4 research outputs found

    Nontraumatic terminal ileal perforation

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    BACKGROUND: There is still confusion and controversy over the diagnosis and optimal surgical treatment of non traumatic terminal ileal perforation-a cause of obscure peritonitis. METHODS: This study was a prospective study aimed at evaluating the clinical profile, etiology and optimal surgical management of patients with nontraumatic terminal ileal perforation. RESULTS: There were 79 cases of nontraumatic terminal ileal perforation; the causes for perforation were enteric fever(62%), nonspecific inflammation(26%), obstruction(6%), tuberculosis(4%) and radiation enteritis (1%). Simple closure of the perforation (49%) and end to side ileotransverse anastomosis(42%) were the mainstay of the surgical management. CONCLUSION: Terminal ileal perforation should be suspected in all cases of peritonitis especially in developing countries and surgical treatment should be optimized taking various accounts like etiology, delay in surgery and operative findings into consideration to reduce the incidence of deadly complications like fecal fistula

    Biometric Assessment of Cyprinus carpio var. Communis from Anchar Lake of Kashmir Valley

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    Morphometric analysis have proven to be a useful tool for studying fish species, population and races. It is a basic fundamental tool for attaining information on development of organisms, systematics, growth, variation and morphology. The present study was carried out in Anchar lake of Srinagar Kashmir to analyze morphometric measurements of Cyprinus carpio var. communis. About 120 specimens of Cyprinus carpio var. communis was collected randomly from different zones of the water body. The morphometric characters were classified into genetically controlled (narrow range), intermediate (moderate range) and environmentally (vast range) controlled characters. In percentage of total length out of fourteen 14 morphometric characters 5 were genetically controlled, 2 characters were intermediate and 7 characters were environmentally controlled. The relationship between the different morphometric characters was found to be linear with most of them being highly significant (p<0.01). The study concluded that the environmentally controlled characters were maximum, which indicates that these characters are less stable in nature