13 research outputs found

    Español como L2 para inmigrantes y refugiados: Análisis del Programa Nueva lengua, nueva oportunidad desde la perspectiva docente

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    Este trabajo se basa en una investigación sobre la enseñanza de español L2 a inmigrantes adultos, cuyo objetivo es analizar las estrategias y procesos de enseñanza que implementan los docentes voluntarios del programa Nueva lengua, nueva oportunidad de la Universidad Permanente de la Universidad de Alicante (UPUA) en colaboración con Cruz Roja Española. La metodología del estudio es cualitativa y exploratoria, y, como instrumentos de investigación, se han empleado plantillas para la observación de clases y entrevistas semidirigidas con una muestra de los distintos agentes implicados en la organización e implementación de este programa (siete informantes): la coordinadora administrativa de la UPUA, el coordinador de docentes de Cruz Roja y cinco docentes en total, dos de los cuales imparten clases de nivel A1 y otros tres de A2. Algunos de los aspectos analizados son: las estrategias de enseñanza, la metodología utilizada, la elaboración de los materiales, la evaluación educativa, la lengua de instrucción y, por último, la utilidad de todos ellos para su inserción en el mundo laboral. Se puede concluir que este programa, aunque haya un margen de mejora, ha beneficiado enormemente al alumnado inmigrante y refugiado al aprender el español como lengua de acogida y ha conseguido que se integren en la sociedad española de manera adecuada

    Synchrone 1,6-Gbits-QPSK-Datenübertragung in Echtzeit mit DFB-Lasern

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    Hoffmann S, Pfau T, Peveling R, et al. Synchrone 1,6-Gbits-QPSK-Datenübertragung in Echtzeit mit DFB-Lasern. In: Workshop der ITG Fachgruppe 5.3.1, Modellierung photonischer Komponenten und Systeme. 2006: 21-27

    1.6 Gbit/s Real-Time Synchronous QPSK Transmission with Standard DFB Lasers

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    Pfau T, Hoffmann S, Peveling R, et al. 1.6 Gbit/s Real-Time Synchronous QPSK Transmission with Standard DFB Lasers. In: Proceedings of the 32nd European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC 2006). IEEE; 2006.Using standard DFB lasers, 1.6 Gbit/s QPSK data is demodulated and recovered coherently and synchronously in real-time, faster than ever before. BER after 63 km of fiber is well below the FEC threshold

    Frequency and Phase Estimation for Coherent QPSK Transmission With Unlocked DFB Lasers

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    Hoffmann S, Bhandare S, Pfau T, et al. Frequency and Phase Estimation for Coherent QPSK Transmission With Unlocked DFB Lasers. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. 2008;20(18):1569-1571.This letter presents a hardware-efficient frequency estimator and an advanced phase estimation algorithm capable of tracking the phase noise of a 10-GBaud optical quadrature phase-shift-keying transmission system with standard distributed-feedback lasers in the presence of a frequency mismatch up to 1.2 GHz. This algorithm allows us to implement a digital coherent receiver without an analog frequency control circuit

    Synchronous QPSK transmission at 1.6 Gbit/s with standard DFB lasers and real-time digital receiver

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    Pfau T, Hoffmann S, Peveling R, et al. Synchronous QPSK transmission at 1.6 Gbit/s with standard DFB lasers and real-time digital receiver. IEEE Electronic Letters. 2006;42(20):1175-1176.In a coherent and synchronous QPSK system with real-time data recovery and standard DFB lasers a data throughput of 1.6 Gbit=s is achieved, faster than ever reported. After 63 km of fibre the BER is well below the FEC threshold

    First Real-Time Data Recovery for SynchroneusQPSK Transmission with Standard DFB Lasers

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    Pfau T, Hoffmann S, Peveling R, et al. First Real-Time Data Recovery for SynchroneusQPSK Transmission with Standard DFB Lasers. IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS. 2006;18(18):1907-1909.For the first time, synchronous quadrature phase-shift keying data is recovered in real-time after transmission with standard distributed feedback lasers using a digital inphase and quadrature receiver. Forward-error-correction-compatible performance is reached at 800 Mb/s after 63 km of fiber. Self-homodyne operation with an external cavity laser is error-fre

    Real-time Digital Carrier & Data Recovery for a Synchronous Optical Quadrature Phase Shift Keying Transmission System

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    Noe R, Pfau T, Adamczyk O, et al. Real-time Digital Carrier & Data Recovery for a Synchronous Optical Quadrature Phase Shift Keying Transmission System. In: IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society, ed. Proceedings of System Microwave Symposium. IEEE/MTT-S International. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE; 2007: 1503-1506.This paper focuses on the recent progress in coherent optical communication using advanced digital signal processing (DSP) technology. In particular the design of DSP components is presented which are required to realize a 10 Gbaud synchronous optical quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) transmission system. Additionally the measurement results of a preliminary synchronous QPSK transmission setup with distributed feedback (DFB) lasers and real-time digital in-phase and quadrature (I&Q) receiver at a data rate of 1.4 Gbit/s are shown. The minimum bit error ratio (BER) was 1.7ldr10-5, lower than ever reported before for a real-time system with DFB lasers

    Coherent Digital Polarization Diversity Receiver for Real-Time Polarization-Multiplexed QPSK Transmission at 2.8 Gb/s

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    Pfau T, Peveling R, Hauden Y, et al. Coherent Digital Polarization Diversity Receiver for Real-Time Polarization-Multiplexed QPSK Transmission at 2.8 Gb/s. Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE. 2007;19(24):1988-1990.This letter presents a coherent digital polarization diversity receiver for real-time polarization-multiplexed synchronous quadrature phase-shift keying transmission with distributed feedback lasers at a data rate of 2.8 Gb/s. The tolerance against fast polarization changes and polarization-dependent loss is evaluated for different filter widths in the carrier recovery circuit. The minimum achieved bit-error rate is 3.4 times 10-7