6 research outputs found
Webometric Analysis of Open Universities in India
Web Impact Factor (WIF), Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ranking improve the visibility of a website’s presence in the online environment. The present study predominantly focuses on the WIFs of the Indian Open University websites. Calculating three types of web impact factors it has been found that among the selected Open Universities Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University (YCMOU), Nashik holds the numero uno status in Simple and Internal-link WIFs with SWIF 0.2214 and IWIF 0.2092. In case of External-link Web Impact Factor (EWIF) Netaji Subhas Open University (NSOU), Kolkata holds the rank one position with EWIF of 9.9750. Among the websites IGNOU holds the best global rank i.e. 4439 and it has the 2nd best Indian rank also i.e. 349. This Open University is followed by KSOU in the global ranking i.e. 4517. KSOU holds the best Indian rank i.e.270. IGNOU has the maximum number of backlinks i.e. 1265605. The website of KSOU having domain authority of 59, ranks highest YCMOU ranks lowest by obtaining 29 out of a total of 100 points. In case of page authority, the website of IGNOU ranks first with page authority score of 59 followed by the UOU having score of 51. Again the least score (35) is obtained by the YCMOU in page authority
Webometric Analysis of Open Universities in India
Web Impact Factor (WIF), Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ranking improve the visibility of a website’s presence in the online environment. The present study predominantly focuses on the WIFs of the Indian Open University websites. Calculating three types of web impact factors it has been found that among the selected Open Universities Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University (YCMOU), Nashik holds the numero uno status in Simple and Internal-link WIFs with SWIF 0.2214 and IWIF 0.2092. In case of External-link Web Impact Factor (EWIF) Netaji Subhas Open University (NSOU), Kolkata holds the rank one position with EWIF of 9.9750. Among the websites IGNOU holds the best global rank i.e. 4439 and it has the 2nd best Indian rank also i.e. 349. This Open University is followed by KSOU in the global ranking i.e. 4517. KSOU holds the best Indian rank i.e.270. IGNOU has the maximum number of backlinks i.e. 1265605. The website of KSOU having domain authority of 59, ranks highest YCMOU ranks lowest by obtaining 29 out of a total of 100 points. In case of page authority, the website of IGNOU ranks first with page authority score of 59 followed by the UOU having score of 51. Again the least score (35) is obtained by the YCMOU in page authority
Wikipedia is public encyclopedia contains articles on different subjects and different topics. The objective of the study is to evaluate the standard and status of revision of the library related articles. History page of Wikipedia article contains statistics of page from where the status and standard of the page has been derived. It has been concluded that Wikipedia covers 67 concepts of DDC 23rd edition arrived in 020 class (Library and Information Science Class). The content of Library and Information Science (LIS) related articles in Wikipedia was not enough informative as per Wikiproject. The concepts related to information science i.e. World Wide Web has been edited more times and it has been edited by more editors
#Hashtag: A Special Feature to Organize and Classify Unstructured Information in Social Media
A web based tools that allow people or companies or organizations to create, organize and share information, documents and picture/videos in virtual communities and network is called as social media. It can also be said as medium of communication like a newspaper or a radio. The facebook, twitter, Google+, Pinterest etc. are some of the absolute examples of social media. It is becoming a serious part of life as the social sites and applications are increasing. One of the most unique yet understudied feature available on social media platforms is the hashtag (#hashtag). Hashtags is a short combination of words or phrases that follow a hash sign (#), such as #India, #CricketWorldCup etc. Hashtags can help categorize or organize information, increase engagement, attract followers to a certain topic or area. The purpose of this paper is to highlights various aspects of hashtag and its uses in social media
#Hashtag: A Special Feature to Organize and Classify Unstructured Information in Social Media
A web based tools that allow people or companies or organizations to create, organize and share information, documents and picture/videos in virtual communities and network is called as social media. It can also be said as medium of communication like a newspaper or a radio. The facebook, twitter, Google+, Pinterest etc. are some of the absolute examples of social media. It is becoming a serious part of life as the social sites and applications are increasing. One of the most unique yet understudied feature available on social media platforms is the hashtag (#hashtag). Hashtags is a short combination of words or phrases that follow a hash sign (#), such as #India, #CricketWorldCup etc. Hashtags can help categorize or organize information, increase engagement, attract followers to a certain topic or area. The purpose of this paper is to highlights various aspects of hashtag and its uses in social media
Raccomando ancora una volta i sogni. Le riflessioni di uno scienziato nella Gottinga settecentesca
Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742-1799), professore di fisica sperimentale, si forma e opera nell’Università di Gottinga, una delle capitali della “science de l’homme” settecentesca. Il sogno costituisce un momento privilegiato dell’investigazione antropologica e nell’Università all’avanguardia dei Lumi la cosiddetta scuola psicomedica hallense ha un’intensa ricezione anche in ambiti impensati. Vengono esaminati in particolare i paratesti della traduzione dell’opera di Muratori Della forza della fantasia umana che enfatizzano il nesso tra fantasia e sogno soffermandosi proprio sulla messa in scena, nel sogno, della riflessione sub specie di dialogo e sui rapporti di Lichtenberg con Michaelis e Heyne, l’autore di De causis fabularum seu mythorum physicis. La smagliante novità di scrittura dello scienziato che lascia nei suoi Taccuini pubblicati postumi, i Sudelbücher, oltre cinquanta annotazioni variamente dedicate al sogno nasce dal terreno di una erudizione vastissima. Lichtenberg non è “précurseur du Romantisme”: l’esortazione “raccomando ancora una volta i sogni” sottende spinte di natura molteplice che sono in rapporto di interazione reciproca e si iscrivono nell’Illuminismo europeo. Caratteristico di Lichtenberg è l’uso del verbo al congiuntivo in tutto ciò che riguarda la “leggibilità ” dei sogni da parte dell’uomo. La radice più profonda dell' incessante raccomandazione dei sogni è “sprachkritisch”