988 research outputs found
Electron screening and its effects on Big-Bang nucleosynthesis
We study the effects of electron screening on nuclear reaction rates
occurring during the Big Bang nucleosynthesis epoch. The sensitivity of the
predicted elemental abundances on electron screening is studied in details. It
is shown that electron screening does not produce noticeable results in the
abundances unless the traditional Debye-H\"uckel model for the treatment of
electron screening in stellar environments is enhanced by several orders of
magnitude. The present work rules out electron screening as a relevant
ingredient to Big Bang nucleosynthesis and ruling out exotic possibilities for
the treatment of screening, beyond the mean-field theoretical approach.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, more references included. To appear in Phys. Rev.
Tunneling Time in the Landau-Zener Model
We give a general definition for the tunneling time in the Landau-Zener
model. This definition allows us to compute numerically the Landau-Zener
tunneling time at any sweeping rate without ambiguity. We have also obtained
analytical results in both the adiabatic limit and the sudden limit. Whenever
applicable, our results are compared to previous results and they are in good
agreement.Comment: 7pages, 9 figure
This paper posits that if higher education graduate uncmplo) mcnt was onl) a
men: suspicion in the Nigeria of the 1970s, it became an important social
challenge in the mid-1980s. A re\ iew of the literature revealed that skills
mismatch between the training olTered b) uni\ersities and skills required b)
the marJ....ct. structural mismatch between middle and upper le\ cl manpower
production. the scrapping of National Manpower Planning Board and poor
attitude tO\\ards \OCational training arc the major factors currcntl:y fuelling
graduate unemplo) ment in Nigeria. This paper therefore develops a
Ji·ame\\ork li.1r a ne\\ policy orientation in matters of higher education
cmpiO) ment in Nigeria \\ hich will not on I) take advantage of the existing
strengths "ithin the Nigerian economy but will open up massive
emplo) ment opportunities li.1r higher education graduates. This li·ame\\ork
calls li.w the deliberate opening up of li\ c economic domains for graduate
emplo) ment. namely, the agricultural. mining, hospitality. \ending and
lnlormation Communication Technologies. The paper identifies retraining
and the prO\ ision of basic social amenities to Nigerian communities as
catalysts to imprO\ cd graduate emplo) ment in the country as these measures
"ill contribute towards the reduction of social agitation within the
Doping and dimensionality effects on the core-level spectra of layered ruthenates
Core-level spectra of the Mn-doped Sr3Ru2O7 and Srn+1RunO3n+1 (n = 1, 2 and
3) crystals are investigated with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Doping of
Mn to Sr3Ru2O7 considerably affects the distribution of core-level spectral
weight. The satellite of Ru 3d core levels exhibits a substantial change with
doping, indicating an enhanced electron localization across the doping- induced
metal-insulator transition. However, the Ru 3p core levels remain identical
with Mn-doping, thus showing no sign of doping-induced multiple Ru valences. In
the Srn+1RunO3n+1 (n = 1, 2 and 3), the Ru 3d core-level spectra are similar,
indicating that the chemical bonding environment around Ru ions remains the
same for different layered compounds. Meanwhile the Sr 3d shallow core levels
shift to higher binding energy with increasing n, suggesting their
participation in Sr-O bonding with structural evolution.Comment: 6 pages with 6 figures, to be published in PR
Surface and Bulk Structural Properties of Single Crystalline Sr3Ru2O7
We report temperature and thermal-cycling dependence of surface and bulk
structures of double-layered perovskite Sr3Ru2O7 single crystals. The surface
and bulk structures were investigated using low-energy electron diffraction
(LEED) and single-crystal X-ray diffraction (XRD) techniques, respectively.
Single-crystal XRD data is in good agreement with previous reports for the bulk
structure with RuO6 octahedral rotation, which increases with decreasing
temperature (~ 6.7(6)degrees at 300 K and ~ 8.1(2) degrees at 90 K). LEED
results reveal that the octahedra at the surface are much more distorted with a
higher rotation angle (~ 12 degrees between 300 and 80 K) and a slight tilt
((4.5\pm2.5) degrees at 300 K and (2.5\pm1.7) degrees at 80 K). While XRD data
confirms temperature dependence of the unit cell height/width ratio (i.e.
lattice parameter c divided by the average of parameters a and b) found in a
prior neutron powder diffraction investigation, both bulk and surface
structures display little change with thermal cycles between 300 and 80 K.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figures, 5 tables, to appear in Physical Review
Controlled Generation of Dark Solitons with Phase Imprinting
The generation of dark solitons in Bose-Einstein condensates with phase
imprinting is studied by mapping it into the classic problem of a damped driven
pendulum. We provide simple but powerful schemes of designing the phase imprint
for various desired outcomes. We derive a formula for the number of dark
solitons generated by a given phase step, and also obtain results which explain
experimental observations.Comment: 4pages, 4 figure
SO(5) structure of p-wave superconductivity for spin-dipole interaction model
A closed SO(5) algebraic structure in the the mean-field form of the
Hamiltonian the pure p-wave superconductivity is found that can help to
diagonalized by making use of the Bogoliubov rotation instead of the
Balian-Werthamer approach. we point out that the eigenstate is nothing but
SO(5)-coherent state with fermionic realization. By applying the approach to
the Hamiltonian with dipole interaction of Leggett the consistency between the
diagonalization and gap equation is proved through the double-time Green
function. The relationship between the s-wave and p-wave superconductivities
turns out to be recognized through Yangian algebra, a new type of
infinite-dimensional algebra.Comment: 7 pages, no figures. Accepted Journal of Physcis A: Mathematical and
Direct extraction of the Eliashberg function for electron-phonon coupling: A case study of Be(1010)
We propose a systematic procedure to directly extract the Eliashberg function
for electron-phonon coupling from high-resolution angle-resolved photoemission
data. The procedure is successfully applied to the Be(1010) surface, providing
new insights to electron-phonon coupling at this surface. The method is shown
to be robust against imperfections in experimental data and suitable for wider
applications.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. More details concerning the procedure are
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