444 research outputs found

    Estimation of crossbreeding parameters between Large White and Meishan porcine breeds. III. Dominance and epistatic components of heterosis on reproductive traits

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    A crossbreeding experiment using Large White (LW) and Meishan (MS) pig strains was conducted. Dominance, additive x additive and dominance x dominance epistatic components of direct and maternal heterosis effects were investigated for various litter productivity and sow traits: total number born (TNB), number born alive (NBA), number weaned (NW), litter weight at birth (LWB) and at 21 d (LW21), either adjusted or not for litter size, sow weight loss (SWL), sow total (SFC) and maximum (SFCM) feed consumption, sow feed efficiency - computed as SFC per piglet weaned (SFC/NW) or per unit of litter weight gain (SFC/LWG) - during lactation. Data from 1148 litters farrowed by 250 sows were analysed. Models involving all possible combinations of dominance and epistatic parameters were compared for goodness of fit on the basis of their mean squared error (MSE). The model with the lowest MSE was then used to estimate crossbreeding parameters. Models involving dominance effects only for maternal heterosis had the lowest MSE for all litter productivity traits. Dominance also appeared as the main component of direct heterosis effects on litter productivity traits. Favourable dominance and unfavourable epistatic effects contributed to direct heterosis effects for all sow traits except SFCM. Epistatic effects were additive x additive effects for SFC/NW and dominance x dominance effects for SWL, SFC and SFC/LWG. Estimates of direct, maternal and grand-maternal breed effects are presented. A possible contribution of cytoplasmic effects to between-breed variation is also hypothesized.Une expĂ©rience de croisement entre des lignĂ©es porcines Large White (LW) et Meishan (MS) a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e. Les composantes de dominance et d’épistasie additive x additive et de dominance x dominance des effets d’hĂ©tĂ©rosis direct et maternel ont Ă©tĂ© estimĂ©es pour divers caractĂšres de productivitĂ© de la portĂ©e et de la truie: nombre de porcelets nĂ©s totaux (NT), nĂ©s vivants (NV), sevrĂ©s (NS), poids de la portĂ©e Ă  la naissance (PPN) et Ă  21 j (PP21), ajustĂ©s ou non pour la taille de la portĂ©e, perte de poids (PPT), consommation totale (CAT) et maximale (CAM), efficacitĂ© alimentaire - calculĂ©e comme CAT par porcelet sevrĂ© (CAT/NS) et CAT par unitĂ© de gain de poids de la portĂ©e (CAT/GPP) - de la truie en lactation. Les analyses ont portĂ© sur 1148 portĂ©es issues de 250 truies. La validitĂ© de l’ajustement des modĂšles incluant l’ensemble des combinaisons possibles des paramĂštres de dominance et d’épistasie est comparĂ©e sur la base du carrĂ© moyen de l’erreur (CME). Le modĂšle ayant le plus faible CME a ensuite Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ© pour estimer les paramĂštres du croisement. Les modĂšles incluant uniquement des effets de dominance pour l’hĂ©tĂ©rosis maternel avaient le CME le plus faible pour l’ensemble des caractĂšres de productivitĂ© de la portĂ©e. Les effets de dominance sont Ă©galement apparus comme la principale composante de l’hĂ©tĂ©rosis direct pour les caractĂšres de productivitĂ© de la portĂ©e. Des effets de dominance favorables et d’épistasie dĂ©favorables contribuent aux effets d’hĂ©tĂ©rosis direct pour l’ensemble des caractĂšres de productivitĂ© des truies, sauf CAM. Les effets d’épistasie sont de type additif x additif pour CAT/NS et de dominance x dominance pour PPT, CAT et CAT/GPP. Des estimations des diffĂ©rences directes, maternelles et grand-maternelles entre races sont prĂ©sentĂ©es. L’hypothĂšse d’une contribution possible d’effets cytoplasmiques Ă  la variation entre races est Ă©mise

    Selection for litter size components: a critical review

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    The measurement of component variables such as the number of ova shed (OR) and its inclusion in a linear index with litter size (LS) or prenatal survival has been suggested in order to accelerate genetic progress for LS. Despite optimistic theoretical predictions, however, in no selection experiment has the advantage of including OR in an index as compared to direct selection for LS been convincingly demonstrated. A literature survey shows no clear evidence of changes in genetic parameters with selection. By contrast, genetic drift may suffice to explain the less than expected usefulness of measuring OR, although it is not necessarily the sole cause. It is shown that an approximate figure of how much can be gained by measuring OR relative to direct selection for LS is given by (voir formule piece-jointe)1/2 with mass selection, where(voir formule piece-jointe) is the phenotypic variance. Nonetheless, the size of the experiment needed to test this prediction is likely to be very large.Plusieurs auteurs ont proposĂ© de mesurer le taux d’ovulation (TO) et de l’inclure avec la taille de la portĂ©e (TP) dans un indice de sĂ©lection (IX) afin d’accroĂźtre l’efficacitĂ© de la sĂ©lection pour TP. MalgrĂ© des prĂ©dictions thĂ©oriques optimistes, aucune expĂ©rience de sĂ©lection n’a pu dĂ©montrer de façon convaincante l’avantage d’une sĂ©lection sur l’indice IX par rapport Ă  une sĂ©lection directe sur TP. Une revue des expĂ©riences de sĂ©lection disponibles dans la littĂ©rature montre que la rĂ©ponse plus faible qu’attendue Ă  une sĂ©lection sur IX ne peut ĂȘtre expliquĂ©e par un changement des paramĂštres sous l’effet de la sĂ©lection, mais pourrait l’ĂȘtre par les effets de la dĂ©rive gĂ©nĂ©tique. De façon gĂ©nĂ©rale, la formule (voir formule piece-jointe) est la variance phĂ©notypique, donne une estimation rĂ©aliste de l’avantage relatif de la sĂ©lection sur IX par rapport Ă  la sĂ©lection directe sur TP. Malheureusement, des expĂ©riences sur un grand nombre d’animaux seraient nĂ©cessaires pour vĂ©rifier cette prĂ©diction

    Estimation of crossbreeding parameters between Large White and Meishan porcine breeds. II. Growth before weaning and growth of females during the growing and reproductive periods

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    A crossbreeding experiment using Large White (LW) and Meishan (MS) pig strains was conducted. Direct, maternal and grand-maternal additive genetic effects together with direct, maternal and paternal heterosis effects were estimated for traits during the preweaning, growing and reproductive periods. Weight at birth (WB) and at 21 d of age (W21) was recorded in 3731 male and female piglets. After weaning at 28 d, 543 females were weighed at 73 (W73) and 154 (W154) d of age. From these, 148 sows were weighed before farrowing from 1st to 5th parity. Average daily gains were computed from birth to 21 days of age (ADG 0-21), 21 to 73 days of age (ADG 21-73) and 73 to 154 days of age (ADG 73-154). The genetic influence on preweaning traits was mainly maternal in origin. Maternal additive differences between breeds significantly increased with parity of the dam. Average values were 0.33 ± 0.05 kg (26%) and 1.24 ± 0.22 kg (26%) in favour of LW for WB and W21 respectively. Maternal heterosis effects were 0.05 ± 0.02 kg (6%) for WB and 0.65 ± 0.09 kg (14%) for W21. Significant grand-maternal additive and direct heterosis effects were also observed on WB. Adjustment of data for litter size slightly increased additive and heterosis maternal values. After weaning, direct effects became important. Additive differences between breeds rapidly increased during the growing period and averaged 4.1 ± 1.0 kg (18%), 22.9 ± 3.3 kg (36%) and 231 ± 33 g/d (47%) in favour of LW for W73, W154 and ADG 73-154 respectively. Direct heterosis effects for these traits were 3.7 ± 0.7 kg (15%), 19.2 ± 2.3 kg (25%) and 187 ± 24 g/d (30%) respectively. Direct additive differences in favour of LW increased from 58 ± 9 kg at the first farrowing to 111 ± 10 kg at the fifth one. Direct heterosis effects were similar throughout reproductive life and averaged 27 ± 3 kg (11%). The other crossbreeding parameters were small and non-significant after weaning, with the exception of maternal heterosis effects, which remained significant until 154 days.Une expĂ©rience de croisement entre des lignĂ©es Large White (LW) et Meishan (MS) a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e. Les effets gĂ©nĂ©tiques additifs directs, maternels, grand-maternels ainsi que les effets d’hĂ©tĂ©rosis directs, maternels et paternels ont Ă©tĂ© estimĂ©s pour les caractĂšres de croissance au cours des pĂ©riodes d’allaitement, de croissance et de reproduction. Les poids Ă  la naissance (PN) et Ă  21 j (P21) ont Ă©tĂ© mesurĂ©s sur 3731 porcelets mĂąles et femelles. AprĂšs sevrage Ă  28 j, 543 femelles ont Ă©tĂ© pesĂ©es Ă  73 (P73) et 154 (P 154) j d’ñge. Cent quarante-huit d’entre elles ont ensuite Ă©tĂ© pesĂ©es avant mise bas de la 1er Ă  la 5e portĂ©e. Les gains moyens quotidiens ont Ă©tĂ© calculĂ©s entre la naissance et 21 j d’ñge (GMQ 0-21), 21 et 73 j d’ñge (GMQ 21-73) et de 73 Ă  154 j d’ñge (GMQ 73-154). La variabilitĂ© gĂ©nĂ©tique des performances avant sevrage Ă©tait essentiellement d’origine maternelle. Les diffĂ©rences additives maternelles entre races augmentaient de façon significative avec le numĂ©ro de portĂ©e. Elles s’élevaient en moyenne Ă  0,33 ± 0,05 kg (26%) et 1,24 ± 0,22 kg (26%) en faveur de LW pour PN et P21 respectivement. Les effets d’hĂ©tĂ©rosis maternel s’élevaient Ă  0,05 ± 0,02 kg (6%) pour PN et 0,65 ± 0,09 kg (14%) pour P21. Des effets grand-maternels et d’hĂ©tĂ©rosis direct significatifs ont Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© observĂ©s sur PN. L’ajustement des donnĂ©es pour la taille de la portĂ©e a lĂ©gĂšrement accru les valeurs des effets additifs et d’hĂ©tĂ©rosis maternel. AprĂšs le sevrage, les effets directs devenaient importants. Les diffĂ©rences additives directes entre races ont augmentĂ© rapidement au cours de la croissance aprĂšs sevrage et atteignaient 4,1 ± 1,0 kg (18%), 22,9 ± 3,3 kg (36%) et 231 ± 33 g/j (47%) en faveur de LW pour W73, W154 et GMQ 73-154 respectivement. Les effets d’hĂ©tĂ©rosis directs pour ces caractĂšres s’élevaient Ă  3,7± 0,7 kg (15%); 19,2 ± 2,3 kg (25%) et 187 ± 24g/j (30%)respectivement. Les diffĂ©rences additives directes en faveur de LW ont augmentĂ© de 58 ± 9 kg Ă  la premiĂšre mise bas Ă  111 ± 10 kg Ă  la cinquiĂšme mise bas. Les effets d’hĂ©tĂ©rosis directs sont restĂ©s similaires tout au long de la pĂ©riode de reproduction et atteignaient en moyenne 27 ± 3 kg (11 %). Les autres paramĂštres du croisement Ă©taient faibles et non significatifs aprĂšs le sevrage, Ă  l’exception des effets d’hĂ©tĂ©rosis maternels, qui subsistaient jusqu’à 154 j

    Selection for litter size in pigs. II. Efficiency of closed and open selection lines*

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    A selection experiment on litter size in the pig was carried on for seventeen generations in an Inra experimental herd. The founder population was made up of 10 males and 120 females from the Large White breed. Selection was first performed for ten generations in a closed line, compared to a control line derived from the same founder population. Selection was carried on within sire family on the total number of piglets born in the first two litters of the dam (TB1 + TB2). After ten generations, the selection criterion became dam TB1 only. The control line was then discontinued and a panel of frozen semen from the 11th generation boars was created for later comparisons. The selected line was opened to gilt daughters of hyperprolific boars and sows, at a rate of 1/8 per generation, and the same selection procedure was applied irrespective of the origin of the gilt. During the whole experiment, the number of ova shed (OS) and the number of live embryos (LE) at 30 days in the 3rd pregnancy were recorded. These two parts of the experiment were analysed using REML estimation of genetic parameters and a BLUP-Animal Model in order to estimate the responses to selection. Significant heritabilities for TB1, TB2, OS and LE were obtained, i.e. 0.10, 0.05, 0.43 and 0.19, respectively. Significant common environment variances and covariances were estimated for nearly all traits. Significantly positive BLUP responses per generation were observed from G0 to G17 for TB1 (+0.086), TB2 (+0.078), OS (+0.197) and LE (+0.157). However, the responses were 3- to 4-fold higher in the G12–G17 interval compared to G0–G11, and they were also in fair agreement with previous estimates based on standard least-squares procedures, using the control line and the control frozen semen panel. Since G11, the selection intensity was increased by nearly 80 p. cent compared to the previous generations, and the proportion of hyperprolific ancestry increased up to 65 p. cent in the sows of the last generation. The total genetic gain of about 1.4 piglets at birth per litter could be shared between a gain due to immigration, of about 0.8 piglets per litter, and a within-line selection gain of about 0.6 piglets. Thus by combining selection and immigration in the second part of the experiment, advantage could be taken from both the genetic superiority of the immigrants and the higher internal selection intensity made possible by immigration

    A further look at quantitative trait loci affecting growth and fatness in a cross between Meishan and Large White pig populations

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    A detailed quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis of growth and fatness data from a three generation experimental cross between Large White (LW) and Meishan (MS) pig breeds was carried out to search for sex × QTL interactions, imprinting effects and multiple linked QTLs. A total of 530 F2 males and 573 F2 females issued from 6 F1 boars and 23 F1 sows were typed for a total of 137 markers covering the entire porcine genome. Nine growth traits and three backfat thickness measurements were analysed. All analyses were performed using line cross regression procedures. A QTL with sex-specific expression was revealed in the proximal region of chromosome 8, although some confusion between herd and sex effects could not be discarded. This previously undetected QTL affected male growth during the fattening period, with a favourable additive effect of the LW allele. The analyses also revealed the presence of two linked QTLs segregating on chromosome 1, affecting growth traits during the post-weaning period. The first QTL, previously detected using a single QTL model, was located at the end of the q arm of chromosome 1 and had a favourable MS allele. The second QTL had a favourable LW allele and was located in the proximal extremity of the q arm of chromosome 1. Suggestive genomic imprinting was found in the distal region of chromosome 9 affecting growth during the fattening period
