11 research outputs found

    Deep reinforcement learning for soft, flexible robots : brief review with impending challenges

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    The increasing trend of studying the innate softness of robotic structures and amalgamating it with the benefits of the extensive developments in the field of embodied intelligence has led to the sprouting of a relatively new yet rewarding sphere of technology in intelligent soft robotics. The fusion of deep reinforcement algorithms with soft bio-inspired structures positively directs to a fruitful prospect of designing completely self-sufficient agents that are capable of learning from observations collected from their environment. For soft robotic structures possessing countless degrees of freedom, it is at times not convenient to formulate mathematical models necessary for training a deep reinforcement learning (DRL) agent. Deploying current imitation learning algorithms on soft robotic systems has provided competent results. This review article posits an overview of various such algorithms along with instances of being applied to real-world scenarios, yielding frontier results. Brief descriptions highlight the various pristine branches of DRL research in soft robotics

    Contrastive Personalization Approach to Suspect Identification (Student Abstract)

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    Targeted image retrieval has long been a challenging problem since each person has a different perception of different features leading to inconsistency among users in describing the details of a particular image. Due to this, each user needs a system personalized according to the way they have structured the image in their mind. One important application of this task is suspect identification in forensic investigations where a witness needs to identify the suspect from an existing criminal database. Existing methods require the attributes for each image or suffer from poor latency during training and inference. We propose a new approach to tackle this problem through explicit relevance feedback by introducing a novel loss function and a corresponding scoring function. For this, we leverage contrastive learning on the user feedback to generate the next set of suggested images while improving the level of personalization with each user feedback iteration