9 research outputs found

    Thermoanalytical characterization and catalytic conversion of de-oiled micro algae and jatropha seed cake

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    The thermal decomposition of the by-products of the biodiesel process was studied by thermoanalytical methods. De-oiled algae cake and jatropha seed de-oiled cake were pyrolyzed and the catalytic effects of silica supported iron catalysts (Fe/FSM-16 and Fe/SBA-15) and magnetite (Fe3O4) were tested. The evolution profiles of the decomposition products as well as the thermal stability of the samples were determined by thermogravimetry/mass spectrometry (TG/MS). The formation of the volatile products was monitored by pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS). The composition and the amounts of the gaseous products changed significantly in the presence of the silica supported iron catalysts: the yield of hydrogen and carbon monoxide considerably increased above the decomposition temperature of 400 °C. Both silica supported iron catalysts had important effects on the yield of the products originating from carbohydrates and lignins. The formation of anhydrosugars and phenolic compounds was hindered, while the evolution of aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons was enhanced. Fe/FSM-16 proved to be more efficient than Fe/SBA-15 and Fe3O4 catalysts. The thermal decomposition of the protein content of the samples resulted in the formation of 2,5 diketopiperazines and smaller molecules (e.g., ammonia). The silica supported iron catalysts had a special effect: their presence promoted the reaction of fatty acid esters and ammonia resulting in the formation of alkyl nitriles during the thermal decomposition

    Advances in the thermo-chemical production of hydrogen from biomass and residual wastes: summary of recent techno-economic analyses

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    This article outlines the prospects and challenges of hydrogen production from biomass and residual wastes, such as municipal solid waste. Recent advances in gasification and pyrolysis followed by reforming are discussed. The review finds that the thermal efficiency of hydrogen from gasification is ~50%. The levelized cost of hydrogen (LCOH) from biomass varies from ~2.3–5.2 USD/kg at feedstock processing scales of 10 MWth to ~2.8–3.4 USD/kg at scales above 250 MWth. Preliminary estimates are that the LCOH from residual wastes could be in the range of ~1.4–4.8 USD/kg, depending upon the waste gate fee and project scale. The main barriers to development of waste to hydrogen projects include: waste pre-treatment, technology maturity, syngas conditioning, the market for clean hydrogen, policies to incentivize pioneer projects and technology competitiveness. The main opportunity is to produce low cost clean hydrogen, which is competitive with alternative production routes

    Non-isothermal kinetic study of de-oiled seeds cake of African star apple (Chrosophyllum albidum) using thermogravimetry

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    Thermal decomposition and kinetics behaviour of the de-oiled seed cake of African star apple (Chrosophyllum albidum) has been investigated using thermogravimetry under the nitrogen atmosphere from ambient temperature to 900 °C. The thermogravimetric data for the cake decomposition at six different heating rates (5, 10, 15, 20, 30 and 40 °C/min) were used to evaluate the kinetic decomposition of the cake using Friedman (FD), Kissinger-Akahira-Sunose (KAS) and Flynn-Wall-Ozawa (FWO) models. Thermal decomposition of the cake showed thermograms indicating dehydration and devolitilization stages (200–400 °C). The maximum temperature for the decomposition of the cake (Tmax) increases from 289.42–335.96 °C with increase in heating rates. The average apparent activation energy (Ea) values of 153.15, 145.14 and 147.15 kJ/mol were calculated using Friedman, Kissinger-Akahira-Sunose, and Flynn-Wall-Ozawa models respectively. The extent of mass conversion (α) shows dependence on apparent activation Ea values which is an evidence of multi-step decomposition kinetic. The thermal profile and kinetic data obtained could be helpful in evaluating the thermal stability of the cake as well as modeling, designing and developing a thermo-chemical system for the conversion of the cake to fuel

    A review on the production of renewable aviation fuels from the gasification of biomass and residual wastes

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    This article reviews the production of renewable aviation fuels from biomass and residual wastes using gasification followed by syngas conditioning and Fischer-Tropsch catalytic synthesis. The challenges involved with gasifying wastes are discussed along with a summary of conventional and emerging gasification technologies. The techniques for conditioning syngas including removal of particulate matter, tars, sulphur, carbon dioxide, compounds of nitrogen, chlorine and alkali metals are reported. Recent developments in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, such as new catalyst formulations are described alongside reactor technologies for producing renewable aviation fuels. The energy efficiency and capital cost of converting biomass and residual wastes to aviation fuels are major barriers to widespread adoption. Therefore, further development of advanced technologies will be critical for the aviation industry to achieve their stated greenhouse gas reduction targets by 2050

    Prediction of deleterious single nucleotide polymorphisms and their effect on the sequence and structure of the human CCND1 gene

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    أهداف البحث: إن الجين CCND1 المعبر للبروتين G١/S-السيكلين المحدد٬ والمنظم لانتقاله في دورة الخلية يثبط أيضا البروتينات في الأورام الأرومية الشبكية. وزيادة التعبير أو إعادة التنظيم في هذا الجين قد تؤدي إلى أورام مختلفة. تهدف هذه الدراسة لتحديد الأضرار الممكنة غير المترادفة من النيوكليوتيد الوحيد المتعدد الأشكال للجين CCND1 باستخدام الطرق الحاسوبية. طرق البحث: تم استعادة النيوكليوتيد الوحيد المتعدد الأشكال في جينات الإنسان CCND1 من قاعدة معلومات النيوكليدات الوحيدة المتعددة الأشكال. تم فحص هذه النيوكليوتيدات الوحيدة المتعددة الأشكال بواسطة فرز عدم الاحتمال من الاحتمال والتنبؤ بخوادم النيوكليوتيدات الوحيدة المتعددة الأشكال. كما تم بناء الطفرات التي تحوي النيوكليوتيدات الوحيدة المتعددة الأشكال الضارة باستخدام استديو الاكتشاف ٥٬٣ وأجريت الدراسات الديناميكية على أصناف محلية وطافرة. النتائج: تم العثور على ١١٩٤ من النيوكليوتيدات الوحيدة المتعددة الأشكال في الإنسان٬ منها ٩٤ مغلطة و٢ لا قيمة لها. كما وُجدت ثلاث نيوكليوتيدات وحيدة متعددة الأشكال ضارة. وأظهرت الدنياميكيات الجزيئية وتحليل المسار انحرافا كبيرا في قيم متوسط جذر الانحراف التربيعي في الطفرة N٢١٦K من قيم البروتين المحلي. الاستنتاجات: استنادا على هذه الدراسة٬ نقترح أن النيوكليوتيدات الوحيدة المتعددة الأشكال مع تعريفها ل rs١١٢٥٢٥٠٩٧ NM_٠٥٣٠٥٦.٢:c.٦٤٨C>G)) قد تسبب انحرافات في جين CCND 1٬ التي قد تؤدي بالتالي إلى تغيرات في وظائف البروتين G١/S-السيكلين المحدد. وهذا٬ بالمقابل يمكن أن يكون السبب في حدوث سرطان الدم النخاعي الحاد