215 research outputs found

    Early observations of the Afterglow of GRB000301c

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    We report multiband observations of the Optical Transient (OT) associated with GRB000301c carried out between 2--4 March 2000 using the 2.34-m Vainu Bappu Telescope (VBT) at Kavalur, India. When combined with other reported data, the initial decline in the R-band magnitude with log (tt0t-t_0), the time since the burst is fit with a slope α1\alpha_{1} = -0.70 ±\pm 0.07 which steepens after about 6.0 days to a slope of α2\alpha_{2} = -2.44 ±\pm 0.29. This change in slope does not occur smoothly but there is an indication for a bimodal distribution. The available measurements of the evolution of (B--R) color do not show any discernible evolution in the first 12 days.Comment: 14 pages, 2 postscript figures, Accepted for Publication in ApJ Letter

    Narrow band photometry of selected asteroids

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    The CCD photometry of selected asteroids was carried out to check for possible cometary activity in them. To distinguish the asteroids with possible cometary activity from those of the main belt, each object of interest was observed in two filters; one centered on the C2 emission band at 5140A (90A bandpass) and the other centered on the nearby continuum at 4845A (65A bandpass). None of the observed asteroids appear to have any C2 emission

    Variational Monte Carlo and Configurational Interaction Studies of C60C_{60} and its Fragments

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    The C60C_{60} molecule and its fragments are studied using Configuration Interaction (CI) and Variational Monte Carlo (VMC) techniques, within the Hubbard model. Using benzene as a test case, we compare the results of the approximate calculations with exact calculations. The fragments of C60C_{60} studied are pyracylene, fluoranthene and corannulene. The energies, bond orders, spin-spin and charge-correlation functions of these systems are obtained for various values of the Hubbard parameter, UU. The analysis of bond orders and correlation functions of these individual molecules allow us to visualise pyracylene as a naphthalene unit with two ethylenic moieties and fluoranthene as weakly bridged benzene and naphthalene units. Corannulene is the largest fragment of C60C_{60} that we have studied. The hexagon-hexagon(h-h) bond orders are slightly larger than those of the hexagon-pentagon bonds(h-p), a feature also found in other fragments. We also find bonds between two co-ordinated carbon sites to be stronger than bonds involving three coordinated carbon sites. In C60C_{60}, the h-h bonds are stronger than in corannulene and the h-p bonds weaker than in corannulene for all correlation strengths. Introducing bond alternation in the buckyball enhances this difference.Comment: 42 pages, 5 figures available on request, to appear in J. Phys. Che

    On the Clustering of GRBs on the Sky

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    The two-point correlation of the 4th (current) BATSE catalog (2494 objects) is calculated. It is shown to be consistent with zero at nearly all angular scales of interest. Assuming that GRBs trace the large scale structure in the universe we calculate the angular correlation function for the standard CDM (sCDM) model. It is shown to be 104\le 10^{-4} at θ5\theta \simeq 5^\circ if the BATSE catalog is assumed to be a volume-limited sample up to z1z \simeq 1. Combined with the error analysis on the BATSE catalog this suggests that nearly 10510^5 GRBs will be needed to make a positive detection of the two-point angular correlation function at this angular scale.Comment: 5 pages, Latex with aipproc.sty, incl. 1 ps-Fig., Proc. of the 5th Huntsville Gamma Ray Burst Symposium, Oct. 1999, ed. R.M. Kippen, AI

    Luminosity Function of GRBs

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    We attempt to constrain the luminosity function of Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs) from the observed number count--flux relation and the afterglow redshift data. We assume three classes of luminosity functions for our analysis: (a) Log-normal distribution, (b) Schechter distribution, and (c) Scale-free distribution. We assume several models of the evolution of the GRB population for each luminosity function. Our analysis shows that: (a) log-normal is the only luminosity function that is compatible with both the observations. This result is independent of the GRB evolution model, (b) for log-normal function, the average photon luminosity L0L_0 and the width of the luminosity function σ\sigma that are compatible with both the observations fall in the range: 10^{55} sec^{-1} \la L_0 \la 10^{56} sec^{-1} and 2 \la \sigma \la 3, (c) the agreement of observations with other luminosity functions requires the GRB population to evolve more strongly than the evolution of the star-formation rate of the universe

    A statistical analysis of corpus based approach on learning sentence patterns

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    This research paper examines the adverse effect of theoretical explanation of the grammatical rules among the learners. Exploration of the methods and materials taught inductively or deductively is the panacea to achieve the required goal. The study throws light on the pedagogical implication of adopting appropriate methods and materials for building the learners’ grammar and language. It primarily intends to explore a new teaching method using language corpora that can be employed in the English grammar classes in colleges at the undergraduate level. It strives to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching sentence patterns through corpus based activities comparing with the traditional based teaching. Thus the methodology aims to encourage students to become independent corpus users

    Complete Genome Sequence of Soil Fungus Aspergillus terreus (KM017963), a Potent Lovastatin Producer

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    We report the complete genome of Aspergillus terreus (KM017963), a tropical soil isolate. The genome sequence is 29 Mb, with a G+C content of 51.12%. The genome sequence of A. terreus shows the presence of the complete gene cluster responsible for lovastatin (an anti-cholesterol drug) production in a single scaffold (1.16)