170 research outputs found

    A Study on the Impact of Locality in the Decoding of Binary Cyclic Codes

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    In this paper, we study the impact of locality on the decoding of binary cyclic codes under two approaches, namely ordered statistics decoding (OSD) and trellis decoding. Given a binary cyclic code having locality or availability, we suitably modify the OSD to obtain gains in terms of the Signal-To-Noise ratio, for a given reliability and essentially the same level of decoder complexity. With regard to trellis decoding, we show that careful introduction of locality results in the creation of cyclic subcodes having lower maximum state complexity. We also present a simple upper-bounding technique on the state complexity profile, based on the zeros of the code. Finally, it is shown how the decoding speed can be significantly increased in the presence of locality, in the moderate-to-high SNR regime, by making use of a quick-look decoder that often returns the ML codeword.Comment: Extended version of a paper submitted to ISIT 201

    Re-laparotomy in OBG: a clinical study

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    Background: If laparotomy done within 60 days of primary surgery for the original disease it is called re-laparotomy. Aim of this study was to determine the risk factors causing re-laparotomy, the indications, management and outcomes of re-laparotomy.Methods: The study was conducted in the department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Vijayanagar Institute of Medical Sciences Hospital, Bellary, Karnataka. It is a 2 year prospective observational study of all the patients with re-laparotomy following operation done for obstetric or gynaecological indications.Results: Total 4105 patients underwent major surgery in two years between October 2013 to September 2015. Re-laparotomy was done in 10 cases. The incidence of re-laparotomy was 0.25% which is mainly for subacute intestinal obstruction, intraperitoneal haemorrhage, burst abdomen, PPH, rectus sheath hematoma.Conclusions: Hemorrhage, burst abdomen, infections are the main reasons for re-laparotomy after obstetric and gynaecological surgeries. Though the incidence of re-laparotomy is low and the outcome is favourable, several measures must be undertaken to prevent re-laparotomy such as careful surgical technique, meticulous hemostasis and strict asepsis should be maintained

    Serial Data Transmission using Visible Light Communication

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    Li-Fi is a label for wireless-communication system using light as a carrier instead of radio frequencies as in Wi-Fi [1]. The light waves cannot penetrate walls hence Li-Fi (Light-Fidelity) can be used in sensitive areas such as in Aircraft [13, 15]. It can be implemented using white-LED light bulbs at the downlink transmitter. In these types of devices a constant current is applied for the purpose of illumination. However, by fast and subtle variations of the current, the optical output can be made to vary at extremely high speeds. Due to this characteristic of optical current it is used in Li-Fi setup. The operational procedure is very simple- if the LED is on, then transmit a 1, if it�s off then transmit a 0. The LEDs can be switched on and off very quickly, and hence it gives nice opportunities for transmitting data. All that is required is some LEDs and a controller that code data into those LEDs. All one has to do is to increase the rate at which the LED�s flicker [2] depending upon the data needs to be encode. Further enhancements can be made in this method, like we can use an array of LEDs for parallel data transmission, or using mixtures of red, green and blue LEDs. It can alter the light�s frequency with this approach each frequency encodes a different data Channel [5]. Such advancements promise a theoretical speed of 10 Gbps � meaning you can download a full high-definition film in just 30 seconds

    Data Communication Using Li-Fi

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    Wireless data transmission demand is increased over the years. But due to lack of radio frequency spectrum and hazardous electromagnetic waves comes out from it Li-Fi appears as a new cheaper, greener, and healthier alternative to traditional Wi-Fi. Presently there are two trends being seen in the world of Wireless communication: First, the enrichment or extension of wireless services & second being increased in demand by users for these services. The need is fulfilled by RF spectrum but the usage is very limited. So the emerging technology-Li-Fi came into picture, which uses visible light as a source of communication. The recent advancement in the wireless communication world has made VLC as one of the high-speed, efficient, secured and cheaper optical wireless communication technology. [12] This research paper focuses on required hardware for transmission of text Li-Fi system. The PCB of Transmitter and Receiver are designed by using PCB Artist 4.0 tool. The Microcontroller ATMega16 has been used for the purpose of performing operation at transceiver section. Its programming is done by using AVR studio. Successful transmission and reception of text is carried out on the transceiver. Hence this research paper shows an innovative way of designing a transceiver with low cost electronic hardware components and using already available white LED light bulb. This Li-Fi technology envisions a future where data for smart phones, laptops and tablets will be transmitted in an economic and ecofriendly medium of light in room

    Image Encoding & Decoding Using Base64 Technique and It�s Wireless Transmission Using Li-Fi

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    Li-Fi is one of the advanced and fastest technology among other available data transmission technologies in the world of data communication. The high bandwidth and immunity to interference ability of Li-Fi makes it unique from other available wireless technologies. It could be used in areas where high data transfer is much required and other wireless technologies are restricted due to their hazardous signal radiations. It could be useful in variety of application including audio transmission, video transmission, text transmission and image transmission. Li-Fi communication is also called as the Visible Light Communication (VLC) since we make the use visible light for transmitting the data from transmitter to receiver. In this article a prototype is designed to transfer a 2D image using UART serial communication from one PC to another PC using VLC


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    We are in the era where human is running in short of time in order to achieve his goals and to fulfil his worldly luxurious desires and due to the sedentary life-style, a significant increase in the prevalence of obesity is found in almost all the age groups in the past few decades. Obesity is the major risk factors for numerous chronic diseases like diabetes mellitus.Pre-diabetes is the precursor stage to diabetes mellitus in which not all of the symptoms required to label a person as diabetic are present, but blood sugar levels are at borderline or little higher than normal range but not high enough to diagnose as diabetes.The management of Prameha Poorvarupa is explained as Ubhayatashodhana specially in Madhyamvayas. In metropolitan cities like Bangalore person’s life style and food habits causes vitiations of Pitta Dosha. And Virechana is the ultimate kind of Shodhana In Pittaja Vikaras. Hence Vriechana is chosen As Shodhana procedure and to conduct Shodhana. Before conducting Shodhana Rookshana is to be done As Poorvakarma In Mamsala, Meduraa, Bhurishlema And Vishamagni Person.Hence, the study conducted here is in 10 Madhyam Vayas and Pre-diabetes patients, who were subjected to Triphaladi Udvartana which is discussed as Apatarpana yoga in Santarpaniya Adhyaya followed by Virechana. Statistically highly significant results were found in - Ati Trishna, Nidradhikyata, Sweda Adhikya, Angagouravata and Alasya and the objective parameters- body weight, BMI, circumference of hip, abdomen and thigh, skin fold thickness of biceps and triceps (p= <0.001).

    An Event Based Digital Forensic Scheme for Vehicular Networks

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    The software in today's cars has become increasingly important in recent years. The development of high-tech driver assistance devices has helped fuel this movement. This tendency is anticipated to accelerate with the advent of completely autonomous vehicles. As more modern vehicles incorporate software and security-based solutions, "Event-Based digital forensics," the analysis of digital evidence of accidents and warranty claims, has become increasingly significant. The objective of this study is to ascertain, in a realistic setting, whether or not digital forensics can be successfully applied to a state-of-the-art automobile. We did this by dissecting the procedure of automotive forensics, which is used on in-car systems to track the mysterious activity by means of digital evidence. We did this by applying established methods of digital forensics to a state-of-the-art car.Our research employs specialized cameras installed in the study areas and a log of system activity that may be utilized as future digital proof to examine the effectiveness of security checkpoints and other similar technologies. The goal is to keep an eye on the vehicles entering the checkpoint, look into them if there is any reason to suspect anything, and then take the appropriate measures. The problem with analyzing this data is that it is becoming increasingly complex and time-consuming as the amount of data that has been collected keeps growing. In this paper, we outline a high-level methodology for automotive forensics to fill in the blanks, and we put it through its paces on a network simulator in a state-of-the-art vehicle to simulate a scenario in which devices are tampered with while the car is in motion. Here, we test how well the strategy functions. Diagnostics over IP (Diagnostics over IP), on-board diagnostics interface, and unified diagnostic services are all used during implementation. To work, our solution requires vehicles to be able to exchange diagnostic information wirelessly.These results show that it is possible to undertake automotive forensic analysis on state-of-the-art vehicles without using intrusion detection systems or event data recorders, and they lead the way towards a more fruitful future for automotive forensics. The results also show that modern autos are amenable to forensic automotive analysis