19 research outputs found

    Test engineering education in Europe: the EuNICE-Test project

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    The paper deals with a European experience of education in industrial test of ICs and SoCs using remote testing facilities. The project addresses the problem of the shortage in microelectronics engineers aware with the new challenge of testing mixed-signal SoCs far multimedia/telecom market. It aims at providing test training facilities at a European scale in both initial and continuing education contexts. This is done by allowing the academic and industrial partners of the consortium to train engineers using the common test resources center (CRTC) hosted by LIRMM (Laboratoire d'Informatique, de Robotique et de Microelectronique de Montpellier, France). CRTC test tools include up-to-date/high-tech testers that are fully representative of real industrial testers as used on production testfloors. At the end of the project, it is aimed at reaching a cruising speed of about 16 trainees per year per center. Each trainee will have attend at least one one-week training using the remote test facilities of CRTC

    Comparative Population Pharmacokinetics of Darunavir in SARS-CoV-2 Patients vs. HIV Patients: The Role of Interleukin-6

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    Background: Darunavir is an anti-HIV protease inhibitor repurposed for SARS-CoV-2 treatment. Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the population pharmacokinetics of darunavir in SARS-CoV-2 patients compared with HIV patients. Methods: Two separate models were created by means of a nonlinear mixed-effect approach. The influence of clinical covariates on each basic model was tested and the association of significant covariates with darunavir parameters was assessed at multivariate regression and classification and regression tree (CART) analyses. Monte Carlo simulation assessed the influence of covariates on the darunavir concentration versus time profile. Results: A one-compartment model well-described darunavir concentrations in both groups. In SARS-CoV-2 patients (n = 30), interleukin (IL)-6 and body surface area were covariates associated with darunavir oral clearance (CL/F) and volume of distribution (Vd), respectively; no covariates were identified in HIV patients (n = 25). Darunavir CL/F was significantly lower in SARS-CoV-2 patients compared with HIV patients (4.1 vs. 10.3\ua0L/h; p < 0.001). CART analysis found that an IL-6 level of 18\ua0pg/mL may split the SARS-CoV-2 population in patients with low versus high darunavir CL/F (mean \ub1 standard deviation 3.47 \ub1 1.90 vs. 8.03 \ub1 3.24\ua0L/h; proportion of reduction in error = 0.46). Median (interquartile range) darunavir CL/F was significantly lower in SARS-CoV-2 patients with IL-6 levels 65 18\ua0pg/mL than in SARS-CoV-2 patients with IL-6 levels < 18\ua0pg/mL or HIV patients (2.78 [2.16\u20134.47] vs. 7.24 [5.88\u201310.38] vs. 9.75 [8.45\u201313.79]\ua0L/h, respectively; p < 0.0001). Increasing IL-6 levels affected darunavir concentration versus time simulated profiles. We hypothesized that increases in IL-6 levels associated with severe SARS-CoV-2 disease may downregulate the cytochrome P450 (CYP)\ua03A4-mediated metabolism of darunavir. Conclusions: This is a proof-of-concept of SARS-CoV-2 disease\u2013drug interactions, and may support the need for optimal dose selection of sensitive CYP3A4 substrates in severe SARS-CoV-2 patients


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    Il meccanismo di morte dovuto all\u2019intossicazione da etanolo \ue8 generalmente ascritto alla soppressione del centro cerebrale del respiro con un seguente abbassamento della saturazione dell\u2019ossigeno arterioso. Evidenze scientifiche dalla Medicina Forense e studi di avvelenamenti acuti da etanolo, suggeriscono che le concentrazioni letali di Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) relative ad etanolo siano > 400 mg per 100 mL. Il valore di BAC \ue8 solitamente ottenuto analizzando il sangue dell\u2019arteria femorale mediante gas cromatografo a spazio di testa. Un altro parametro utile \ue8 il rapporto della concentrazione nell\u2019umor vitreo (VAC) su BAC. Quando VAC: BAC \ue8 1 la fase di eliminazione era raggiunta prima della morte. Questo parametro potr\ue0 essere utile per stabilire il tempo intercorso tra l\u2019assunzione dell\u2019alcool ed il decesso. La stima del BAC e/o VAC pu\uf2 per\uf2 essere complicata da variabilit\ue0 individuale, dalle matrici biologiche utilizzate e molti altri fattori. L\u2019etnia pu\uf2 contenere differenti livelli di alcool deidrogenasi. Per es. nativi Americani non producono sufficienti ADH e quindi avranno una Cl ridotta con accumulo dell\u2019alcool e maggiori effetti tossici. In circostanze come suicidio e omicidio la intossicazione da alcool pu\uf2 giocare una ruolo indiretto come causa di morte. In una recente revisione, il consumo eccessivo di alcool (es. binge drinking, heavy drinking e uso di alcool da individui sotto i 21 aa) \ue8 associato con un aumentato rischio di morte violenta. Gli effetti farmacologici del consumo di alcool possono contribuire all\u2019associazione tra alcool e aggressione (subita o eseguita). In questo case report, portiamo l\u2019esempio di un individuo di 28 aa, sesso maschile, peso 75 Kg, altezza 175 cm, razza afro-americana, che \ue8 stato trovato deceduto in un sottoscala con n\ub05 ferite da arma da taglio, di cui tre in regione addomino-pelvica, una alla regione del collo e una in sede toracica. All\u2019apparenza, in sede di sopraluogo giudiziario, la causa del decesso poteva essere messa in relazione con le ferite, ma in sede autoptica tali ferite non avevano lesionato organi vitali e neppure avevano prodotto eccessiva emorragia. All\u2019esame della BAC e/o VAC aveva una concentrazione di 473 e 278 mg/dL, rispettivamente. Poich\ue9 queste concentrazioni ematiche sono state frequentemente correlate come causa di decesso e le ferite non avevano leso organi vitali, la causa del decesso \ue8 stata ascritta ad intossicazione da alcool. In conclusione, questo caso solleva l\u2019importanza di eseguire, nella vittima e/o nell\u2019aggressore, correttamente le analisi di alcool ematico, urinario e dell\u2019umor vitreo anche se, in una prima analisi, esistono prove per ferite da armi da taglio, da fuoco, incidenti, ecc. In secondo luogo l\u2019importanza di prevenire il binge drinking che porta a maggiore rischio di morte violenta come vittima o aggressore


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    Il meccanismo di morte dovuto all\u2019intossicazione da etanolo \ue8 generalmente ascritto alla soppressione del centro cerebrale del respiro con un seguente abbassamento della saturazione dell\u2019ossigeno arterioso. Evidenze scientifiche dalla Medicina Forense e studi di avvelenamenti acuti da etanolo, suggeriscono che le concentrazioni letali di Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) relative ad etanolo siano > 400 mg per 100 mL. Il valore di BAC \ue8 solitamente ottenuto analizzando il sangue dell\u2019arteria femorale mediante gas cromatografo a spazio di testa. Un altro parametro utile \ue8 il rapporto della concentrazione nell\u2019umor vitreo (VAC) su BAC. Quando VAC: BAC \ue8 1 la fase di eliminazione era raggiunta prima della morte. Questo parametro potr\ue0 essere utile per stabilire il tempo intercorso tra l\u2019assunzione dell\u2019alcool ed il decesso. La stima del BAC e/o VAC pu\uf2 per\uf2 essere complicata da variabilit\ue0 individuale, dalle matrici biologiche utilizzate e molti altri fattori. L\u2019etnia pu\uf2 contenere differenti livelli di alcool deidrogenasi. Per es. nativi Americani non producono sufficienti ADH e quindi avranno una Cl ridotta con accumulo dell\u2019alcool e maggiori effetti tossici. In circostanze come suicidio e omicidio la intossicazione da alcool pu\uf2 giocare una ruolo indiretto come causa di morte. In una recente revisione, il consumo eccessivo di alcool (es. binge drinking, heavy drinking e uso di alcool da individui sotto i 21 aa) \ue8 associato con un aumentato rischio di morte violenta. Gli effetti farmacologici del consumo di alcool possono contribuire all\u2019associazione tra alcool e aggressione (subita o eseguita). In questo case report, portiamo l\u2019esempio di un individuo di 28 aa, sesso maschile, peso 75 Kg, altezza 175 cm, razza afro-americana, che \ue8 stato trovato deceduto in un sottoscala con n\ub05 ferite da arma da taglio, di cui tre in regione addomino-pelvica, una alla regione del collo e una in sede toracica. All\u2019apparenza, in sede di sopraluogo giudiziario, la causa del decesso poteva essere messa in relazione con le ferite, ma in sede autoptica tali ferite non avevano lesionato organi vitali e neppure avevano prodotto eccessiva emorragia. All\u2019esame della BAC e/o VAC aveva una concentrazione di 473 e 278 mg/dL, rispettivamente. Poich\ue9 queste concentrazioni ematiche sono state frequentemente correlate come causa di decesso e le ferite non avevano leso organi vitali, la causa del decesso \ue8 stata ascritta ad intossicazione da alcool. In conclusione, questo caso solleva l\u2019importanza di eseguire, nella vittima e/o nell\u2019aggressore, correttamente le analisi di alcool ematico, urinario e dell\u2019umor vitreo anche se, in una prima analisi, esistono prove per ferite da armi da taglio, da fuoco, incidenti, ecc. In secondo luogo l\u2019importanza di prevenire il binge drinking che porta a maggiore rischio di morte violenta come vittima o aggressore

    Plasma neurofilament light (NfL) in patients affected by niemann–pick type C disease (NPCD)

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    (1) Background: Niemann–Pick type C disease (NPCD) is an autosomal recessive lysoso-mal storage disorder caused by mutations in the NPC1 or NPC2 genes. The clinical presentation is characterized by visceral and neurological involvement. Apart from a small group of patients pre-senting a severe perinatal form, all patients develop progressive and fatal neurological disease with an extremely variable age of onset. Different biomarkers have been identified; however, they poorly correlate with neurological disease. In this study we assessed the possible role of plasma NfL as a neurological disease-associated biomarker in NPCD. (2) Methods: Plasma NfL levels were measured in 75 healthy controls and 26 patients affected by NPCD (24 NPC1 and 2 NPC2; 39 samples). (3) Results: Plasma NfL levels in healthy controls correlated with age and were significantly lower in pediatric patients as compared to adult subjects (p = 0.0017). In both pediatric and adult NPCD patients, the plasma levels of NfL were significantly higher than in age-matched controls (p < 0.0001). Most importantly, plasma NfL levels in NPCD patients with neurological involvement were significantly higher than the levels found in patients free of neurological signs at the time of sam-pling, both in the pediatric and the adult group (p = 0.0076; p = 0.0032, respectively). Furthermore, in adults the NfL levels in non-neurological patients were comparable with those found in age-matched controls. No correlations between plasma NfL levels and NPCD patient age at sampling or plasma levels of cholestan 3β-5α-6β-triol were found. (4) Conclusions: These data suggest a promising role of plasma NfL as a possible neurological disease-associated biomarker in NPCD

    Cyclodextrin nanosponges as effective gas carriers

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    Cyclodextrin based carbonate nanosponges were synthetized starting from native \u3b2-cylodextrin and active carbonyl compounds i.e. carbonildiimidazole. In this work they were used to form inclusion complexes with three different gases i.e. 1-methylcyclopropene, oxygen and carbon dioxide. The encapsulation of gases were proved by direct reaction to known adduct (1-methylcyclopropene), by gravimetric analysis (CO2) and by oxymeter (Oxygen). The complexetion of oxygen or carbon dioxide could be useful for many biomedical applications. In particular the oxygen-filled nanosponges could supply oxygen to the hypoxic tissues which are present in various deseases. 1-methylcyclopropene included in \u3b2-cyclodextrin nanosponges showed superior antiethylenic performances in long lasting cut flowers in comparison with marketed products

    Second trimester amniotic fluid retinol in patients developing preeclampsia.

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    Background: Retinol (ROH) is an essential micronutrient required for normal fetal development and an essential molecule for antioxidant processes. Objective: To investigate the putative role of ROH as a marker of preeclampsia in early second trimester amniotic fluid (AF). Materials and methods: Case\u2013control study comparing the concentration of ROH and other antioxidants such as uric acid, vitamin E and malondialdehyde (MDA) in second trimester AF in patients that later developed preeclampsia with normal pregnancies. Results: The concentration of ROH in amniotic fluids of women that later developed preeclampsia was significantly higher than those of uncomplicated pregnancies (66.72 \ub5g/l (49.00\u201370.56) vs. 44.4 \ub5g/l (31.9\u201351.17), p < 0.05). No statistical significant difference was found in uric acid, vitamin E and MDA concentration. In the multivariate logistic regression, concentrations of ROH in amniotic fluids directly correlate with the risk of developing preeclampsia (OR 1.13, IC 0.01\u20131.26, p < 0.05). Conclusions: Second trimester AF ROH concentration was significantly higher in pregnancies that developed preeclampsia compared to normal pregnancie

    Habitat loss and mammalian extinction patterns: are the reserves in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero, southeastern Brazil, effective in conserving mammals?

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    Habitat loss is considered to be the principal cause of the local extinction of mammals worldwide. We assessed the extinction pattern of medium- and large-sized mammals caused by the effects of habitat loss in reserves in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero, southeastern Brazil, and discussed the effectiveness of these natural remnants for conserving mammals. A literature review and field collections were conducted from 2006 to 2011 to estimate the composition and richness of mammals in nine remnants of different sizes, including reserves and non-protected areas. A species–area relation and a nested subset analysis were performed, and a degree of sensitivity to habitat loss was obtained for each species according to its frequency of occurrence. Forty-five species of mammals were recorded. There was a strong species–area relation involving the legal size of reserves. High species richness was associated with large reserves, and the z value was within the range of very isolated continental remnants. The mammalian community exhibited a nested occurrence pattern, suggesting that most species were part of a more continuous ecosystem and that non-random extinction caused by habitat loss occurred in southeastern Brazil. The negative relation found between species frequencies and body weights suggested that selective species loss is associated with decreases in the size of the reserves. The estimated viable size required to conserve all of the sensitive species is greater than the size of the largest reserve inventoried. We recommend the aggregation of neighboring natural remnants and the creation of new reserves to reduce extinction risks