1,679 research outputs found

    Persistence of a Rouse polymer chain under transverse shear flow

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    We consider a single Rouse polymer chain in two dimensions in presence of a transverse shear flow along the xx direction and calculate the persistence probability P0(t)P_0(t) that the xx coordinate of a bead in the bulk of the chain does not return to its initial position up to time tt. We show that the persistence decays at late times as a power law, P0(t)tθP_0(t)\sim t^{-\theta} with a nontrivial exponent θ\theta. The analytical estimate of θ=0.359...\theta=0.359... obtained using an independent interval approximation is in excellent agreement with the numerical value θ0.360±0.001\theta\approx 0.360\pm 0.001.Comment: 6 page

    CONTROL OF MOSQUITOES BY THE USE OF FISH IN ASIA WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO INDIA: RETROSPECTS AND PROSPECTS (Pengendalian Nyamuk dengan Penggunaan lkan di Asia dengan Rujukan Khusus ke India: Tinjauan Masa Lalu dan Masa Depan)

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    ABSTRACTFish have their greatest potential as biocontrol agents against the aquatic stages of mosquitoes and are used as a major component of the integrated vector control programme. Many countries in Asia including India have used mosquito larvivorous fish for the containment of mosquito borne diseases, especially malaria. Present review is an attempt to prepare a list of potential mosquito larvivorous fish used in different countries in Asia with special emphasis on India.ABSTRAKIkan berpotensi paling besar sebagai agen hayati terhadap stadia akualik nyamuk dan digunakan sebagai komponen utama dalam program pengendalian vektor terpodu. Banyak Negara di Asia termasuk India telah menggunakan ikan pemakan jentik untuk ,menanggulangi penyakit bawaan nyamuk. terutama malaria. Tinjauan pustaka ini mencoba memberikan suatu daftar jenis-jenis ikan pemakan jentik yang digunakan di berbagai Negara di Asia dengan penekanan khusus di India.ABSTRACTFish have their greatest potential as biocontrol agents against the aquatic stages of mosquitoes and are used as a major component of the integrated vector control programme. Many countries in Asia including India have used mosquito larvivorous fish for the containment of mosquito borne diseases, especially malaria. Present review is an attempt to prepare a list of potential mosquito larvivorous fish used in different countries in Asia with special emphasis on India.ABSTRAKIkan berpotensi paling besar sebagai agen hayati terhadap stadia akualik nyamuk dan digunakan sebagai komponen utama dalam program pengendalian vektor terpodu. Banyak Negara di Asia termasuk India telah menggunakan ikan pemakan jentik untuk ,menanggulangi penyakit bawaan nyamuk. terutama malaria. Tinjauan pustaka ini mencoba memberikan suatu daftar jenis-jenis ikan pemakan jentik yang digunakan di berbagai Negara di Asia dengan penekanan khusus di India