31 research outputs found

    Territorial Balancing of Poles of Development

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    The paper is part of the study "Specific problems of the development of the settlement network in south-eastern Romania. Regions of development 3 (South), 4 (South-West) and 8 (Bucharest-Ilfov)" elaborated during 2004 – 2006, within the AMTRANS programme funded by the Ministry of Education and Research, coordinated by INCD – URBANPROIECT in partnership with the Institute of Geography of the Romanian Academy and the Qualification in Statistics National Centre. The general objective of the project was sustainable and balanced spatial development of the settlement network and promotion of new relationships between urban and rural. Concretely, the study has produced a model of a polycentric and balanced settlement network according to the European principles. The case study testing and validating this model took place in southern Romania, territory exhibiting acutely the entire range of problems related to the state of the settlement network: profoundly large rural areas, accentuated dynamics of declaring new cities without sufficient evidence, excessive polarization exercised by Bucharest, etc. The paper presents the intervention directions needed to balance in the territory urban poles within the studied area, focusing on the establishment of orientation policies to consolidate the role of each settlement based on the hierarchical level of importance: European, national, regional, and local. The paper also identifies possible functional urban areas: the metropolitan area of Bucharest, areas of potential strategic integration, areas of cooperation between the small and medium-sized cities and the rural regions. Within each of these areas, the paper proposes to establish new relationships between urban and rural based on partnership, involving cooperation and coordination in achieving common goals.The study considers that the poles of development are the key element of proposed model, and their identification, formation, and balanced distribution must represent the main direction of action, orienting policies for the sustainable development of the urban system. The constant financial effort needed to implement integrated policies for a balanced development of the settlement network results into a long term improvement of living conditions in urbane and rural communities

    Elements of chemotherapy and radiotherapy in animals

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    Cancer treatment is usually a polymorphic one, which includes: surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy or any combination of these. In order to choose a correct and appropriate therapeutic procedure for each patient, the following should be noted: the result of the histological examination, the malignancy status, the patient's medical history and the financial possibilities of the owner. In this regard, a minimum database on the health/illness of the patient is required, which is obtained by a blood test (biochemistry and hematology) and a urine test. For proper staging and correct prognosis, X-rays (simple or/and contrast), ultrasound or CT scan (CT) will be performed. Once the diagnosis is made, it is important to define the goals and expectations of the treatment applied. Tumor growth presents an exponential development phase, and then quickly enters a plateau phase. Response to chemotherapy depends on where it is on the development curve (if there are few cells in the division then the fraction destroyed by chemotherapeutics will be small). In conclusion, small tumors with high growth fraction are more sensitive to chemotherapeutics because they have a larger number of cells in the proliferative phase. In this bibliographic reference are presented the main elements of chemotherapy and radiotherapy in animals

    Quantitative ultrasound does not identify patients with an inflammatory disease at risk of vertebral deformities

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Previous studies from our group have shown that a high prevalence of vertebral deformities suggestive of fracture can be found in patients with an inflammatory disease, despite a near normal bone mineral density (BMD). As quantitative ultrasound (QUS) of the heel can be used for refined assessment of bone strength, we evaluated whether QUS can be used to identify subjects with an inflammatory disease with an increased chance of having a vertebral fracture.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>246 patients (mean age: 44 ± 12.4 years) with an inflammatory disease (sarcoidosis or inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)) were studied. QUS of the heel and BMD of the hip (by dual X-ray absorptiometry (DXA)) were measured. Furthermore lateral single energy densitometry of the spine for assessment of vertebral deformities was done. Logistic regression analysis was performed to assess the strength of association between the prevalence of a vertebral deformity and BMD and QUS parameters, adjusted for gender and age.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Vertebral deformities (ratio of <0.80) were found in 72 vertebrae of 54 subjects (22%). In contrast to the QUS parameters BUA (broadband ultrasound attenuation) and SOS (speed of sound), T-score of QUS and T-scores of the femoral neck and trochanter (DXA) were lower in the group of patients with vertebral deformities. Logistic regression analysis showed that the vertebral deformity risk increases by about 60 to 90% per 1 SD reduction of BMD (T-score) determined with DXA but not with QUS.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our findings imply that QUS measurements of the calcaneus in patients with an inflammatory condition, such as sarcoidosis and IBD, are likely of limited value to identify patients with a vertebral fracture.</p

    Experimental Aspects for CeO2 Nanoparticles Synthesis and Characterization

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    In recent years, cerium oxide (CeO2, or ceria) became a versatile nanostructured material because of its unique properties derived from the low dimensionality and high surface area. It was also extensively studied due to its practical performances in many scientific and industrial applications, such as fuel cells, luminescent materials, gas sensors, insulators, white LEDs, etc. In this paper, the research focused on the synthesis and characterization of cerium oxide powder manufactured by the co-precipitation method, using inorganic cerium salt (Ce(NO3)3) and the precipitating agent (NaOH). In order to optimize the CeO2 particles synthesis process, the parameters of the process were monitored to obtain the quantitative precipitate and to optimize the heat treatment. The precursors type and concentration used, reaction temperature and time, the pH of reaction medium and order of the precipitating agent addition are the main factors influencing the particle size and morphology of cerium oxide nanoparticles. The physico-chemical properties of the cerium oxide nanoparticles were determined by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX). The FTIR spectrum of the CeO2 particles calcinated at 550 °C, in normal atmosphere, exhibits a strong band at 482 cm-1 corresponding to Ce-O stretching vibration. The XRD pattern confirmed the crystalline nature of the CeO2 nanoparticles with a cubic structure and average crystallite size around 15 nm. Moreover, EDX analysis confirms the presence of the Ce and O atoms corresponding to the theoretical formula. The morphology and microstructure were studied using SEM analysis

    Systemic lupus erythematosus – the discrepancy between renal impairment and clinical and immunological manifestations

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    Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is the prototype of autoimmune diseases with multiorgan involvement, most commonly targeting the skin, joints and kidneys. The existence and type of renal involvement influence the prognosis and this information may be crucial when it comes to establishing the optimal therapy. We present the case of a patient with SLE with skin involvement (vasculitis), joint manifestations and immunological markers remitted under synthetic remissive treatment but with severe renal damage diagnosed at the renal biopsy as a glomerulosclerosis type focal segmental podocytopathy (FSGS) collapsing variant associated with a possible ultrastructural defect of the glomerular basement membrane in the context of the disease with a severe prognosis

    Anàlisi del turisme de pesca i avaluació de les seues potencialitats turístiques per a la seua posada en valor. Cas d¿estidi del Port de Gandia (Valencia).

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    [ES] La pesca tradicional ha sufrido grandes cambios tras el avance de la tecnología y el crecimiento de la acuicultura (Aldama, 2012). Los conocidos turismo de pesca, pesca-turismo y pesca recreativa aúnan una misma tendencia de turismo y en los últimos años se han convertido en una alternativa sostenible. El turismo pesquero se presenta como una oportunidad para la puesta en valor de actividades experienciales sostenibles que permiten recuperar la identidad, al tiempo que aparecen oportunidades de creación de productos turísticos únicos sostenibles. Estas alternativas encargadas de la supervivencia de la pesca artesanal representan un impulso de patrimonio cultural lo cual implica una oportunidad para los locales de las zonas costeras. El presente trabajo analiza el turismo de pesca existente en la Comunidad Valenciana y concretamente en el Puerto de Gandía desde un punto de vista global hasta el panorama actual y evalúa sus potencialidades turísticas, dando como resultado algunas alternativas sostenibles para su puesta en valor turística.[EN] Traditional fishing has undergone major changes following the progress of technology and the growth of aquaculture (Aldama, 2012). The well-known fishing tourism, fishing-tourism and recreational fishing combine the same tourism trend and in recent years have become a sustainable alternative. Fishing tourism is presented as an opportunity to value sustainable experiential activities that allow the recovery of identity, while opportunities for creating unique sustainable tourism products appear. These alternatives responsible for the survival of artisanal fishing represent a boost to cultural heritage, which implies an opportunity for locals in coastal areas. The present work analyzes the existing fishing tourism in the Valencian Community and specifically in the Port of Gandía from a global point of view to the current panorama and evaluates its tourist potential, resulting in some sustainable alternatives for its tourist enhancement.Dumitrescu, AB. (2022). Análisis del turismo de pesca y evaluación de sus potencialidades turísticas para su puesta en valor. Caso de estudio del Puerto de Gandía (Valencia, España). Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/186018TFG

    Changes in the demographic size and functional structure of Romania’s towns (1966-2002)

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    Like in the other Central-European countries, Romania’s industrial development model over 1950- 1989, focused on the accelerated and extensive socialist-type industrialisation, explosive urbanisation and the implementation of urban and rural planning schemes. It was a stage in which the national urban system expanded and consolidated. It might be said that the aim of post-war industrialisation and urbanisation was largely attained by a gradual transition from the traditional rural-agrarian society to the urban-industrial society of the 1990s. It was a stagewise evolution that took on different forms, had a dynamics of its own, and developed sociocultural particularities in the course of urbanisation. After 1989, reflected the urban system underwent a deep-going restructuring process that the country’s socio-political changes; urbanisation itself acquring new scope and breadth. This new stage of transition from the industrial to the services town-type mirrored the country’s socio-political transition. The industrial function preserved its importance even more than in the economically developed West European states, modern industry and technology being expected to provide the Romanian urban system a development that would enable it to integrate into the town system of Europe. The urban system is undergoing a process of restructuring now, the urban phenomenon acquiring new characteristics and dimensions. The industrial city – the representative type of urban settlement, is to be gradually replaced by the polifunctional and services town, as part of the country’s economic and social-political development targets for the beginning of the third millennium

    Cross-border cooperation in the Danube-lined Romanian/Bulgarian border-space: Geographical considerations

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    Since a number of transnational issues have been cropping up, the need was felt for the existence of a unitary sys­tem to tackle them. So, the building of some cross-border cooperation structures both at local level (cross-border zones) and at regional level (Euro regions) appeared as highly necessary and desirable. Their typology depends on the intensity and character of cross-border fluxes, the existence of local convergence cores, and of elements of complementariness and homogeneity between the two frontier spaces. The Danube-lined Romanian-Bulgarian frontier represents an axis of discontinuity between two natural regions, each with its own district traits: the Romanian Plain in the north and the Pre-Balkan Mountain in the south. As a result, the limitrophe border zone shows particular social and economic characteristics. Although the Danube River has favored the emergence of an urban area, yet the respective towns do not form a coherent system, the zone itself being extremely rural as a whole. The Romanian-Bulgarian cross-border zone in the Danubian sector features by a sudden variation in transversal fluxes, concentrating on certain directions imposed by the pattern of communication routes and the layout of doublet towns. Most fluxes pass through the Giurgiu-Ruse sector, a strong argument in favor of establishing a Euro-region based on the cross-border cooperation between the two towns

    Mapping the Evolution of Cybernetics: A Bibliometric Perspective

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    In this study, we undertake a comprehensive bibliometric analysis of the cybernetics research field. We compile a dataset of 4856 papers from the ISI Web of Science database spanning 1975–2022, employing keywords related to cybernetics. Our findings reveal an annual growth rate of 7.56% in cybernetics research over this period, indicating sustained scholarly interest. By examining the annual progression of scientific production, we have identified three distinct periods characterized by significant disruptions in yearly publication trends. These disruptions have been thoroughly investigated within the paper, utilizing a longitudinal analysis of thematic evolution. We also identify emerging research trends through keyword analysis. Furthermore, we investigate collaborative networks among authors, their institutional affiliations, and global representation to elucidate the dissemination of cybernetics research. Employing n-gram analysis, we uncover diverse applications of cybernetics in fields such as computer science, information science, social sciences, sustainable development, supply chain, knowledge management, system dynamics, and medicine. The study contributes to enhancing the understanding of the evolving cybernetics landscape. Moreover, the conducted analysis underscores the versatile applicability across various academic and practical domains associated with the cybernetics field