26 research outputs found

    Strategies for organising the attention of receivers in e-mail marketing

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     The article entitled “Strategies for organising the attention of receivers in e-mail marketing” discusses issues within social communication, more specifically e-mail advertising communication. In it, I consider the intention to draw the attention of receivers as the major element of said type of communication. The creators of advertisements utilise various methods for presenting their offers, as, in the light of market research, e-mail communication still holds a high significance in marketing. E-mail inboxes are often filled with advertising messages. Users easily identify some of those as advertising messages, and remove them without engaging their attention resources. Other, however, require more careful consideration as they do not reveal their commercial provenance, or even force users to open them. In order to discover the communication-based mechanisms which lay at the foundation of the influence on the receiver, I conducted a study of the material that I collected within a period of 2 years; there I analysed only those elements of an e-mail visible to receivers prior to clicking on a message. Eventually, I extracted 300 examples indicating the applications of the strategies discussed in the article, one of which is based on the intention to highlight an offer among other messages, while the other is aimed at concealing the marketing dimension of an offer. The assumed perspective of this communication-based study was explained by a description of an interdisciplinary nature: I discuss each strategy from the perspective of a linguist, I propose explanations of the mechanisms of their operation based on the knowledge regarding selected psychological mechanisms, and I indicated the operating tactics utilised within each strategy. The significance of the study was emphasised by the fact that a conscious and intentional concealment of the purpose of an e-mail constitutes an instrumental approach to receivers. Therefore, the application by the senders of advertising messages of the discussed strategies raises justified ethical doubts, and demands further research consideration, which might lead to legislative solutions

    Od prawicy do lewicy. Struktura ideologiczna polskich partii politycznych w latach 2015–2017

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    Czy w swoich wypowiedziach politycy identyfikujący się z prawicą bądź lewicą faktycznie manifestują poglądy właściwe dla deklarowanej opcji? Jak to możliwe, że partie uznawane przez wyborców i ekspertów za prawicowe mają ekonomicznie lewicowe elektoraty? Czy tzw. „socjal” zawsze należy wiązać z ideologią socjalizmu? W prezentowanej książce można znaleźć odpowiedzi na te i inne pytania dotyczące polskiego dyskursu parlamentarnego w latach 2015–2017.Publikacja sfinansowana w ramach dotacji na zadania służące rozwojowi młodych naukowców i doktorantów. Publikacja dofinasowana przez Wydział Filologiczny Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego

    Wykaz prac naukowych autorstwa Grażyny Habrajskiej

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    Prezentowana publikacja jubileuszowa jest dedykowana Profesor Grażynie Habrajskiej przez jej przyjaciół i uczniów. Wiele tekstów w niej zawartych nawiązuje do badawczych zainteresowań Jubilatki, liczne poświęcone są tematom aktualnie bliskim ich autorom, wszystkie zaś stanowią uhonorowanie niezaprzeczalnych dokonań oraz cenionej postawy naukowej Profesor Grażyny Habrajskiej


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    Prezentowana publikacja jubileuszowa jest dedykowana Profesor Grażynie Habrajskiej przez jej przyjaciół i uczniów. Wiele tekstów w niej zawartych nawiązuje do badawczych zainteresowań Jubilatki, liczne poświęcone są tematom aktualnie bliskim ich autorom, wszystkie zaś stanowią uhonorowanie niezaprzeczalnych dokonań oraz cenionej postawy naukowej Profesor Grażyny Habrajskiej

    Mechanical properties and Mullins effect in rubber reinforced by montmorillonite

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    The present work investigated the properties of rubber vulcanizates containing different nanoparticles (Cloisite 20A and Cloisite Na+) and prepared using different sonication amplitudes. The results showed that a maximum improvement in tensile strength of more than 60% over the reference sample was obtained by the nanocomposites containing 2 wt.% Cloisite 20A and 1 wt.% Cloisite Na+ and mixed with a maximum amplitude of 270 µm. The modulus at 300% elongation increased by approximately 18% and 25% with the addition of 2 wt.% Cloisite 20A and 3 wt.% Cloisite Na+, respectively. The shape retention coefficient of rubber samples was not significantly affected by the mixing amplitude, while the values of the softness measured at the highest amplitude (270 µm) were higher compared to those of mixtures homogenized with lower amplitudes. The loading-unloading and loading-reloading processes showed similar trends for all tested nanocomposites. However, they increased with increasing levels of sample stretching but were not significantly affected by filler content at a given elongation. More energy was dissipated during the loading-unloading process than during the loading-reloading. SEM micrographs of rubber samples before and after cycling loading showed rough, stratified, and elongated morphologies. XRD results showed that elastomeric chains were intercalated in the MMT nanosheets, confirming the improvement of mechanical properties. The difference between the hydrophilic pristine nanoclay (Cloisite Na+) and organomodified MMT (Cloisite 20A) was also highlighted, while the peaks of the stretched rubber samples were smaller, regardless of the rubber composition, due most probably to the decrease of interlayer spacing

    Polymer/Layered Clay/Polyurethane Nanocomposites: P3HB Hybrid Nanobiocomposites—Preparation and Properties Evaluation

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    This paper presents an attempt to improve the properties of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (P3HB) using linear aliphatic polyurethane (PU400) and organomodified montmorillonite (MMT)—(Cloisite®30B). The nanostructure of hybrid nanobiocomposites produced by extrusion was analyzed by X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy, and the morphology was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. In addition, selected mechanical properties and thermal properties were studied by thermogravimetric analysis, TGA, and differential scanning calorimetry, DSC. The interactions of the composite ingredients were indicated by FT IR spectroscopy. The effect of the amount of nanofiller on the properties of prepared hybrid nanobiocomposites was noted. Moreover, the non-equilibrium and equilibrium thermal parameters of nanobiocomposites were established based on their thermal history. Based on equilibrium parameters (i.e., the heat of fusion for the fully crystalline materials and the change in the heat capacity at the glass transition temperature for the fully amorphous nanobiocomposites), the degree of crystallinity and the mobile and rigid amorphous fractions were estimated. The addition of Cloisite®30B and aliphatic polyurethane to the P3HB matrix caused a decrease in the degree of crystallinity in reference to the unfilled P3HB. Simultaneously, an increase in the amorphous phase contents was noted. A rigid amorphous fraction was also denoted. Thermogravimetric analysis of the nanocomposites was also carried out and showed that the thermal stability of all nanocomposites was higher than that of the unfilled P3HB. An additional 1% mass of nanofiller increased the degradation temperature of the nanocomposites by about 30 °C in reference to the unfilled P3HB. Moreover, it was found that obtained hybrid nanobiocomposites containing 10 wt.% of aliphatic polyurethane (PU400) and the smallest amount of nanofiller (1 wt.% of Cloisite®30B) showed the best mechanical properties. We observed a desirable decrease in hardness of 15%, an increase in the relative strain at break of 60% and in the impact strength of 15% of the newly prepared nanobiocomposites with respect to the unfiled P3HB. The produced hybrid nanobiocomposites combined the best features induced by the plasticizing effect of polyurethane and the formation of P3HB–montmorillonite–polyurethane (P3HB-PU-MMT) adducts, which resulted in the improvement of the thermal and mechanical properties

    How to research insinuation? Communicative perspective

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    Insinuation used in Internet journalistic announcements is the method of gaining activity on the website, which is implemented by the broadcaster in order to increase figures and obtain economic benefits. On the other hand, it is a socially harmful phenomenon – the person at whom the insinuation is addressed is put at risk of losing a positive image. Moreover, the viewer is exposed to contact with a disinformative message. The paper presents a method, deriving from communicative grammar, which makes it possible to demonstrate whether a given Internet journalistic announcement is based on insinuation.Insynuowanie stosowane w internetowych zapowiedziach dziennikarskich jest sposobem uzyskiwania ruchu na stronie używanym przez nadawców w celu podniesienia wskaźników i uzyskania korzyści ekonomicznych. Z drugiej strony jest ono zjawiskiem szkodliwym społecznie – wystawia osoby, wobec których kieruje insynuacje, na niebezpieczeństwo utraty pozytywnego wizerunku, a także naraża odbiorcę na kontakt z dezinformującym komunikatem. Artykuł prezentuje wywodzącą się z gramatyki komunikacyjnej metodę, która pozwala wykazać, czy dana internetowa zapowiedź dziennikarska posługuje się insynuacją

    Ideological Objects in Parliamentary Discourse

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    The article presents implementation of method of ideological objects identification in discourse in the example of parliamentary debate. The analysis is being conducted according to methodological assumption of communicative grammar. The analysis of extensive testing material shows, that such objects as democracy, right to life, limitation of abortion and in vitro fertilization have the ideological objects status. That is because participants of the discourse choose different parameters, that are characteristic for this objects. If the participants of social-political discourse have lack of consciousness, that these objects could be ambiguous, they could not understand the right meaning of the statements.W artykule przedstawiona jest implementacja metody identyfikowania obiektów ideologicznych w dyskursie na przykładzie debaty parlamentarnej. Analiza prowadzona jest zgodnie z założeniami metodologicznymi gramatyki komunikacyjnej. Wykazała ona, że takie obiekty, jak demokracja, prawo do życia, ograniczenie liczby aborcji czy zapłodnienie in vitro mają status obiektów ideologicznych, bowiem uczestnicy dyskursu odwołują się do różnych parametrów, jakimi charakteryzują się te obiekty. Brak świadomości uczestników dyskursu społeczno-politycznego w zakresie wieloznaczności tych obiektów prowadzi do braku zrozumienia właściwego sensu generowanych w jego zakresie wypowiedzi