5 research outputs found

    Wetlands: geographic distribution, importance, vulnerability and protection

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    Močvare su staništa čija široka definicija rezultira obuhvatom brojnih područja raznih karakteristika. Prema definiciji Ramsarske konvencije, ta su područja močvare u užem smislu, cretovi, tresetišta ili vode, prirodne ili umjetne, stalne ili povremene, sa stajaćom ili tekućom vodom, slatkom, bočatom ili slanom, a uključuju i područja morske vode duboke do šest metara za vrijeme oseke. Močvarna su staništa široko rasprostranjena u svijetu, a zbog brojnosti i važnosti njihovih funkcija, te sve izraženijom ugroženošću antropogenim djelovanjem, zaštićena su brojnim konvencijama i sporazumima, od kojih je najvažnija Ramsarska konvencija. Na Ramsarskom se popisu močvarnih staništa od međunarodne važnosti nalazi pet područja u Republici Hrvatskoj. Osim njih, na teritoriju Hrvatske nalazi se oko 3800 močvarnih područja koja su identificirana i kartirana projektom inventarizacije močvarnih staništa.Wetlands are habitats whose broad definition results in the inclusion of numerous areas with various characteristics. According to the Ramsar Convention, these are areas of marsh, fen, peatland or water, whether natural or artificial, permanent or temporary, with water that is static or flowing, fresh, brackish or salt, including areas of marine water the depth of which at low tide does not exceed six metres. Wetland habitats are widespread in the world, and due to the abundance and importance of their functions, as well as the increasingly pronounced vulnerability due to anthropogenic activity, they are protected by numerous conventions and agreements, most notably the Ramsar Convention. The Ramsar List of Wetlands of International Importance includes 5 areas in the Republic of Croatia. In addition, there are around 3800 wetland areas in the territory of Croatia that have been identified and mapped through the project of inventorisation of wetland habitats

    An Ethogram of the Channel-billed toucan (Ramphastos vitellinus, Lichtenstein 1823.) and stimulating natural behaviour in captivity

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    Ovaj se rad bavi istraživanjem ponašanja crnokljunih tukana u zatočeništvu. Cilj rada bio je kroz etogram prikazati raznolikost njihovih ponašanja u nastambi paviljona „Tropska kuća“ zagrebačkog zoološkog vrta te, tehnikom obogaćivanja okoliša, potaknuti prirodna ponašanja. Testiran je utjecaj načina nuđenja hrane (živi kukci i voće), sezone (gnijezdeća i negnijezdeća) kao i vremenskih prilika na ponašanja vezana uz hranjenje. Tijekom 135 sati promatranja, metodom slobodnog uzorkovanja, opisano je 57 jediničnih ponašanja koja ukazuju da nastamba potiče iskazivanje velikog broja ponašanja specifičnih za vrstu. Metodom kontinuiranog uzorkovanja, u 54 sata promatranja, praćena je promjena u ponašanju tukana vezana uz hranjenje. Mann-Whitney i Kruskal-Wallis testom nađeno je da se vrijeme provedeno u potrazi za hranom, broj dolazaka do hrane kao i vrijeme provedeno u hranjenju i manipulaciji hranom značajno razlikuje u ovisnosti o načinu nuđenja hrane i sezoni, a u manjoj mjeri i vremenskim prilikama.The subject of this thesis is research of behaviour of channel-billed toucans in captivity. The goal was to show diversity in behaviours through ethogram of the specimens held in the Zagreb Zoo pavilion - „Tropical house“ as well as to stimulate the expression of species specific behaviours through environmental enrichment techniques. We tested if the differences in feeding behavior depended on presentation of food (live insects and fruit), seasonal change (breeding and non-breeding season) or weather conditions. In 135 hours of observation with ad libitum sampling method, 57 behavioural units were described which shows that the exhibit allows for a large number of species specific behaviours. The differences in feeding behaviour were measured in 54 hours of observation with continuous sampling method. Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis test showed that the time spent in foraging, time spent in feeding and in food manipulation changes significantly depending on food presentation and seasonal change but to a lesser extent on weather conditions

    An Ethogram of the Channel-billed toucan (Ramphastos vitellinus, Lichtenstein 1823.) and stimulating natural behaviour in captivity

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    Ovaj se rad bavi istraživanjem ponašanja crnokljunih tukana u zatočeništvu. Cilj rada bio je kroz etogram prikazati raznolikost njihovih ponašanja u nastambi paviljona „Tropska kuća“ zagrebačkog zoološkog vrta te, tehnikom obogaćivanja okoliša, potaknuti prirodna ponašanja. Testiran je utjecaj načina nuđenja hrane (živi kukci i voće), sezone (gnijezdeća i negnijezdeća) kao i vremenskih prilika na ponašanja vezana uz hranjenje. Tijekom 135 sati promatranja, metodom slobodnog uzorkovanja, opisano je 57 jediničnih ponašanja koja ukazuju da nastamba potiče iskazivanje velikog broja ponašanja specifičnih za vrstu. Metodom kontinuiranog uzorkovanja, u 54 sata promatranja, praćena je promjena u ponašanju tukana vezana uz hranjenje. Mann-Whitney i Kruskal-Wallis testom nađeno je da se vrijeme provedeno u potrazi za hranom, broj dolazaka do hrane kao i vrijeme provedeno u hranjenju i manipulaciji hranom značajno razlikuje u ovisnosti o načinu nuđenja hrane i sezoni, a u manjoj mjeri i vremenskim prilikama.The subject of this thesis is research of behaviour of channel-billed toucans in captivity. The goal was to show diversity in behaviours through ethogram of the specimens held in the Zagreb Zoo pavilion - „Tropical house“ as well as to stimulate the expression of species specific behaviours through environmental enrichment techniques. We tested if the differences in feeding behavior depended on presentation of food (live insects and fruit), seasonal change (breeding and non-breeding season) or weather conditions. In 135 hours of observation with ad libitum sampling method, 57 behavioural units were described which shows that the exhibit allows for a large number of species specific behaviours. The differences in feeding behaviour were measured in 54 hours of observation with continuous sampling method. Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis test showed that the time spent in foraging, time spent in feeding and in food manipulation changes significantly depending on food presentation and seasonal change but to a lesser extent on weather conditions

    An Ethogram of the Channel-billed toucan (Ramphastos vitellinus, Lichtenstein 1823.) and stimulating natural behaviour in captivity

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    Ovaj se rad bavi istraživanjem ponašanja crnokljunih tukana u zatočeništvu. Cilj rada bio je kroz etogram prikazati raznolikost njihovih ponašanja u nastambi paviljona „Tropska kuća“ zagrebačkog zoološkog vrta te, tehnikom obogaćivanja okoliša, potaknuti prirodna ponašanja. Testiran je utjecaj načina nuđenja hrane (živi kukci i voće), sezone (gnijezdeća i negnijezdeća) kao i vremenskih prilika na ponašanja vezana uz hranjenje. Tijekom 135 sati promatranja, metodom slobodnog uzorkovanja, opisano je 57 jediničnih ponašanja koja ukazuju da nastamba potiče iskazivanje velikog broja ponašanja specifičnih za vrstu. Metodom kontinuiranog uzorkovanja, u 54 sata promatranja, praćena je promjena u ponašanju tukana vezana uz hranjenje. Mann-Whitney i Kruskal-Wallis testom nađeno je da se vrijeme provedeno u potrazi za hranom, broj dolazaka do hrane kao i vrijeme provedeno u hranjenju i manipulaciji hranom značajno razlikuje u ovisnosti o načinu nuđenja hrane i sezoni, a u manjoj mjeri i vremenskim prilikama.The subject of this thesis is research of behaviour of channel-billed toucans in captivity. The goal was to show diversity in behaviours through ethogram of the specimens held in the Zagreb Zoo pavilion - „Tropical house“ as well as to stimulate the expression of species specific behaviours through environmental enrichment techniques. We tested if the differences in feeding behavior depended on presentation of food (live insects and fruit), seasonal change (breeding and non-breeding season) or weather conditions. In 135 hours of observation with ad libitum sampling method, 57 behavioural units were described which shows that the exhibit allows for a large number of species specific behaviours. The differences in feeding behaviour were measured in 54 hours of observation with continuous sampling method. Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis test showed that the time spent in foraging, time spent in feeding and in food manipulation changes significantly depending on food presentation and seasonal change but to a lesser extent on weather conditions

    Users’ experience of personal assistance

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    Rad se bavi analizom iskustva korisnika usluga osobnog asistenta koji su članovi Hrvatske udruge paraplegičara i tetraplegičara. U uvodnom dijelu se nastoji razjasniti defi niranje instituta osobnog asistenta i samog Pilot projekta osobnog asistenta za osobe s najtežom vrstom i stupnjem invaliditeta. Cilj istraživanja bio je dobiti uvid u iskustva korisnika usluga osobnog asistenta članova Hrvatske udruge paraplegičara i tetraplegičara. Intervju je proveden s 8 članova navedene udruge tijekom 2007.godine.Temeljem kvalitativne analize rezultata intervjua dobiveno je 14 kategorija. Obilježja suradnje osobnog asistenta i korisnika su defi nirana kroz sljedeće kategorije: 1. prilagodba; 2. kvaliteta odnosa; 3. različite vrste suradnje; 4. međusobna koordiniranost i fl eksibilnost. Vrste pomoći su definirane sljedećim kategorijama: 1. praktična pomoć; 2. medicinska skrb; 3. pomoć pri aktivnostima u slobodno vrijeme; 4.pomoć obitelji. Kompetentnost osobnog asistenta definirana je kategorijama: 1. prosocijalno ponašanje; 2. profesionalan odnos prema radu. Poteškoće u radu su definirane kroz sljedeće kategorije: 1. nepostojanje zakonske regulative; 2. problemi organizacijske prirode; 3. nemogućnost pronalaska osobnog asistenta; 4. problemi osobne prirode.The paper analyzes the users’ experience of personal assistant who are members of Paraplegia and Tetraplegia Association of Croatia. The definition of Personal Asssistant and Personal Assistance Pilot Project to persons with most profound type and degree of disabilities are defined in introduction. The aim of this research was to perceive users’ experience of personal assistance who are members of Paraplegia and Tetraplegia Association of Croatia. Eight members of the Association were interviewed in 2007. Fourteen categories were obtained by qualitative analysis of results. Cooperation features between the users and personal assistans are defined in following categories: 1. adjustment; 2. quality of relations; 3. different cooperation; 4. mutual compatibility and flexibility. Different types of help are defined: 1. practical help; 2. medical care; 3. help with spare time activities; 4. family help. Assistant personality characteristics are: 1. prosocial behaviour; 2. professional work atitude. Difficulties in work are defined in these categories: 1. absence of law regulations 2. organizational problems; 3. impossibility to find personal assistant; 4. personal problems