40 research outputs found
Personality traits and the feeling of loneliness of women treated for infertility
Summary Objectives: Assessing the feeling of loneliness of women treated because of infertility, compared to women without any procreation problems, and verifying, whether there is a correlation with the presented personality traits. Material and methods: 26 women treated for infertility (in accordance with the officially recognized criteria) in the Obstetrics and Women Health Clinic at the Medical University in Gdańsk, and 25 women not experiencing any procreation problems, were included into the study. The research tools included a self-constructed sociodemographic questionnaire, the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) and the UCLA Loneliness Scale by D. Russell, L. Peplau, C. Cytron. Results: There are significant differences among the investigated groups in terms of the following personality dimensions: Masculinity – Femininity, Paranoia, Psychasthenia, Schizophrenia and the Social Introversion Scale. Women treated because of infertility scored higher in all these scales, their results remained within the norm though. The studied groups demonstrated different relations between the MMPI scales and the UCLA scales results. Conclusions: Women treated due to infertility have a personality profile similar to women without any procreation problems. Only the group whose profiles exhibited some pathological features demonstrated symptoms of worse adaptation to life, a tendency to experience a higher psychological discomfort and higher psychological stress, higher level of anxiety related to being assessed by others, and greater difficulties in accepting the role of a female. As far as the sense of loneliness was concerned women treated due to infertility did not differ significantly from the ones without procreation problems
Paternal Postpartum Bonding and Its Predictors in the Early Postpartum Period: Cross-Sectional Study in a Polish Cohort
Introduction: Parental postpartum bonding has been studied by many researchers focusing on maternal bonding. The objective of this study was to examine the psychological and socio-demographic predictors of paternal postpartum bonding in the early postpartum period. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 131 couples (fathers median age of 32.37 years, SD = 4.59; mothers median age of 30.23 years, SD = 3.90) of newborns from full-term pregnancies were recruited from November 2019 until March 2020. The primary outcome was paternal postpartum bonding as measured by the Postpartum Bonding Questionnaire (PBQ). Secondary outcomes included: maternal and paternal anxiety [with the Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) Assessment]; maternal and paternal stress [with the Parental Stress Scale (PSS)]; maternal depressive symptoms [with the Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale (EPDS)]; and maternal and paternal socio-demographic variables as fathers’ presence at childbirth, education level, age, and parental experience. Results: Paternal postpartum bonding was significantly correlated with paternal anxiety (moderate strength), maternal stress (strong correlation), and maternal postpartum bonding. No significant correlations between paternal postpartum bonding, maternal depression symptoms, and maternal anxiety were found. The mediating role of paternal stress in paternal postpartum bonding was proven. Paternal anxiety strengthens paternal stress (b = 0.98). Further, a high level of paternal stress disrupts paternal postpartum bonding (b = 0.41). Results of regression analyses have revelated that maternal infant bonding (p < 0.01) and paternal stress (p < 0.01) are the only predictors of parental postpartum bonding across all included variables. None of investigated socio-demographic variables were associated with paternal postpartum bonding. Conclusion: Notwithstanding limitations, the current findings add to a growing body of literature on paternal postpartum bonding. The results have shown that paternal mental health is related to parental postpartum bonding directly after delivery.publishedVersio
Personality type, social support and other correlates of risk for affective disorders in early puerperium
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence of risk for postpartum mood disorders in mothers during the early postnatal period and to search for coexisting conditions.
Material and methods: We studied 546 women in the first week after delivery. The subjects filled out a questionnaire concerning their health, social and demographic status, the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, the Patient Health Questionnaire, the NEO-FFI Personality Inventory and the Berlin Social Support Scales.
Results: Probable mood disorders affected 15.85% of these patients. The risk increased with a current cesarean section (ORa = 2.54), a higher level of neuroticism (ORa = 1.65), greater fear of childbirth (ORa = 1.18), a lower level of extraversion (ORa = 0.77) and greater need for social support (ORa = 2.68).
Conclusions: High level of neuroticism and introversion, as well as higher fear of delivery and the need of social support are among factors increasing the probability of mood disturbances in early postpartum period. A cesarean section might elevate the risk similarly. The mental health of such patients should be carefully examined
Development and validation of the attitude towards Surrogacy Scale in a polish sample
Surrogacy—is one of the most controversial methods of infertility treatment. This concept is associated with difficult ethical, psychological and social issues, in which each aspect may lead to different trends in attitudes. The study of attitudes in society plays an important role in the analysis of various aspects of a given phenomenon, helps to fill legal gaps and ambiguities, and to transform controversial dimensions into normative concepts. Thus, this study aimed to develop and validate a scale to assess the attitudes towards surrogacy. The survey used in this study, consisted of 24 questions, which were organized into the four subscales: general opinion on surrogacy and its social context (7 items), financing and legalizing surrogacy (8 items), the acceptance of surrogacy (4 items), and attitudes towards the intended parents and children born through surrogacy (5 items). 442 individuals participated in this study. The final version of Attitude towards Surrogacy Scale consists of 15 questions, grouped in three subscales: opinion on surrogacy ethical context, financing and legalizing surrogacy, and an acceptance of surrogacy. This is the first scale in Poland for the assessment of general attitudes towards surrogacy. This measure allows to capture the opinions towards three aspects of surrogacy: surrogacy’s ethical context, the financing and legalizing surrogacy, and acceptance of surrogacy. The scale can be addressed to various groups in the society, not only for studies related to reproductive medicine.publishedVersio
The impact of cognitive impairment of individuals with Parkinson's disease on their caregivers' mental health: A systematic review protocol
Introduction Parkinson’s disease is a motor disease, the second most common neurodegenerative disorder with cardinal symptoms including bradykinesia, rigidity, and rest tremor accompanied by cognitive difficulties. The caregivers play a crucial role for individuals with Parkinson’s disease; however, many of them may suffer from high caregiver burden and mental health deterioration. This protocol of a systematic review presents a methodology of the review about the impact of cognitive impairment of individuals with Parkinson’s disease on their caregivers’ mental health. Material and methods Research will be identified by combining electronic databases searching and hand searching. The following databases will be included: Medline, PsycInfo, Web of Sciences, Cochrane, CINAHL, Embase and Scopus. The inclusion and exclusion criteria followed to PECOS model. The population of informal caregivers is defined as family members providing care on a patient with Parkinson’s disease. Exposure is linked with the evaluation of a cognitive functioning and outcome is defined as mental health among caregivers of individuals with Parkinson’s disease. We will include two types of studies: observational and intervention. Both, screening and eligibility will be done by two independent reviewers. Study quality will be assessed by two authors independently. Data will be extracted by two reviewers independently and will follow a pre-pilot extraction form. Any discrepancies will be resolved by discussion or/and consultation with another reviewer. The synthesis without meta-analysis (SWiM) guidelines will be used to report on included studies data. The metanalysis with usage the statistical software R version 4.1.2 (2021-11-01) “Bird Hippie” and R metaphor package 3.0–2 of will be conducted if possible. Discussion The goal of this systematic review is to present the association between caregivers’ mental health problems and their proteges’ cognitive impairment. It will enable to identify the gaps in literature and its methodology giving the suggestions for further research.publishedVersio
Relationship, social support, and personality as psychosocial determinants of the risk for postpartum blues
Objectives: The purpose of the study was to identify factors increasing or decreasing the risk for postpartum blues.
Material and methods: A total of 101 women in their first week postpartum were included in the study. The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, questions concerning their medical and social status, and psychological tests (the Personality Inventory NEO-FFI, The Mieczysław Plopa and Jan Rostowski Marriage Questionnaire, and the Berlin Social Support Scales) were used.
Results: The probability of postpartum blues was detected in 16.8% of the respondents. The risk decreased with higher satisfaction with intimacy (OR = 0.81), partner similarity (OR = 0.78), and the overall satisfaction with the relationship (OR = 0.94), while higher disappointment elevated that risk (OR = 1.12). As far as social support is concerned, further independent factors included perceived available social support (OR = 0.31), perceived instrumental social support (OR = 0.24), need for support (OR = 2.74), and protective buffering support (OR = 3.41). High level of neuroticism as well as fear of childbirth increased the risk for postpartum blues (OR = 2.17 and OR = 1.30, respectively). High level of extraversion and better quality of sleep constituted protective factors (OR = 0.74 and OR = 0.60, respectively).
Conclusions: Maternal disappointment with marriage/relationship, neuroticism and introversion, poor quality of sleep, fear of childbirth, and seeking social support are among the factors signaling the need for careful observation for signs of possible postpartum mood disorders both, during hospitalization and the follow-up visits
Doświadczanie stresu a uzyskiwane wsparcie społeczne przez kobiety w ciąży wysokiego ryzyka: Doniesienie wstępne
A prenatal diagnosis of a congenital disorder is a traumatic moment in the life of a family, especially the pregnant woman. This is why a supportive attitude from not only the husband and medical personnel, but also the wider spectrum of social support is so important.The goal of the undertaken research was to assess the relationship between the course of pregnancy and the subjectively perceived stress and social support. We examined 30 women (15 – the experimental group – women in high-risk pregnancies characterized by an impaired development of the child, the remaining 15 women – the control group of mothers whose children were prematurely born and had a very low birth weight). All of the examined women were hospitalized in the Obstetric Clinic of Gdańsk Medical University.We used the following research methods: Ustrukturowany Wywiad (Polish for Structured Interview) by M. Bidzan, M. Świątkowska-Freund and K. Preis, Nieland Social Support Questionnaire adapted to Polish language by E. Bielawska-Batorowicz, Perceived Stress Questionnaire by Levenstein adapted to Polish by M. Plopa.Results: Women diagnosed with a complicated pregnancy where the development of the child was impaired reached higher levels of stress than the mothers whose children were prematurely born. The contentment resulting from the obtained social support, especially from the husband or partner, lowered the levels of negative emotions such as worrying, irritability, feeling overwhelmed, perception of tension and pressure. It also lowered the overall levels of stress and increased the perceived happiness.Sytuacja, w której zostaje zdiagnozowana wada wrodzona dziecka w okresie prenatalnym jest momentem najbardziej traumatycznym w życiu całej rodziny, a szczególnie przyszłej matki. Dlatego tak ważna jest wspierająca postawa nie tylko męża i personelu medycznego, ale szersze spektrum wsparcia społecznego.Celem podjętych badań była ocena związku przebiegu ciąży z subiektywnie odczuwanym stresem i uzyskiwanym wsparciem społecznym. W tym kontekście zbadałyśmy 30 kobiet (15 z nich stanowiło grupę kryterialną – kobiety w ciąży zagrożonej ze względu na nieprawidłowy rozwój dziecka, 15 – grupę kontrolną, w skład której weszły matki wcześniaków o bardzo niskiej masie urodzeniowej). Wszystkie badane były hospitalizowane w Klinice Położnictwa Gdańskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego.Zastosowano następujące metody badawcze: ustrukturowany wywiad autorstwa M. Bidzan, M. Świątkowskiej-Freund i K. Preisa, Kwestionariusz Źródła Wsparcia Społecznego M. Nieland w adaptacji polskiej E. Bielawskiej-Batorowicz, Kwestionariusz Poziomu Stresu PS Levenstein w adaptacji polskiej M. Plopy.Wyniki: Kobiety z diagnozą ciąży powikłanej ze względu na nieprawidłowy rozwój dziecka osiągają wyższy poziom stresu od matek dzieci urodzonych przedwcześnie. Odczuwane przez kobiety w ciąży wysokiego ryzyka zadowolenie z uzyskiwanego wsparcia społecznego, w szczególności od męża/partnera, obniża poziom negatywnych emocji, takich jak: zamartwianie się, drażliwość, poczucie przeciążenia i napięcia oraz presji, a także obniża ogólny poziom stresu, zwiększa poczucie radości
Socio-demographic and psychological determinants of exclusive breastfeeding after six months postpartum — a Polish case-cohort study
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to explore the socio-demographic and psychological factors connected with exclusive breastfeeding after 6 months postpartum.
Material and methods: A total of 251 women filled in questionnaires in the first week postpartum, then again after 3 and 6 months. The questionnaires included socio-demographic and medical questions, as well as psychological tools: the NEO-FFI Personality Inventory, the Berlin Social Support Scales (BSSS), and the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS). Further detailed questions concerning breastfeeding were relevant to this study.
Results: The rate of exclusive breastfeeding after 6 months was 39.68%. It was found that exclusive breastfeeding was most strongly connected with attending prenatal classes (ORa = 2.84, CI 1.18–6.87, p = 0.01), formula supplementation after 3 months (ORa = 0.01, CI 0.002-0.08, p < 0.001) and the mother’s subjective satisfaction with feeding the infant after 3 months (ORa = 1.44, CI 1.01–2.06, p = 0.04). No other psychological (as far as personality, social support or risk of postpartum depression are concerned), demographic or medical factors were significant. Only factors pertaining to breastfeeding were significant.
Conclusions: The prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding in Poland is unsatisfactory. Women should have easy access to prenatal classes with the most up-to-date knowledge on lactation and be advised against supplementing with formula, whenever possible. This could lead to higher satisfaction with breastfeeding