54 research outputs found

    A Case of Mumps and Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura

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    Idiopatik trombositopenik purpura, çocuklarda görülen edinsel trombositopeninin en sık nedenidir. Çogunlukla akuttur ve spontan düzelir. Kabakulak enfeksiyonu sıklıkla çocukluk çagında görülen viral bir enfeksiyondur.Bu yazıda akut kabakulak enfeksiyonu sırasında saptanan semptomatik idiopatik trombositopenik purpura olgusu sunulmustur.Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura is the most common cause of acquired thrombocytopenia in children. It usually develops acutely and recovers spontaneously. Mumps is a viral infection which often appears in childhood. It rarely has severe complications. In this article, a symptomatic case of ITP occurred during acute mumps infection is presented

    Conjunctival melanoma in a six-year-old female.

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    Conjunctival melanoma (CM) is a highly malignant tumor that derives from melanocytes and is rarely seen in children. This report describes a 6-year-old female diagnosed with CM