allows ca. 1 g of single-phase Mg(OH)2 to be synthesised in under 3 minutes without the requirement of surfactants or non-aqueous solvents. The hydroxide nanomaterial dehydrates at temperatures >200 K below that of the equivalent bulk material and can be utilised as a precursor for the pseudomorphic synthesis of nanoplates of MgO as investigated by TG-DTA-MS, XRD and SEM measurements. Equally, the pseudomorphic synthesis can be performed by irradiating the Mg牟OH)2 nanomaterial with microwaves for 6 minutes to produce single-phase MgO.JRC.F.2-Energy Conversion and Storage Technologie

    Scientific Assessment in support of the Materials Roadmap enabling Low Carbon Energy Technologies: Hydrogen and Fuel Cells

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    A group experts from European research organisations and industry have assessed the state of the art and future eeds for materials' R&D for hydrogen and fuel cell technologies. The work was performed as input to the European Commission's roadmapping exercise on materials for the European Strategic Energy Technology Plan. The report summarises the results, including key targets identified for medium term (2020/2030) and long term (2050) timescales.JRC.F.2-Cleaner energ

    Opracowanie matematycznych i fizycznych metod eliminacji efekt贸w matrycy w rentgenowskiej mikroanalizie fluorescencyjnej pojedynczych ziaren: rozprawa doktorska /

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    Recenzenci pracy: Piotr Urba艅ski, Jerzy Janczyszyn.Praca doktorska. Akademia G贸rniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanis艂awa Staszica (Krak贸w), 2006.Bibliogr. k. 93-97. Indeksy.Fizyczne podstawy mikroskopii rentgenowskiej, 藕r贸d艂a promieniowania wzbudzaj膮cego, optyka promieniowania X, kolimatory, reflektory Bragga, zwierciad艂a, soczewki refrakcyjne, strefowe Fresnela, kapilary, polikapilary, detektory, rentgenowskie promieniowanie charakterystyczne, efekty matrycy, metody ich eliminacji, metoda u偶ycia promieniowania pierwotnego rozproszonego niekoherentnie, metody wykorzystuj膮ce koherentne, niekoherentne rozproszenie, parametr贸w fundamentalnych, rozw贸j technik pomiarowych, aplikacji mikroskopii rentgenowskiej, konfokalnej, do艣wiadczalna metoda korekcji efektu absorpcji w zastosowaniu do analizy pojedynczych ziaren, wyznaczenie wsp贸艂czynnika absorpcji promieniowania w ziarnie, obliczenie 艣redniej energii promieniowania wzbudzaj膮cego dla ka偶dego pierwiastka, analiza efekt贸w geometrycznych przy za艂o偶eniu r贸偶nych aproksymacji kszta艂tu ziaren, przybli偶enie kszta艂tu ziarna p艂askor贸wnoleg艂膮 warstw膮, aproksymacja kszta艂tu ziarna sze艣cianem, graniastos艂upem, wyznaczenie masy, metoda wykorzystuj膮ca rozproszone promieniowanie pierwotne, niezale偶nego pomiaru 艣rednicy, absorpcji wi膮zki wzbudzaj膮cej, walidacja zaproponowanej metody korekcji efekt贸w matrycy, spektrometr, kalibracja, wyznaczenie iloczynu ca艂kowitego masowego wsp贸艂czynnika absorpcji promieniowania i masy powierzchniowej funkcji energii, analiza ziaren materia艂u referencyjnego, badanie dok艂adno艣ci analiz dla r贸偶nych modeli kszta艂tu ziaren, metod wyznaczenia masy, analiza wynik贸w pomiar贸w du偶ej serii pojedynczych ziaren minera艂贸w z zastosowaniem metod wielowymiarowej analizy wariancji, przygotowanie danych do analizy statystycznej, wielowymiarowa analiza wariancji, ilo艣ciowa wybranych ziaren, przestrzennego rozmieszczenia pierwiastk贸w metod膮 mikroskopii konfokalnej, wykonanie pomiar贸w, jako艣ciowa rekonstrukcja rozk艂adu przestrzennego pierwiastk贸w, zawarto艣ci pierwiastk贸w g艂贸wnych metod膮 korelacji nat臋偶e

    Beta delayed neutron measurements by means of Modular Total Absorption Spectrometer

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    Possibility to use Modular Total Absorption Spectrometer (MTAS) as a device to measure complete decay scheme, including 尾-n of neutron rich isotopes, has been investigated. Analysis of well known 87Br with its 2.6% 尾-n branching ratio served as a test case. Preliminary results agree with the published data

    Beta delayed neutron measurements by means of Modular Total Absorption Spectrometer

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    Possibility to use Modular Total Absorption Spectrometer (MTAS) as a device to measure complete decay scheme, including 尾-n of neutron rich isotopes, has been investigated. Analysis of well known 87Br with its 2.6% 尾-n branching ratio served as a test case. Preliminary results agree with the published data

    Ammonia Borane Based Nanocomposites as Solid鈥怱tate Hydrogen Stores for Portable Power Applications

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    Ammonia borane (AB) based nanocomposites are studied with the aim of developing a promising solid-state hydrogen store that complies with the requirements of a modular polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEM FC) in a portable power pack system. AB-carbon nanocomposites (prepared via ball milling or solution-impregnation) demonstrate improved hydrogen release performance compared to AB itself in terms of onset temperature and hydrogen purity, while maintaining a gravimetric density of more than 5 wt.% H2. The most promising of these materials is an AB-AC (activated carbon) composite, synthesized via solution impregnation with an optimal dehydrogenation temperature of 968C. When combined with an external nickel chloride filter downstream, no evolved gaseous by-products can be detected above 100 ppb. The feasibility of an AB-AC storage tank is further investigated using simulations in which the reaction rate and the hydrogen flux is found to be nearly constant as the temperature front propagated from the bottom to the top of the tank after initiation.JRC.C.1-Energy Storag

    Internal and External Dosimetry organization in the Joint Research Centre of Ispra

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    Abstract The Joint Research Centre of Ispra, one of the research Sites belonging to the European Commission, Directorate General JRC, was created in the late 驴50s, in order to steer European research on nuclear industry. It hosts numerous nuclear facilities, some of which are maintained in operation, while others were shutdown in past years, namely: two research nuclear reactors, hot cells facilities, radiochemical laboratories, one Cyclotron (still in operation), facilities for studies on fissile material (in operation), and some facilities for the treatment and storage of liquid and solid waste (in operation). The JRC accounts for 16 nuclear licences, 14 Controlled Zones and 12 main Surveilled Zones, on its Ispra Site. The Radiation Protection Sector employs the services of some internal laboratories for the assessment of external and internal doses: the 驴Dosimetry驴 Laboratory (for personal and ambient TLDs), the Whole Body Count Laboratory, the Radiotoxicological Laboratory (for analyses on excreta), the Radiation Protection Sector itself (for ambient dose and contamination reporting, and electronic personal dosimeters readings). Some of these Services are open also to the external market, and JRC-Ispra is among the few being able to provide, in Italy, either for internal and external dosimetric services to Customers. The paper will discuss the organization and the structure of the Dosimetry and the Whole Body Count Laboratories, and their functions in the management of daily Radiation Protection tasks at the JRC. Moreover, in order to follow-up and control Personnel radiation doses, the Radiation Protection Sector has developed and put in place, in 2007, the 驴Unified Dosimetry System驴, a wide and flexible database centralizing all dosimetric data and making them on-line available to JRC Radiation Protection experts and to the JRC Qualified Expert.JRC.C.1-Nuclear Decommissionin