16 research outputs found

    Reducing spread of COVID-19 in closed environments: an outbreak investigation and modelling study in dormitory settings.

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    Starting with a handful of SARS-CoV-2 infections in dormitory residents in late March 2020, rapid tranmission in their dense living environments ensued and by October 2020, more than 50,000 acute infections were identified across various dormitories. Extensive epidemiological, serological and phylogentic investigations, supported by simulation models, helped to reveal the factors of transmission and impact of control measures in a dormitory. We find that asymptomatic cases and symptomatic cases who did not seek medical attention were major drivers of the outbreak. Furthermore, each resident has about 30 close contacts and each infected resident spread to 4.4 (IQR 3.5–5.3) others at the start of the outbreak. The final attack rate of the current outbreak was 76.2% (IQR 70.6%–98.0%) and could be reduced by further 10% under a modified dormitory housing condition. These findings are important when designing living environments in a post COVID-19 future to reduce disease spread and facilitate rapid implementation of outbreak control measures

    Effect of remifentanil on the recovery profile after head and neck surgeries: A prospective study

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    Background and Aims: Development of opioid tolerance in the perioperative period due to remifentanil remains controversial. We evaluated occurrence of opioid tolerance and other adverse effects due to remifentanil in patients undergoing head and neck surgery. Material and Methods: We recruited adult participants with ASA status I to III who received general anesthesia for approximately 2 h for elective head and neck procedures. Remifentanil infusion was used in one group and intermittent boluses of morphine or fentanyl were administered in another group. Postoperative pain was treated with intermittent boluses of morphine and fentanyl in post-anaesthesia care unit (PACU) to achieve a numerical rating scale score of 3. Opioid requirement was assessed as an indicator of opioid tolerance. Patients were also evaluated for time to discharge from PACU. Results: We studied 222 adults aged between 21 and 80 years. One hundred and eleven patients received a combination of remifentanil infusion and morphine boluses, and another 111 patients received only fentanyl and/or morphine boluses intraoperatively. Fifty-one patients in the remifentanil group and 25 in the fentanyl/morphine group required opioids in the PACU. Opioid requirement were significantly more (mean ± SD, 44.98 ± 59.7 Vs 20.23 ± 46.66 mcg.kg−1; P = 0.001) and required longer time to discharge from PACU in the remifentanil group compared to the fentanyl/morphine group (Mean ± SD, 88.6 ± 39.5 min Vs 73.1 ± 38.4 min; P < 0.001). No difference in the incidence of adverse effects in two groups was noted. Conclusion: At clinically relevant doses, intraoperative remifentanil infusion appears to increase opioid consumption in the immediate postoperative period. This can result in delayed discharge from PACU for patients undergoing elective head and neck procedures

    Challenges and opportunities in pragmatic implementation of a holistic hospital care model in Singapore: A mixed-method case study.

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    IntroductionHospital-based practices today remain predominantly disease-oriented, focusing on individual clinical specialties with less visibility on a comprehensive picture of each patient's health needs. To tackle the challenge of growing multimorbidity worldwide, practices without disease-specific focus have shown better integration of services. However, as we move away from the familiar disease-specific approaches of care delivery, many of us are still learning how to implement generalist care in a cost-effective manner.MethodsThis mixed-method case study, which centred on a specialist-led General Medicine model implemented at an acute hospital in Singapore, aimed to (1) quantitatively summarise its clinical outcomes, and (2) qualitatively describe the challenges and lessons gathered from the pragmatic implementation of the care model. Quantitative hospital data were extracted from databases and summarised. Qualitative staff-reported experiences and insights were gathered through semi-structured interviews and analysed using thematic analysis.ResultsQuantitative findings revealed that the generalist care model was implemented with high fidelity, where more than 75% of patients admitted were placed under General Medicine's or General Surgery's care. The mean length of stay was 2.6 days, and the 30-day post-discharge readmission rate was 15%. Inpatient mortality rate was found to be 2.8%, and the average gross hospitalisation bill amounted to SGD3,085.30. For qualitative findings, themes concerning feasibility and operational aspects of the implementation were grouped into categories- (1) Feasibility of 'One Care Team' approach, (2) Enablers required for meaningful generalist care, (3) Challenges surrounding information sharing, (4) Lack of integration with the community to facilitate care transition, and (5) Evolving roles of self-management. The findings were rich, with some being identified as barriers that could benefit from system-level de-constraining.DiscussionThis case study was an illustration of our pursuit for an integrated solution to rising prevalence of multimorbidity. While quantitative findings indicated that a pivot towards General Medicine might be possible, data also revealed gaps in clinical outcomes, especially in readmission rates. These findings corroborated with much of the lessons and challenges gathered from qualitative interviews, specifically surrounding the lack of receptacles in the community to facilitate care transition, training, and competency of generalists in holistic management of complex multimorbid cases, as well as inadequate infrastructure to allow information sharing between providers. Thus, a multi-pronged approach might be required to develop a new and sustainable care model for patients with multimorbidity in the long run. In the short to medium transitional period, nonetheless, the specialist-led General Medicine care model demonstrated might be a viable interim approach, especially in circumstances where trained medical generalists remained limited