1,938 research outputs found

    Thermal Conductivity of Supercooled Water

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    The heat capacity of supercooled water, measured down to -37 {\deg}C, shows an anomalous increase as temperature decreases. The thermal diffusivity, i. e., the ratio of the thermal conductivity and the heat capacity per unit volume, shows a decrease. These anomalies may be associated with a hypothetical liquid-liquid critical point in supercooled water below the line of homogeneous nucleation. However, while the thermal conductivity is known to diverge at the vapor-liquid critical point due to critical density fluctuations, the thermal conductivity of supercooled water, calculated as the product of thermal diffusivity and heat capacity, does not show any sign of such an anomaly. We have used mode-coupling theory to investigate the possible effect of critical fluctuations on the thermal conductivity of supercooled water, and found that indeed any critical thermal-conductivity enhancement would be too small to be measurable at experimentally accessible temperatures. Moreover, the behavior of thermal conductivity can be explained by the observed anomalies of the thermodynamic properties. In particular, we show that thermal conductivity should go through a minimum as temperature is decreased, as Kumar and Stanley observed in the TIP5P model of water. We discuss physical reasons for the striking difference between the behavior of thermal conductivity in water near the vapor-liquid and liquid-liquid critical points.Comment: References added, typos corrected. Extrapolation for viscosity improved; results essentially unchange

    Two-State Thermodynamics of Supercooled Water

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    Water has been called the “most studied and least understood” of all liquids, and upon supercooling its behavior becomes even more anomalous. One particularly fruitful hypothesis posits a liquid-liquid critical point terminating a line of liquid-liquid phase transitions that lies just beyond the reach of experiment. Underlying this hypothesis is the conjecture that there is a competition between two distinct hydrogen-bonding structures of liquid water, one associated with high density and entropy and the other with low density and entropy. The competition between these structures is hypothesized to lead at very low temperatures to a phase transition between a phase rich in the high-density structure and one rich in the low-density structure. Equations of state based on this conjecture have given an excellent account of the thermodynamic properties of supercooled water. In this thesis, I extend that line of research. I treat supercooled aqueous solutions and anomalous behavior of the thermal conductivity of supercooled water. I also address supercooled water at negative pressures, leading to a framework for a coherent understanding of the thermodynamics of water at low temperatures. I supplement analysis of experimental results with data from the TIP4P/2005 model of water, and include an extensive analysis of the thermodynamics of this model

    XO-2b: a hot Jupiter with a variable host star that potentially affects its measured transit depth

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    The transiting hot Jupiter XO-2b is an ideal target for multi-object photometry and spectroscopy as it has a relatively bright (VV-mag = 11.25) K0V host star (XO-2N) and a large planet-to-star contrast ratio (Rp_{p}/Rs0.015_{s}\approx0.015). It also has a nearby (31.21") binary stellar companion (XO-2S) of nearly the same brightness (VV-mag = 11.20) and spectral type (G9V), allowing for the characterization and removal of shared systematic errors (e.g., airmass brightness variations). We have therefore conducted a multiyear (2012--2015) study of XO-2b with the University of Arizona's 61" (1.55~m) Kuiper Telescope and Mont4k CCD in the Bessel U and Harris B photometric passbands to measure its Rayleigh scattering slope to place upper limits on the pressure-dependent radius at, e.g., 10~bar. Such measurements are needed to constrain its derived molecular abundances from primary transit observations. We have also been monitoring XO-2N since the 2013--2014 winter season with Tennessee State University's Celestron-14 (0.36~m) automated imaging telescope to investigate stellar variability, which could affect XO-2b's transit depth. Our observations indicate that XO-2N is variable, potentially due to {cool star} spots, {with a peak-to-peak amplitude of 0.0049±0.00070.0049 \pm 0.0007~R-mag and a period of 29.89±0.1629.89 \pm 0.16~days for the 2013--2014 observing season and a peak-to-peak amplitude of 0.0035±0.00070.0035 \pm 0.0007~R-mag and 27.34±0.2127.34 \pm 0.21~day period for the 2014--2015 observing season. Because of} the likely influence of XO-2N's variability on the derivation of XO-2b's transit depth, we cannot bin multiple nights of data to decrease our uncertainties, preventing us from constraining its gas abundances. This study demonstrates that long-term monitoring programs of exoplanet host stars are crucial for understanding host star variability.Comment: published in ApJ, 9 pages, 11 figures, 3 tables; updated figures with more ground-based monitoring, added more citations to previous work

    General Grant : an address delivered by Judge W. R. Biddle before Wm. H. Lytle Post G.A.R., at Fort Scott, Kansas, April 26, 1913

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    An illustration of the author, W. R. Biddle, is included in the pamphlet.https://scholarsjunction.msstate.edu/usg-pamphlets/1029/thumbnail.jp

    Thermodynamic bounds on ultrasensitivity in covalent switching

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    Switch-like motifs are among the basic building blocks of biochemical networks. A common motif that can serve as an ultrasensitive switch consists of two enzymes acting antagonistically on a substrate, one making and the other removing a covalent modification. To work as a switch, such covalent modification cycles must be held out of thermodynamic equilibrium by continuous expenditure of energy. Here, we exploit the linear framework for timescale separation to establish tight bounds on the performance of any covalent-modification switch, in terms of the chemical potential difference driving the cycle. The bounds apply to arbitrary enzyme mechanisms, not just Michaelis-Menten, with arbitrary rate constants, and thereby reflect fundamental physical constraints on covalent switching.Comment: 29 pages, 6 figure

    High-speed Photometric Observations of ZZ Ceti White Dwarf Candidates

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    We present high-speed photometric observations of ZZ Ceti white dwarf candidates drawn from the spectroscopic survey of bright DA stars from the Villanova White Dwarf Catalog by Gianninas et al., and from the recent spectroscopic survey of white dwarfs within 40 parsecs of the Sun by Limoges et al. We report the discovery of six new ZZ Ceti pulsators from these surveys, and several photometrically constant DA white dwarfs, which we then use to refine the location of the ZZ Ceti instability strip.Comment: 4 pages, 1 table, 2 figures, to appear in "19th European White Dwarf Workshop" in the ASP Conference Serie

    Lack of knowledge of physical activity guidelines: Can physical activity promotion campaigns do better?

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    Objectives: To identify the prevalence of knowledge of the current UK physical activity guidelines which were introduced in 2011 and prior physical activity guidelines (30 min on 5 days each week) within two large samples of UK adult's. To investigate whether knowledge of physical activity guidelines differs according to demographics such as ethnicity, age, education and employment status. Design: Descriptive cross-sectional study comparing two distinctive adult samples. Setting: National survey and online-administered survey conducted in England. Participants: The 2007 Health Survey for England provides data on knowledge of physical activity guidelines from 2860 UK adults (56% women, 89% white, 63% under 45 years old). In 2013, an online survey was disseminated and data were collected from 1797 UK adults on knowledge of the most recent physical activity guidelines. The 2013 sample was 70% women, 92% white and 57% under 45 years old. All adults in both samples were >18 years old and without illnesses/disorders likely to restrict physical activity. Main outcomes: Knowledge of physical activity guidelines in 2007 and 2013. Demographic correlates of knowledge of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity guidelines. Results: 18% of the 2013 sample accurately recalled the current physical activity guidelines compared with 11% of the 2007 sample who accurately recalled the previous guidelines. The differences in knowledge of physical activity guidelines existed for marital status, gender, age, education and employment status within both 2007 and 2013 samples (p<0.05). Men with lower education and employment status (unemployed including student and retired) and older adults were less likely to know physical activity guidelines (p<0.05). Knowledge of physical activity guidelines remained higher in the 2013 sample after controlling for demographic differences ( p<0.05). Conclusions: Disadvantaged population groups are less knowledgeable about physical activity guidelines. Although knowledge of physical activity guidelines appears to have increased in recent years demographic disparities are still evident. Efforts are needed to promote health information among these groups

    Gluon propagator on a center-vortex background

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    The impact of SU(3) center vortices on the gluon propagator in Landau gauge is investigated on original, vortex-removed and vortex-only lattice gauge field configurations. Vortex identification is found to partition the gluon propagator into short-range strength on the vortex-removed configurations and long-range strength on the vortex-only configurations. The effect of smoothing vortex-only configurations is also studied, and a regime for recovering the form of the smoothed original propagator from vortex-only configurations is introduced. The results reinforce the significance of center vortices in a fundamental understanding of QCD vacuum structure.James C. Biddle, Waseem Kamleh and Derek B. Leinwebe