6 research outputs found

    Az intervenciós radiológia szerepe a hasi szervek átültetésében = Role of interventional radiology in the transplantation of abdominal solid organs

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    Absztrakt: A hasi szervek transzplantációja kiemelkedő szerephez jut számos kórkép gyógyítása esetén. Az elmúlt évtizedekben robbanásszerű fejlődés ment végbe a transzplantáció kapcsán tevékenykedő szakmák mindegyikét érintően. A szervtranszplantáció sikerének kulcsa több szakma specialistáinak szoros együttműködése. A csapatmunka a teljes folyamatot végigkíséri, a megfelelő technikai és humánerőforrás-lehetőségek biztosításától a beültetett szervek és recipienseik lényegében élethosszig tartó gondozásáig. Ezen folyamat fontos részei a diagnosztikus és az intervenciós radiológia. Az utóbbi lehetőségeit, szerepét foglaljuk össze a transzplantáció előtti és utáni kóros állapotok minimálisan invazív megoldásában. Érképleteken keresztül végzett – vascularis – és folyadékgyülemeket, epevezetékeket, húgyvezetékeket érintő – nonvascularis – intervenciók mellett az intervenciós onkológia egyes lehetőségei is említésre kerülnek az összefoglalóban, a hazai tapasztalatok és a nemzetközi irodalom tükrében. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(46): 1940–1947. | Abstract: The transplantation of the abdominal organs has a major role in the treatment of several diseases. All subspecialities affected with the transplantation showed a rapid development in the last decades. The cooperation of the specialists of different segments of medicine provides the success of organ transplantation. Teamwork is necessary throughout the whole process starting from securing the technical background and proper human workforce, followed by the lifelong management of organs and recipients as well. One of the key players of organ transplantation is radiology and interventional radiology – the role of the latter one is discussed in this review, including the minimally invasive treatment of pre- and post-transplantation situations and diseases. Besides vascular and non-vascular interventions, the options of interventional oncology will be mentioned based on international literature and Hungarian experience. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(46): 1940–1947

    Word meaning and lexical pragmatics

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    In spite of their differences, Two-level Conceptual Semantics, Generative Lexicon Theory and Relevance Theory also have similarities with respect to treatment of the relation of word meanings and contexts. Therefore, the three theories can be considered as complementing each other in analysing word meanings in utterances. In the present paper I will outline a conception of lexical pragmatics which critically amalgamates the views of these theories and has more explanatory power than each theory does separately. Such a lexical pragmatic conception accepts lexical-semantic representations which can be radically underspecified and allow for other methods of meaning description than componential analysis. As words have underspecified meaning representations, they reach their full meanings in corresponding contexts (immediate or extended) through considerable pragmatic inference. The Cognitive Principle of Relevance regulates the way in which the utterance meaning is construed

    The principles of communicative language use

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    The paper aims to overview some typical principles of communicative language use in a cognitive pragmatic approach applying a reductionist method in order to demonstrate that the well-known principles can be reduced to a very general rationality (economy) principle. After briefly reviewing the principles the paper re-evaluates them and provides a new classification of them relying on the definition of ostensive-inferential communication. The principles which can be divided into rationality and interpersonality principles are really principles of effective information transmission on objects and selves. They refer to two kinds of language use: informative and communicative ones. The only principles valid for only communicative language use are the communicative principle of relevance and the principle of communicative intention suggested in the present article. Finally, the paper reduces all rationality and interpersonality principles to a very general rationality principle, i.e., the cognitive principle of relevance