11 research outputs found

    Диференцiювання нескiнченно вимiрних супералгебр Лi

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    We study infinite-dimensional analogs of classical Lie superalgebras over an algebraically closed field F of zero characteristic. Let I be an infinite set. For an algebra M_∞ (I) of infinite I × I matrices over a ground field F having finitely many nonzero entries, we consider the related Lie superalgebra gl_∞ (I1, I2) and its commutator sl_∞ (I1, I2) for a disjoint union of nonempty subsets I1 and I2 of the set I; and we describe derivations of the Lie superalgebra sl_∞ (I1, I2). Pages of the article in the issue: 21 - 25 Language of the article: EnglishВивчаються нескiнченно вимiрнi аналоги класичних супералгебр Лi над алгебрично замкнутим полем нульової характеристики. Нехай I – нескiнченна множина. У роботi розглядаються алгебри M_∞ (I) нескiнченних I × I матриць над полем F, якi мiстять лише скiнченну кiлькiсть ненульових елементiв, та пов’язанi з ними супералгебри Лi gl_∞ (I1, I2) та sl_∞ (I1, I2), яка є комутатором алгебри gl_∞ (I1, I2), для непорожнiх пiдмножин I1 та I2 множини I, що не перетинаються. А також описуються диференцiювання супералгебри Лi sl∞(I1, I2)

    Derivations of rings of infinite matrices

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    We describe derivations of several important associative and Lie rings of infinite matrices over general rings of coefficients

    On growth of the inverse semigroup of partially defined co–finite automorphisms of integers

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    The inverse semigroup of partially defined co– finite automorphisms of integers is considered. This semigroup is presented by generators and defining relations and its growth function is described

    Morita equivalent unital locally matrix algebras

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    We describe Morita equivalence of unital locally matrix algebras in terms of their Steinitz parametrization. Two countable-dimensional unital locally matrix algebras are Morita equivalent if and only if their Steinitz numbers are rationally connected. For an arbitrary uncountable dimension α and an arbitrary not locally finite Steinitz number s there exist unital locally matrix algebras A, B such that dimF A = dimF B = α, st(A) = st(B) = s, however, the algebras A, B are not Morita equivalent

    The international conference on radicals ICOR-2006

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    The regular International Conference on Radicals (ICOR-2006) was held from July 30 till August 5, 2006, in Kyiv, Ukraine. The conference was organized by Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University and Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. About 60 algebraists participated in conference, and, in particular, more than 30 participants represented 12 foreign countries such as Australia, Austria, Brazil, England, Germany, Hungary, India, Moldova, Poland, Russia, South Africa and Sultanate of Oman

    Representation of Steinitz's lattice in lattices of substructures of relational structures

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    General conditions under which certain relational structure contains a lattice of substructures isomorphic to Steinitz's lattice are formulated. Under some natural restrictions we consider relational structures with the lattice containing a sublattice isomorphic to the lattice of positive integers with respect to divisibility. We apply to this sublattice a construction that could be called ``lattice completion''. This construction can be used for different types of relational structures, in particular for universal algebras, graphs, metric spaces etc. Some examples are considered

    On diagonal locally SL-groups

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    Let N be the set of natural numbers. Let F be a field. In [1], we introduced a class of groups SL^p_s (F) and GL^p_s (F) of periodic infinite (N \times N)–matrices that correspond to a Steinitz number s: In this paper we introduce a wider class of diagonal locally SL–groups and GL–groups and study their relations with locally matrix algebras. In particular, we show that every separable–diagonal locally SL–group (respectively GL–group) is isomorphic to a group SL^p_s (F) (respectively GL^p_s (F)). Pages of the article in the issue: 8 - 11 Language of the article: EnglishLet N be the set of natural numbers. Let F be a field. In [1], we introduced a class of groups SL^p_s (F) and GL^p_s (F) of periodic infinite (N \times N)–matrices that correspond to a Steinitz number s: In this paper we introduce a wider class of diagonal locally SL–groups and GL–groups and study their relations with locally matrix algebras. In particular, we show that every separable–diagonal locally SL–group (respectively GL–group) is isomorphic to a group SL^p_s (F) (respectively GL^p_s (F)). Pages of the article in the issue: 8 - 11 Language of the article: Englis

    Spectra of locally matrix algebras

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    We describe spectra of associative (not necessarily unital and not necessarily countable-dimensional) locally matrix algebras. We determine all possible spectra of locally matrix algebras and give a new proof of Dixmier–Baranov Theorem. As an application of our description of spectra, we determine embeddings of locally matrix algebras