326 research outputs found

    Wetlands: geographic distribution, importance, vulnerability and protection

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    Močvare su staništa čija široka definicija rezultira obuhvatom brojnih područja raznih karakteristika. Prema definiciji Ramsarske konvencije, ta su područja močvare u užem smislu, cretovi, tresetišta ili vode, prirodne ili umjetne, stalne ili povremene, sa stajaćom ili tekućom vodom, slatkom, bočatom ili slanom, a uključuju i područja morske vode duboke do šest metara za vrijeme oseke. Močvarna su staništa široko rasprostranjena u svijetu, a zbog brojnosti i važnosti njihovih funkcija, te sve izraženijom ugroženošću antropogenim djelovanjem, zaštićena su brojnim konvencijama i sporazumima, od kojih je najvažnija Ramsarska konvencija. Na Ramsarskom se popisu močvarnih staništa od međunarodne važnosti nalazi pet područja u Republici Hrvatskoj. Osim njih, na teritoriju Hrvatske nalazi se oko 3800 močvarnih područja koja su identificirana i kartirana projektom inventarizacije močvarnih staništa.Wetlands are habitats whose broad definition results in the inclusion of numerous areas with various characteristics. According to the Ramsar Convention, these are areas of marsh, fen, peatland or water, whether natural or artificial, permanent or temporary, with water that is static or flowing, fresh, brackish or salt, including areas of marine water the depth of which at low tide does not exceed six metres. Wetland habitats are widespread in the world, and due to the abundance and importance of their functions, as well as the increasingly pronounced vulnerability due to anthropogenic activity, they are protected by numerous conventions and agreements, most notably the Ramsar Convention. The Ramsar List of Wetlands of International Importance includes 5 areas in the Republic of Croatia. In addition, there are around 3800 wetland areas in the territory of Croatia that have been identified and mapped through the project of inventorisation of wetland habitats

    Mitologizacija migrantskoga pitanja u Saveznoj Republici Njemačkoj kao posljedica migrantske krize iz 2015. i njen učinak na promjene u njemačkoj migracijskoj politici

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    This article deals with the process of mythologisation of the migrant issue in the Federal Republic of Germany during the period 2014–2018. The research started with the fundamental question of how selected German media represented the immigrants from predominantly Muslim countries who came to Germany during and immediately after the 2015 migrant crisis. The media content on migration and extremism was selected from the available online archives of the following German newspapers: Berliner Morgenpost, Deutsche Welle, Die Zeit, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, and Freie Presse. Using the discourse theory of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe as the research model, three master signifiers were selected from the analysed articles: immigrants, German jihadists, and German far-right extremists. Further analysis suggested that myths were the most influential type of signification and a dominant way of dealing with the critical situation caused by the 2015 migrant crisis. As a result of that situation, the following myths were produced: the open-door myth, the myth of Islamisation and the new myth of the East. In the analysed material, references to historical German myths, like the border myth and the stab in the back myth, were also recorded. This research aimed to determine the relation between of the process of mythologisation during and immediately after the emergence of the 2015 migrant crisis and the changes in German migration policy. Furthermore, the role of hegemonic discourse was explored, especially in situations where it was used to alleviate cultural conflict and social polarisation in times of crisis.Ovaj se članak bavi procesom mitologizacije migrantskoga pitanja u Saveznoj Republici Njemačkoj od 2014. do 2018. Polazi od pitanja na koji se način u odabranim njemačkim medijima označavalo imigrante iz pretežito muslimanskih zemalja koji su došli u Saveznu Republiku Njemačku tijekom i neposredno nakon izbijanja migrantske krize 2015. Analiza je provedena na medijskom sadržaju na temu migracija i ekstremizma s dostupnih online arhiva sljedećih njemačkih glasila: Berliner Morgenpost, Deutsche Welle, Die Zeit, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung i Freie Presse. Upotrebom diskurzivne teorije Ernesta Laclaua i Chantal Mouffe kao istraživačkog modela, u analiziranim člancima izdvojeni su sljedeći glavni označitelji: imigranti, njemački džihadisti i njemački krajnje desni ekstremisti. Daljnja je analiza pokazala da su mitovi bili najutjecajniji oblik označavanja, a mitologizacija dominantni način djelovanja u kritičnoj situaciji koju je uzrokovala migrantska kriza iz 2015. Kao rezultat navedene situacije proizvedeni su sljedeći mitovi: mit o otvorenim vratima, mit o islamizaciji Njemačke i novi mit o istoku. U analiziranom materijalu pronađene su poveznice s poznatim povijesnim njemačkim mitovima poput mita o granici i mita o nožu u leđa. Cilj istraživanja bio je odrediti ulogu procesa mitologizacije, pod utjecajem migrantske krize iz 2015., u promjenama njemačke migracijske politike te način upotrebe hegemonijskog diskursa u cilju ublažavanja kulturnog konflikta i smanjenja društvene polarizacije u vrijeme krize

    Vital Indicators of Dominican Spirituality and Missions. A Theological-historical Reflection

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    Sveti Dominik, utemeljitelj Reda braće propovjednika, osnovao je propovjednički red koji kao glavni cilj ima naviještanje Božje riječi i koji je po svojoj naravi aktivan i dinamičan. Od brojnih redovničkih opsluživanja starih monaških redova sveti Dominik preuzeo je ona koja su pogodovala ostvarenju njegova cilja. Red braće propovjednika u svoje zakone uvodi praksu oprosta od pojedinih monaških službi ako su one bile zaprjeka plodnom propovjedničkom apostolatu i teološkom studiju. Dominikanski red prva je crkvena redovnička ustanova koja je obvezu trajnoga studija ugradila u same temelje svoga djelovanja. Upravo zato dominikanska duhovnost nije ni čisto monaška ni strogo aktivna, nego sretan spoj apostolata i monaškoga načina življenja. Dominikanska duhovnost molitvom, studiranjem, zajedničkim redovničkim životom, monaškim opsluživanjima i specifičnim dominikanskim apostolatom usmjerava pripadnike Reda braće propovjednika prema vrhuncima kršćanskoga savršenstva. Od neprocjenjive je važnosti imati na umu misao sv. Tome Akvinskoga prema kojoj sav život dominikanaca i njihov apostolat moraju proizlaziti iz punine kontemplacije. Članak je razdijeljen na tri dijela. Najprije se govori o značenju i raznovrsnosti duhovnosti. Nakon toga slijedi izlaganje o naravi specifične dominikanske duhovnosti, tj. o kontemplaciji, o propovijedanju i studiju. U trećem se dijelu vrlo opširno govori o duhovnom životu i radu hrvatskih dominikanaca.Saint Dominic founded the Order of Friars Preachers with the main aim of proclaiming God\u27s word. By nature he was active and dynamic. Among the numerous religious rules practised by orders of monks, Saint Dominic carried on with those that served to achieve that main aim. The Order of Friars Preachers\u27 legislation introduced exemption of certain monastic servilities if these seemed to be a barrier to fruitful apostolate and studies of preaching. The Dominican Order is the first religious institution in the Church that built in the obligation of permanent learning into the very foundation of their lives. It is for this reason in fact that Dominican spirituality is not simply monastic, nor strictly active but a favourable combination of apostolic and monastic living. Dominican spirituality in prayer, studies, joint religious life, monastic rules and specific Dominican apostolate directs members of the Order of Friars Preachers towards the ultimate in Christian perfection. It is of immeasurable significance to keep in mind the thoughts of St. Thomas Aquinas according to which Dominican life and apostolate must result from the fullness of contemplation. The article is divided into three sections. The first refers to the significance and variety of the expression »spirituality«. There are various types of spirituality in the Church that are mutually varied even though they are not completely opposite and irreconcilable to spiritual attitudes and paths that lead to the ultimate Christian perfection. They all have an end life objective of directing souls towards God in faith and love, following and in being absolutely loyal to Christ. The second section speaks about the nature of Dominican spirituality. Saint Dominic founded the Order of Friars Preachers with the desire to combine monastic (static) and preaching (dynamic) in their way of life. He emerged as one who proclaimed God\u27s word through preaching and learning which, according to the words of St. Thomas Aquinas, needs to result from the fullness of contemplation, spiritual thinking permeated with God\u27s love and joyful adherence to God\u27s will which is a gift of the Holy Spirit. Dominican preaching must result from the fullness of contemplation and learning. Contemplation represents thinking about God and about man, about the paths upon which man is directed to God as the final aim and meaning in life. It means uniting the soul with God with a simple view permeated with love. In the Dominican concept of life, studying is vitally connected to the apostolic mission of the Order. The words of the first Constitution of the Order about studying note: »As studying the Holy Truth is a vital means to realise the special aim of the Order, may our brethren, by the example and order of our blessed patriarch Dominic be completely occupied with their studies, by night and by day, in the home and on the road, may they read and contemplate and endeavour to remember whatever they can.« The third section of the article relates to the spiritual life and apostolic work of Croatian Dominicans. Permeated with Dominican spirituality, Croatian Dominicans in practise follow the ordinary way of apostolic life in their work which is evident throughout the entire Order. They study Preaching at ecclesiastic tertiary institutions, they write theological, philosophical articles and preachings in Latin, Italian and Croatian. Wider popular worship amongst the faithful is conducted through brotherhoods, preaching at so-called »parish missions« amongst the faithful in Croatian speaking regions while through the »Third Order«, they animate and engage lay persons to propagate spiritual and social values within their communities. They were deeply aware that apostolic missions of their every day lives must be, faithful to their words, teaching others of the holy life and that the word of action is more convincing than the voice from their mouths


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    Migrena je primarna glavobolja, čija prevalencija u općoj populaciji Europske unije iznosi 15%. Može se javiti epizodički, a može biti i kronična. Klinički je karakterizirana onesposobljavajućom, unilateralnom, pulsirajućom glavoboljom, trajanja 4 do 72 sata, praćenom mučninom i povraćanjem te fotofobijom, fonofobijom i osmofobijom. Godišnji troškovi migrene, direktni vezani uz dijagnostiku i terapiju te indirektni vezani uz izostanke s posla, procjenjuju se u Europskoj uniji na 5 milijardi eura. Stoga migrena predstavlja ne samo medicinski, već i socioekonomski problem. Točan uzrok migrenske glavobolje nije poznat, a zbog učestale pozitivne obiteljske anamneze smatra se da su u podlozi i genetski čimbenici. Prema današnjem shvaćanju u patogenezi migrenske glavobolje središnje mjesto zauzima aktivacija trigeminovaskularnog sustava s posljedičnom neurogenom inflamacijom i dilatacijom intrakranijskih krvnih žila inerviranih od C vlakana trigeminalnog živca. Dijagnoza migrene postavlja se na temelju kliničke slike i simptoma, a prema kriterijima Međunarodnog društva za glavobolju (International Headache Society) svrstava se u jednu od podvrsta - migrenu bez aure i migrenu s aurom. Terapija migrene je prema preporukama Europske federacije neuroloških društava (European Federation of Neurological Societies) abortivna – usmjerena na prekidanje glavobolje i ublažavanje pratećih simptoma te profilaktička – usmjerena prevenciji nastanka istih. U abortivnoj terapiji mogu se koristiti lijekovi iz skupina nesteroidnih antiinflamatornih lijekova ili triptana, dok se u profilaktičkoj terapiji koriste lijekovi iz skupina antihipertenziva, antidepresiva ili antiepileptika. Osim farmakoterapije, u liječenju odnosno prevenciji migrene mogu se koristiti komplementarne metode kao što su promjena životnih navika, biofeedback, akupunktura i transkutana električna stimulacija živaca.Migraine is a primary headache, whose prevalence in the general population of the European Union is 15%. It can be episodic but it can also be a chronic condition. It is characterized by a unilateral, pulsating headache and can last between 4 and 72 hours. Associated symptoms may include nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light, sound or smell. The direct and indirect annual costs of migraine are estimated to be 5 billion euros in the European Union. Thus, migraine is not only medical but also a socio-economic problem. The exact cause of migraine headaches is unknown, but frequent positive family history indicates a connection with genetic factors. The central place in the pathogenesis of migraine belongs to the activation of the trigeminovascular system, with consequent vasodilatation and neurogenic inflammation of intracranial blood vessels that are innervated by C fibers from the trigeminal nerve. The diagnosis of migraine should be based on clinical presentation and symptoms, and pursuant to the criteria set by the International Headache Society, it may be more closely classified as one of the types of migraine – migraine without aura and migraine with aura. According to the European Federation of Neurological Societies, the treatment of migraine can be abortive - the removal and alleviation of symptoms, and prophylactic - prevention of the occurrence of symptoms. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or triptans are used in the abortive therapy, and antihypertensive medication, antidepressants or antiepileptics are used in prophylactic therapy. In addition to pharmacotherapy, complementary methods, such as changing habits, biofeedback, acupuncture and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, can also be used to treat or prevent migraine headache

    Instruktivna analiza sonate op. 35 u b-molu Frédérica Chopina

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    Ovaj diplomski rad je sastavljen od pet poglavlja. Prije prvog uvodnog poglavlja, prethodi kratak sažetak diplomske radnje. Drugo poglavlje podijeljeno je u tri dijela, a pisano je sa ciljem upoznavanja povijesne pozadine sonate, ali i skladatelja koji je to djelo napisao. Osvrnut ću se na njegov glazbeni utjecaj koji ga definira kao skladatelja. Unutar tog poglavlja također ću se pozabaviti njegovim stvaralaštvom. Kratko ću se osvrnuti na sonatni oblik i razdoblje romantizma. Treće poglavlje sadrži suštinu same radnje, formalnu, tehničku i interpretativnu analizu Sonate. U tom poglavlju pokušat ću prodrijeti u njezinu srž, objasniti formu, tehničke probleme koje ona donosi i njihova eventualna rješenja kao što su pedalizacija, prstomet, pasaže i sl. Nakon analize slijedi zaključak i popis literature.This graduate thesis is composed of five chapters. Prior to the first introductory chapter, it precedes a brief abstract of graduate thesis. The second chapter is divided into three parts and it is written for the purpose of getting to know the historical background of the sonata, but also to better understand the composer who wrote it. In this chapter i will talk about the influence that define Chopin as a composer and about his compositions. I will briefly look at the sonata form and period of Romanticism. The third chapter contains the essence of the graduate thesis itself, formal, technical and interpretative analysis of Sonata. In this chapter I will try to penetrate to her core, explain the form, technical problems she brings and their possible solutions such as pedaling, fingering, passages etc. After the analysis follows the conclusion and list of literature