7 research outputs found

    Direct Measurement of Pyroelectric and Electrocaloric Effects in Thin Films

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    An understanding of polarization-heat interactions in pyroelectric and electrocaloric thin-film materials requires that the electrothermal response is reliably characterized. While most work, particularly in electrocalorics, has relied on indirect measurement protocols, here we report a direct technique for measuring both pyroelectric and electrocaloric effects in epitaxial ferroelectric thin films. We demonstrate an electrothermal test platform where localized high-frequency (approximately 1 kHz) periodic heating and highly sensitive thin-film resistance thermometry allow the direct measurement of pyrocurrents (<10 pA) and electrocaloric temperature changes (<2 mK) using the “2-omega” and an adapted “3-omega” technique, respectively. Frequency-domain, phase-sensitive detection permits the extraction of the pyrocurrent from the total current, which is often convoluted by thermally-stimulated currents. The wide-frequency-range measurements employed in this study further show the effect of secondary contributions to pyroelectricity due to the mechanical constraints of the substrate. Similarly, measurement of the electrocaloric effect on the same device in the frequency domain (at approximately 100 kHz) allows for the decoupling of Joule heating from the electrocaloric effect. Using one-dimensional, analytical heat-transport models, the transient temperature profile of the heterostructure is characterized to extract pyroelectric and electrocaloric coefficients

    High temperature stability of transparent silica aerogels for solar thermal applications

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    Solar thermal energy systems combined with low-cost thermal storage provide a sustainable, dispatchable source of renewable energy. One approach to increase the attractiveness of these systems is to use high-performing solar transparent, thermally insulating silica aerogel to significantly increase efficiency. Several past works have proposed using these ultra-nanoporous materials to reduce thermal losses in the receiver, but only recently have aerogels reached the high solar transparency necessary to be considered for concentrated solar applications (>97%). However, the durability and stability of optically transparent silica aerogels at the operating conditions of solar-thermal receivers has not been examined. Here, we investigate the high temperature stability of transparent silica aerogel for use in concentrated solar thermal energy applications. Transparent samples (visible transmission >95% at 4 mm thickness) were annealed for several months at 400, 600, and 800 °C to investigate the relative change in nanostructure, solar transparency, and effective thermal conductivity. Results showed that at 400 and 600 °C, the temperature-dependent changes reach a plateau within 30 days of continuous annealing, but at 800 °C, samples are structurally unstable. A simple receiver efficiency model was used to show stable performance at 400 and 600 °C temperatures, even after months of exposure. This work validates that transparent silica aerogels can be used in solar thermal receivers below 800 °C, yielding appreciable increases in efficiency for solar energy harvesting operation.National Science Foundation (Grant 1122374

    Modeling silica aerogel optical performance by determining its radiative properties

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    Silica aerogel has been known as a promising candidate for high performance transparent insulation material (TIM). Optical transparency is a crucial metric for silica aerogels in many solar related applications. Both scattering and absorption can reduce the amount of light transmitted through an aerogel slab. Due to multiple scattering, the transmittance deviates from the Beer-Lambert law (exponential attenuation). To better understand its optical performance, we decoupled and quantified the extinction contributions of absorption and scattering separately by identifying two sets of radiative properties. The radiative properties are deduced from the measured total transmittance and reflectance spectra (from 250 nm to 2500 nm) of synthesized aerogel samples by solving the inverse problem of the 1-D Radiative Transfer Equation (RTE). The obtained radiative properties are found to be independent of the sample geometry and can be considered intrinsic material properties, which originate from the aerogel's microstructure. This finding allows for these properties to be directly compared between different samples. We also demonstrate that by using the obtained radiative properties, we can model the photon transport in aerogels of arbitrary shapes, where an analytical solution is difficult to obtain.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant DMR-1419807

    Combined selective emitter and filter for high performance incandescent lighting

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    The efficiency of incandescent light bulbs (ILBs) is inherently low due to the dominant emission at infrared wavelengths, diminishing its popularity today. ILBs with cold-side filters that transmit visible light but reflect infrared radiation back to the filament can surpass the efficiency of state-of-the-art light-emitting diodes (LEDs). However, practical challenges such as imperfect geometrical alignment (view factor) between the filament and cold-side filters can limit the maximum achievable efficiency and make the use of cold-side filters ineffective. In this work, we show that by combining a cold-side optical filter with a selective emitter, the effect of the imperfect view factor between the filament and filter on the system efficiency can be minimized. We experimentally and theoretically demonstrate energy savings of up to 67% compared to a bare tungsten emitter at 2000 K, representing a 34% improvement over a bare tungsten filament with a filter. Our work suggests that this approach can be competitive with LEDs in both luminous efficiency and color rendering index (CRI) when using selective emitters and filters already demonstrated in the literature, thus paving the way for next-generation high-efficiency ILBs.United States. Department of Energy. Office of Basic Energy Sciences (Award No. #DE-FG02-09ER46577)Fonds de Recherche (Québec). Nature et Technologie

    High-performance subambient radiative cooling enabled by optically selective and thermally insulating polyethylene aerogel

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    Recent progress in passive radiative cooling technologies has substantially improved cooling performance under direct sunlight. Yet, experimental demonstrations of daytime radiative cooling still severely underperform in comparison with the theoretical potential due to considerable solar absorption and poor thermal insulation at the emitter. In this work, we developed polyethylene aerogel (PEA)—a solar-reflecting (92.2% solar weighted reflectance at 6 mm thick), infrared-transparent (79.9% transmittance between 8 and 13 mm at 6 mm thick), and low-thermal-conductivity (kPEA = 28 mW/mK) material that can be integrated with existing emitters to address these challenges. Using an experimental setup that includes the custom-fabricated PEA, we demonstrate a daytime ambient temperature cooling power of 96 W/m2 and passive cooling up to 13°C below ambient temperature around solar noon. This work could greatly improve the performance of existing passive radiative coolers for air conditioning and portable refrigeration applications.United States. Department of Energy. Office of Science. Basic Energy Sciences (award no. DE-FG02-09ER46577

    Ultrahigh-efficiency desalination via a thermally-localized multistage solar still

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    Passive vapor generation systems with interfacial solar heat localization enable high-efficiency low-cost desalination. In particular, recent progress combining interfacial solar heating and vaporization enthalpy recycling through a capillary-fed multistage architecture, known as the thermally-localized multistage solar still (TMSS), significantly improves the performance of passive solar desalination. Yet, state-of-the-art experimental demonstrations of solar-to-vapor conversion efficiency are still limited since the dominant factors and the general design principle for TMSS were not well-understood. In this work, we show optimizing the overall heat and mass transport in a multistage configuration plays a key role for further improving the performance. This understanding also increases the flexibility of material choices for the TMSS design. Using a low-cost and free-of-salt accumulation TMSS architecture, we experimentally demonstrated a record-high solar-to-vapor conversion efficiency of 385% with a production rate of 5.78 L m−2 h−1 under one-sun illumination, where more than 75% of the total production was collected through condensation. This work not only significantly improves the performance of existing passive solar desalination technologies for portable and affordable drinking water, but also provides a comprehensive physical understanding and optimization principle for TMSS systems