59 research outputs found

    Entropy current and equilibrium partition function in fluid dynamics

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    Existence of an entropy current with non-negative divergence puts a lot of constraints on the transport coefficients of a fluid, so does the existence of equilibrium. In all the cases we have studied so far we have seen an overlap between these two sets of constraints. In this note we shall try to explore the reason for such an overlap. We shall also see how a part of the entropy current could be determined from the equilibrium partition function.Comment: 39 pages, Version-2: Added a new section and some more arguments in the old sections, added new references and corrected typos. 45 pages Version 3: 50 pages, introduction has been modified, added a new section, added reference

    Second order transport from anomalies

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    We study parity odd transport at second order in derivative expansion for a non-conformal charged fluid. We see that there are 27 parity odd transport coefficients, of which 12 are non-vanishing in equilibrium. We use the equilibrium partition function method to express 7 of these in terms of the anomaly, shear viscosity, charge diffusivity and thermodynamic functions. The remaining 5 are constrained by 3 relations which also involve the anomaly. We derive Kubo formulae for 2 of the transport coefficients and show these agree with that derived from the equilibrium partition function.Comment: Error in total number of independent parity odd transport coefficients has been corrected from 29 to 27. Results for the relation of the transport coefficients to the anomaly unchanged. Added a section on chiral dispersion relations, includes additional references. Added two appendices and corrected some typos. 34 page

    Fluid-gravity and membrane-gravity dualities - Comparison at subleading orders

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    In this note we have compared two different perturbation techniques that could be used to generate solutions of Einstein's equations in presence of negative cosmological constant. One of these two methods is derivative expansion and the other is an expansion in inverse powers of dimension. Both the techniques generate space-time with a singularity shielded by a dynamical event horizon. We have shown that in the appropriate regime of parameter space and with appropriate choice of coordinates, the metrics and corresponding horizon dynamics, generated by these two different techniques, are exactly equal to the order the solutions are known both sides. This work is essentially extension of \cite{prevwork} where the authors have shown the equivalence of the two techniques up to the first non-trivial order

    A One-Loop Test of Quantum Supergravity

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    The partition function on the three-sphere of ABJM theory and its generalizations has, at large N, a universal, subleading logarithmic term. Inspired by the success of one-loop quantum gravity for computing the logarithmic corrections to black hole entropy, we try to reproduce this universal term by a one-loop calculation in Euclidean eleven-dimensional supergravity on AdS_4 \times X_7. We find perfect agreement between the results of ABJM theory and the eleven dimensional supergravity.Comment: 12 pages, accepted for publication in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Large rotating AdS black holes from fluid mechanics

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    We use the AdS/CFT correspondence to argue that large rotating black holes in global AdS(D) spaces are dual to stationary solutions of the relativistic Navier-Stokes equations on S**(D-2). Reading off the equation of state of this fluid from the thermodynamics of non-rotating black holes, we proceed to construct the nonlinear spinning solutions of fluid mechanics that are dual to rotating black holes. In all known examples, the thermodynamics and the local stress tensor of our solutions are in precise agreement with the thermodynamics and boundary stress tensor of the spinning black holes. Our fluid dynamical description applies to large non-extremal black holes as well as a class of large non-supersymmetric extremal black holes, but is never valid for supersymmetric black holes. Our results yield predictions for the thermodynamics of all large black holes in all theories of gravity on AdS spaces, for example, string theory on AdS(5) x S**5 and M theory on AdS(4) x S**7 and AdS(7) x S**4.Comment: 62 pages, 1 figure. v2: references, typo

    A membrane paradigm at large D

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    We study SO(d+1)SO(d+1) invariant solutions of the classical vacuum Einstein equations in p+d+3p+d+3 dimensions. In the limit dd \to \infty with pp held fixed we construct a class of solutions labelled by the shape of a membrane (the event horizon), together with a `velocity' field that lives on this membrane. We demonstrate that our metrics can be corrected to nonsingular solutions at first sub-leading order in 1d\frac{1}{d} if and only if the membrane shape and `velocity' field obey equations of motion which we determine. These equations define a well posed initial value problem for the membrane shape and this `velocity' and so completely determinethe dynamics of the black hole. They may be viewed as governing the non-linear dynamics of the light quasi normal modes of Emparan, Suzuki and Tanabe.Comment: The main results emphasised better, The presentation of the quasinormal modes improved for clarity and typos correcte

    The large D black hole dynamics in AdS/dS backgrounds

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    We have constructed a class of perturbative dynamical black hole solutions in presence of cosmological constant. We have done our calculation in large number of dimensions. The inverse power of dimension has been used as the perturbation parameter and our calculation is valid upto the first subleading order. The solutions are in one to one correspondence with a dynamical membrane and a velocity field embedded in the asymptotic geometry. Our method is manifestly covariant with respect to the asymptotic geometry. One single calculation and the same universal result works for both dS and AdS geometry or in case of AdS for both global AdS and Poincare patch. We have checked our final answer with various known exact solutions and the known spectrum of Quasi Normal modes in AdS/dS.Comment: 74 pages. v2: Minor changes, typos correcte