5 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of thymus vulgaris essential oil on ovine mammary pustular dermatitis

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    The effectiveness of Thymus vulgaris L. Essential Oil (TvEO) for topical use in 21 sheep affected by mammary pustular dermatitis (MPD), not subjected to previous antibacterial therapy, was studied. After the evaluation of the antimicrobial susceptibility of isolated microorganisms(Staphylococcus epidermidis and Staphylococcus aureus) in milk samples to TvEO, some antimicrobials drugs (amoxicillin-clavulanic acid, doxycycline, florfenicol and enrofloxacin) and Citrus bergamia Risso et Poiteau EO (CvEO), the sheep, divided in two groups, were treated topically for 7 days with TvEO(13 animals) and CvEO (8 animals) respectively. The results showed that only TvEO induced a decrease in clinical signs 3 days after treatment and the complete disappearance of udder lesions after 7 days. No revival of infection was observedin the following months. The use of TvEOcould be an alternative to antibiotic treatment in ovine affected by MP

    Antibiotic resistance assessment in bacteria isolated in migratory Passeriformes transiting through the Metaponto territory (Basilicata, Italy)

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    Abstract Background Wild birds are considered to be reservoirs of human enteric pathogens and vectors of antimicrobial resistance dissemination in the environment. During their annual migration, they play a potential role in the epidemiology of human associated zoonoses. The aim of this study was to investigate the frequency of isolation and antimicrobial susceptibility profiles of microorganisms found in the cloaca of common European passerines. Methods One hundred and twenty-one cloacal swabs were collected during a monitoring program of migratory birds in the Forest Reserve for Protection "Metaponto" (Basilicata, Italy). All samples were cultured using standard bacteriological methods and antibiotic susceptibility testing (agar disk diffusion test) of isolated strains was performed. Results The bacteriological analysis produced 122 strains belonging to 18 different species. The most commonly isolated species were Enterobacter cloacae and Providencia rettgeri (21 strains, 17.2%). Potentially pathogenic species including Klebsiella pneumoniae, Serratia marcescens and Pseudomonas spp. have also been identified. Isolates showed significant frequencies of antimicrobial resistance. The highest frequency of resistance was observed against amoxicillin (n = 79, 64.8%); ampicillin (n = 77, 63.1%); rifampicin (n = 75, 61.5%); amoxicillin–clavulanic acid (n = 66, 54.1%). Thirty-one strains (25.4%) showed resistance to imipenem and 8 (6.6%) to meropenem. Conclusions Migratory birds play an important role in the ecology, circulation and dissemination of potentially pathogenic antimicrobial resistant organisms. They can therefore be considered sentinel species and environmental health indicators. Our results suggest that the integration of epidemiological surveillance networks during ringing campaigns of wild species can be an effective tool to study this phenomenon

    Antibacterial activity of tetracycline against Escherichia coli animal strains: an italian retrospective multicentre study

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    Introduction Tetracyclines exhibit the activity against a broad spectrum of pathogenic microorganisms; they are well absorbed, with a low toxicity and they are relatively inexpensive. In veterinary medicine, the tetracyclines are widely used mainly for the treatment of gastrointestinal, respiratory and skin bacterial infections, osteomyelitis, genito-urinary tract as well as systemic infections and sepsis. A retrospective multicentre surveillance of the tetracycline activity against Escherichia coli strains, isolated from domestic and wild animals, was carried out Materials and Methods This study involved hospital microbiology laboratories located in Northern (Turin and Milan), Central (Camerino) and South Italy (Naples and Messina) between January 2014 and December 2015. In all participating laboratories, the collected samples were plated on MacConkey agar plates, which were incubated aerobically at 37°C for 24-48 h. To identify the isolated bacteria, commercial biochemical kits were used. The tetracycline susceptibility pattern was determined by the Kirby-Bauer disk-diffusion method according to EUCAST guidelines. Results E. coli isolates of domestic animal origin showed a range of tetracycline resistance from 61.5% to 82.0%. In particular, Turin showed a percentage of 80.0 and 82.0, Milan 61.5 and 72.7, Camerino 70.0 and 73.5, Naples 66.7 and 72.4, Messina 61.7 and 73.0, in the year 2014 and 2015, respectively. Generally, in the 2015 the percentage rate resulted higher than that one observed in the 2014. E. coli isolates of wild animal origin showed a lower percentage of tetracycline resistance in samples collected in departments that presented data on wild animals (Turin, Camerino, Naples and Messina). Conclusions Resistance in Gram-negative bacteria has been increasing in the last years. This multicentre study gives a clear indication of the present spread of tetracycline-resistant Escherichia coli, the most common Gram-negative bacterial pathogen, between domestic and wild animals. Regardless of their geographical origin, all isolates displayed an interesting percentage of resistance. Generally, E. coli isolates from domestic species showed a higher resistance to tetracycline than those ones from wild animals. The extension of the monitoring systems in Italian territory is required to evaluate the prevalence of tetracycline-resistant microorganisms. The obtained data could suggest a correct use of antibiotics in Veterinary Medicine, because animals may represent one of the major sources of multidrug-resistant bacteria also for humans. Therefore, this investigation opens up new areas of exploration and cooperation about antibiotic resistance in veterinary and in human medicine

    Malattie infettive degli animali

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    Le malattie infettive degli animali rappresentano una parte rilevante della sanità pubblica, sia per motivi sanitari sia economici, e storicamente sono state tra i primi problemi di popolazione a dover essere gestiti. I contenuti del libro, scelti in base ai programmi didattici svolti in diverse Facoltà italiane, comprendono un’ampia serie di argomenti: una parte introduttiva sui concetti di epidemiologia, sorveglianza, diagnosi, profilassi, controllo ed eradicazione delle malattie infettive, per poi passare in rassegna le diverse patologie che colpiscono gli animali da reddito, da compagnia, i lagomorfi e gli esotici. Vengono anche trattati argomenti riguardanti le principali malattie emergenti e le zoonosi. La stesura del volume ha coinvolto un gran numero di docenti, ricercatori (di diverse sedi universitarie) e professionisti, ciascuno con la sua specifica competenza, con l’obiettivo di produrre un testo condiviso. “Malattie infettive degli animali”, volume di agile e facile consultazione, mette a disposizione di studenti, ricercatori e docenti un’opera completa e di indubbia utilità, con lo scopo di fornire gli strumenti teorici e pratici per la sorveglianza, la diagnosi e il controllo delle malattie infettive