208 research outputs found

    Psicologia Escolar: tendências para o século XXI

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    Processamento digital da imagem WorldView-2 para mapeamento do uso e cobertura da terra no Noroeste do Estado do RJ.

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    A necessidade de compreender as mudanças nos tipos de uso e cobertura da terra tornou indispensável à realização do mapeamento de detalhe - na escala 1:10.000 - do uso e cobertura da terra para a Bacia do Córrego Barro Branco, no Noroeste do Rio de Janeiro. Está região do Estado do Rio de Janeiro ainda apresenta fragmentos de Mata Atlântica que totalizam apenas 9,64% da área do Norte-Noroeste Fluminense. Sendo assim, o uso de imagem de alta resolução neste trabalho, tem como objetivo final a obtenção de um mapa de uso e cobertura da terra que atenda a escala cartográfica de detalhe, e que seja capaz de auxiliar na formulação de planejamentos conservacionistas. Para alcançar tal objetivo, seguiu-se a metodologia de Cruz et al.(2007), e iniciou-se o trabalho através do Processamento Digital de Imagens (PDI) das bandas espectrais azul (450-510 nm), verde (510-580 nm), vermelho (630-690 nm) e infravermelho próximo (770-895) - fusionadas com a pancromática de 0,5 m - do sensor BGRN1, à bordo do satélite Worldview-2, aquisitadas em janeiro de 2010, com a resolução espacial de 2 metros. Optou-se por segmentar a área baseando-se apenas nas bandas espectrais do vermelho e do infravermelho próximo, às quais foi atribuído o mesmo peso; tal escolha baseou-se em testes de inserção/exclusão das demais bandas e verificação do isolamento dos objetos pretendidos. Na obtenção dos objetos de análise, foi empregada na imagem Worldview-2 a segmentação multirresolução por algoritmo desenvolvido para extrair segmentos espectralmente homogêneos com base tanto no valor do pixel quanto na forma do objeto e que são definidos pelos Planos de Informação inseridos. Realizou-se a inserção de cada uma das classes e a modelagem fuzzy de seus descritores. Estes foram selecionados de acordo com a maior separabilidade em relação às demais classes; também foram testadas combinações diversas e as respostas das bandas do vermelho e infravermelho próximo novamente mostraram-se eficientes para aplicação na legenda proposta. As classes foram escolhidas com base nos objetivos propostos neste trabalho, assim como da adequação às resoluções da imagem, amparados pelo Manual Técnico de Uso da Terra (IBGE, 2006). Desta forma, os resultados evidenciaram a matriz de vegetação herbácea predominante na área, com cerca de 80% que majoritariamente apresenta o uso de pastagem extensiva, e os isolados remanescentes florestais com alto índice de fragmentação que somam pouco mais de 10% da cobertura da bacia. Pontualmente, destacam-se a vegetação em regeneração (arbustivo, 1,35%), as culturas temporárias de tomate e milho (3,41%) predominantes nas encostas e os afloramentos rochosos no alto curso (0,82%)

    Pesquisa, desenvolvimento e inovação em pinhão-manso para produção de biocombustíveis.

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    Características e potencial da cultura para o mercado de biodiesel; Lacunas de conhecimento e desafios para pesquisa; Situação atual e perspectivas de pesquisa; Banco de germoplasma (BAG-Jatropha) e caracterização de pinhão-manso; Descritores botânicos para pinhão-manso (Jatropha curcas L.); Registro de cultivares e melhoramento de pinhão manso; Possibilidades de parceria, cooperação técnica e financeira; Apropriação de resultados.bitstream/item/17976/1/DOC01.pd

    Biplot analysis of strawberry genotypes recommended for the State of Espírito Santo.

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    Most strawberry genotypes grown commercially in Brazil originate from breeding programs in the United States, and are therefore not adapted to the various soil and climatic conditions found in Brazil. Thus, quantifying the magnitude of genotype x environment (GE) interactions serves as a primary means for increasing average Brazilian strawberry yields, and helps provide specific recommendations for farmers on which genotypes meet high yield and phenotypic stability thresholds. The aim of this study was to use AMMI (additive main effects and multiplicative interaction) and GGE biplot (genotype main effects + genotype x environment interaction) analyses to identify high-yield, stable strawberry genotypes grown at three locations in Espírito Santo for two agricultural years. We evaluated seven strawberry genotypes (Dover, Camino Real, Ventana, Camarosa, Seascape, Diamante, and Aromas) at three locations (Domingos Martins, Iúna, and Muniz Freire) in agricultural years 2006 and 2007, totaling six study environments. Joint analysis of variance was calculated using yield data (t/ha), and AMMI and GGE biplot analysis was conducted following the detection of a significant genotypes x agricultural years x locations (G x A x L) interaction. During the two agricultural years, evaluated locations were allocated to different regions on biplot graphics using both methods, indicating distinctions among them. Based on the results obtained from the two methods used in this study to investigate the G x A x L interaction, we recommend growing the Camarosa genotype for production at the three locations assessed due to the high frequency of favorable alleles, which were expressed in all localities evaluated regardless of the agricultural year

    Digital soilscape mapping of tropical hillslope areas by neural networks.

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    Geomorphometric variables are applied in digital soil mapping because of their strong correlation with the disposition and distribution of pedological components of the landscapes. In this research, the relationship between environmental components of tropical hillslope areas in the Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, artificial neural networks (ANN), and maximum likelihood algorithm (MaxLike) were evaluated with the aid of geoprocessing techniques. ANN and MaxLike were applied to soilscape mapping and the results were compared to the original map. The ANN architectures with seven and five neurons in the hidden layer produced the best classifications when using samples obtained systematically. When random samples were applied, the best neural net architectures were within 22 and 16 neurons in the hidden layer. In conclusion, the ANN can contribute to soilscape surveys, making map delineation faster and less expensive. The digital elevation model (DEM) and its derived attributes can contribute to the understanding of the soil-landscape relationship of tropical hillslope areas; the use of artificial neural networks and MaxLike is feasible for digital soilscape mapping. The systematic sampling method provided a global accuracy of 70 % and 65.9 % for the ANN and the MaxLike, respectively. When the random sampling method was applied, the ANN had a global accuracy of 69.6 %, and the MaxLike had an accuracy of 62.1 %, considering the total study area in relation to the reference map

    Environmental stratification in the brazilian Cerrado on the yield and fiber quality of cotton genotypes.

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    Environmental stratification studies are important for the plant breeding, since they allow to adequately plan the experimental network. The objective of this work was to identify similar environments for cotton cultivation in the Brazilian Cerrado regarding yield and fiber quality. Nineteen field studies were carried out in a randomized complete block design with twelve genotypes and four replicates. Agronomic (cotton seed yield and fiber percentage) and technological traits (length, micronaire, fiber strength) were evaluated. These results indicate that there are six environments (PVA3, MON, SHE1, SIN, PPA e TRIN) in which the cotton trials should be installed as a matter of priority owing to the phenotypic response pattern obtained for the evaluated traits. The remaining 13 environments are similar to each other for all traits and can be summarized in strategic locations depending on the ease of installation of the trials.Título em português: Estratificação ambiental no Cerrado brasileiro sobre o rendimento e a qualidade da fibra dos genótipos de algodão

    Sediment yield modeling using an alternative environmental scenario in northwestern Rio de Janeiro - Brazil.

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    The northwestern Rio de Janeiro (RJ-Brazil) area has been going through deep transformations in its soil use and occupation, which has contributed to increased sediment yield and changes in the soil-water-plant relationship. Because of this picture, this study aims at analyzing the effects of the environmental scenario using reforestation in the areas established by the Article 2 of the Brazilian Forest Code (CFB) on the average sediment yield in the period between 2005 and 2007, in relation to the current use and occupation at the Santa Maria creek experimental basin, located in the Municipality of São José de Ubá, in the northwestern Rio de Janeiro. The mathematical model Soil and Water Assessment Tool - SWAT, version SWAT2005, named AVSWAT-X was used for sediment yield modeling because of its physical basis and capacity to simulate environmental scenarios. The Digital Elevation Model (DEM), cartographic data on the current soil use and occupation, soil spatialization and its physical-water characteristics, as well as daily and monthly climate and hydrosedimentologic data were needed for the modeling. The results showed that the environmental scenario using CFB minimizes sediment yield and the concentration of suspended solids at the Santa Maria creek basin

    Adaptability and stability of cotton genotypes regarding fiber yield and quality traits.

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    The performance of textile processes and the quality of the products depends on the several cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) fiber quality traits, such as micronaire index, fiber length, and fiber strength. This research aims to recommend cotton genotypes for the Brazilian Cerrado based on fiber yield and fiber quality traits. Nineteen cotton cultivar variety trials were performed in the 2013?2014 and 2014?2015 crop seasons. Each trial was conducted as a randomized complete block design with 12 treatments and four replications. The evaluated traits were fiber yield, fiber length, fiber strength, and micronaire. For each trait, a modified Lin and Binns method was used to recommend the best genotypes for all environments (favorable and unfavorable). This method was also used in a multivariate manner, aiming at a general recommendation of genotypes based on the multiple traits evaluated. The genotype ´ environment interaction was significant for all evaluated traits. Genotypes with high adaptability and stability were identified for each trait. The multivariate method identified IMA 08 WS and BRS 335 as the genotypes that had the best combination of main desirable traits. The analysis further revealed that new crosses could be performed between genotypes with high yield adaptability and stability and genotypes with adequate fiber quality traits

    Avaliação da aptidão agroecológica das terras de paisagens montanhosas da Região Serrana do Estado do Rio de Janeiro.

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    A avaliação do potencial agrícola fornece informações relevantes para subsidiar o planejamento do uso das terras. O objetivo deste trabalho foi aplicar um conjunto de procedimentos para a avaliação do potencial agroecológico das terras em uma área montanhosa na região Serrana do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, ocupada por pequenos produtores rurais, em regime de agricultura familiar. Foram considerados, na avaliação agroecológica, informações de solos, geomorfologia, litologia, rede de drenagem, estrutura fundiária, uso e cobertura vegetal, declividade e unidades ambientais, extraídas de estudos anteriores. Essas informações foram incorporadas a um banco de dados desenvolvido no SIG e associadas com informações socioeconômicas de pluviosidade e áreas de proteção legal e, a partir dessas informações, avaliou-se a aptidão agroecológica por unidades ambientais delimitadas. O modelo de aptidão agroecológica considerado envolve a indicação de uso, manejo e sugestão de alternativas sustentáveis de utilização das terras com menor índice de agressão ao meio ambiente, de forma a incrementar a qualidade ambiental sem descuidar da integridade das terras. A metodologia usada foi adequada ao planejamento de áreas de relevo movimentado, pois, onde se identificou a ocorrência de compartimentos mais frágeis e problemáticos em função dos solos, da declividade, da suscetibilidade aos processos erosivos e ao maior grau de fragilidade ambiental, estes se encaixaram nas classes de aptidão inapta, restrita, preservação ambiental ou áreas de recomposição de matas.bitstream/item/146012/1/BPD-254-Avaliacao-Aptidao-Serrana-RJ.pd