6 research outputs found

    Scientific Criminal Investigation Legal Studies in the Police Investigation Process

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    Scientific Criminal Investigation can be a method in the investigation process carried out by investigators to prove evidence in proving criminal cases. Process of the Scientific Criminal Investigation method in proving it can minimize errors with fast, precise, and accurate examinations. The investigation process of scientific evidence by investigators also needs to be supported by technical assistance from several branches of forensic science. This study aims to obtain a description of the method of Scientific Criminal Investigation in the disclosure of criminal acts using quantitative methods. The application of the Scientific Criminal Investigation Method in the evidentiary process has a role in uncovering evidence and evidence in criminal cases following the Criminal Procedure Code, namely through letter evidence, instructions, and expert statements. Thus, proving a case using the Scientific Criminal Investigation method is a breakthrough in the evidentiary process of proving a criminal case. In this way, the Scientific Criminal Investigation Method becomes a reference for investigators in the process of proving criminal cases because scientific crime studies are also supported by increasing and sophisticated sciences, including the special tools created. Keywords: scientific criminal investigation, investigation, evidenc

    Smart Policing in Overcoming Sexting Emergency Among Adolescents

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    This research is motivated by the rampant cases of sexting among teenagers having a lot of negative impact on the victims. So protection and law enforcement are needed with the smart policing approach because sexting is a crime that utilizes technology. This study aims to determine legal protection for victims of sexting and law enforcement against sexting perpetrators through smart policing among adolescents. The type of research that the authors use is normative juridical. There are two forms of legal protection for victims of sexting among adolescents using Smart Policing, namely preventive and repressive legal protection. Preventive legal protection with Smart Policing, by providing information and appeals through social media owned by the Police. Meanwhile, repressive legal protection applies E-Policing, namely E-Dumas and online complaint websites. Law enforcement against sexting is talking about the sanctions contained in laws and regulations, namely the ITE Law and the Pornography Law. Apart from that it also pays attention to the provisions related to age, sanctions, and juvenile justice process limits, if the perpetrator of sexting is a child. Keywords: smart policing, sexting, adolescent

    Legal Protection for Victims of Artificial Intelligence-based Pornography in the Form of Deepfakes According to Indonesian Law

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    Deepfake is an artificial intelligence-based technique for synthesizing an image of a person, using a special method to combine images or videos to make the result look realistic (POLRI 2020). Deepfake is a relatively new type of technology that allows you to download deepfake apps for free. Anyone can access the Deepfake app to create freely edited videos and images. The original purpose of using deepfakes was entertainment on TV and social media. But over time, technology is used as a tool to mislead people and spread misinformation. Deepfakes can undermine public trust, especially when it comes to big and famous people. Not only fake videos but reputation is also easily damaged by this technique. Keywords: deepfake, artificial intelligence, information and transaction electroni

    Review of Legal Ethics in Applying Palliative Care to Improving the Quality of Life of Patients

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    Palliative care is a treatment for patients who have incurable diseases by optimizing the patient’s quality of life and reducing pain and other symptoms by paying attention to psychological and spiritual aspects. Previous studies have assessed the importance of implementing palliative care in Indonesia because of the high prevalence of incurable diseases such as cancer, heart failure, and other diseases such as HIV/AIDS. Palliative care is a form of medical care and patient comfort that controls the intensity of a disease or slows its progress, whether or not there is hope of recovery. Palliative care does not aim to provide a cure or reverse disease progression. It is an important part of caring for terminal patients, which can be done simply, although their main priority is quality of life and not recovery of the patient from the illness. Most patients come for treatment with a diagnosis of disease in an advanced stage. In such conditions, the patient tends to choose a short but happy life rather than a long life with many limitations. For patients, the only realistic treatment options are pain barriers and palliative care. So palliative care is an effective way to improve the quality of life of patients. Keywords: legal ethics, palliative care, patien

    The Urgency of Establishing Guidelines for Handling Cybercrime Cases in the Indonesian National Police Department

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    The Urgency of Establishing Guidelines for Handling Cybercrime Cases in the Indonesian National Police DepartmentTechnological development has a strong influence on the development of criminals. In the past, crimes were carried out in conventional ways and tools, but now crimes are carried out in modern ways. Cybercrime is a borderless crime and requires special treatment when collecting digital evidence. Evidence in cyber crime allows criminals to hide or remove their tracks. Until now, Indonesian National Police (POLRI) does not have any case management guidelines for storing digital evidence using digital forensic methods. This research aims to determine what steps investigators take in obtaining digital evidence, whether these steps have been effective in law enforcement, or whether they are still unclear. The method in this writing is normative legal research based on a statute approach and a conceptual approach. The author offers to establish guidelines for handling cyber crime cases in the Indonesian National Police by relying on digital forensic methods by strengthening and choosing the right tools for handling cases. Keywords: cybercrime, digital evidence, digital forensi