957 research outputs found

    Unitarizing Higgs Inflation

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    We consider a simple extension of the Standard Model Higgs inflation with one new real scalar field which preserves unitarity up to the Planck scale. The new scalar field (called sigma) completes in the ultraviolet the theory of Higgs inflation by linearizing the Higgs kinetic term in the Einstein frame, just as the non-linear sigma model is unitarized into its linear version. The unitarity cutoff of the effective theory, obtained by integrating out the sigma field, varies with the background value of the Higgs field. In our setup, both the Higgs field and the sigma field participate in the inflationary dynamics, following the flat direction of the potential. We obtain the same slow-roll parameters and spectral index as in the original Higgs inflation but we find that the Hubble rate during inflation depends not only on the Higgs self-coupling, but also on the unknown couplings of the sigma field.Comment: 16 page

    Induced resonance makes light sterile neutrino Dark Matter cool

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    We describe two new generation mechanisms for Dark Matter composed of sterile neutrinos with O(1){\cal O}(1) keV mass. The model contains a light scalar field which coherently oscillates in the early Universe and modulates the Majorana mass of the sterile neutrino. In a region of model parameter space, the oscillations between active and sterile neutrinos are resonantly enhanced. This mechanism allows us to produce sterile neutrino DM with small mixing angle with active neutrinos, thus evading the X-ray constraints. At the same time the spectrum of produced DM is much cooler, than in the case of ordinary oscillations in plasma, opening a window of lower mass DM, which is otherwise forbidden by structure formation considerations. In other regions of the model parameter space, where the resonance does not appear, another mechanism can operate: large field suppresses the active-sterile oscillations, but instead sterile neutrinos are produced by the oscillating scalar field when the effective fermion mass crosses zero. In this case DM component is cold, and even 1 keV neutrino is consistent with the cosmic structure formation.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, PRD accepted versio

    Resonant production of the sterile neutrino dark matter and fine-tunings in the [nu]MSM

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    The generation of lepton asymmetry below the electroweak scale has a considerable impact on production of dark matter sterile neutrinos. Oscillations or decays of the heavier sterile neutrinos in the neutrino minimal standard model can give rise to the requisite lepton asymmetry, provided the masses of the heavier neutrinos are sufficiently degenerate. We study the renormalization group evolution of the mass difference of these singlet fermions to understand the degree of necessary fine-tuning. We construct an example of the model that can lead to a technically natural realization of this low-energy degeneracy.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Standard Model Higgs boson mass from inflation: two loop analysis

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    We extend the analysis of \cite{Bezrukov:2008ej} of the Standard Model Higgs inflation accounting for two-loop radiative corrections to the effective potential. As was expected, higher loop effects result in some modification of the interval for allowed Higgs masses m_min<m_H<m_max, which somewhat exceeds the region in which the Standard Model can be considered as a viable effective field theory all the way up to the Planck scale. The dependence of the index n_s of scalar perturbations on the Higgs mass is computed in two different renormalization procedures, associated with the Einstein (I) and Jordan (II) frames. In the procedure I the predictions of the spectral index of scalar fluctuations and of the tensor-to-scalar ratio practically do not depend on the Higgs mass within the admitted region and are equal to n_s=0.97 and r=0.0034 respectively. In the procedure II the index n_s acquires the visible dependence on the Higgs mass and and goes out of the admitted interval at m_H below m_min. We compare our findings with the results of \cite{DeSimone:2008ei}.Comment: 24 paged, 9 figures. Journal version (typos fixed, expanded discussions

    Magnetic field generation in Higgs inflation model

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    We study the generation of magnetic field in Higgs-inflation models where the Standard Model Higgs boson has a large coupling to the Ricci scalar. We couple the Higgs field to the Electromagnetic fields via a non- renormalizable dimension six operator suppressed by the Planck scale in the Jordan frame. We show that during Higgs inflation magnetic fields with present value 10−610^{-6} Gauss and comoving coherence length of 100kpc100 kpc can be generated in the Einstein frame. The problem of large back-reaction which is generic in the usual inflation models of magneto-genesis is avoided as the back-reaction is suppressed by the large Higgs-curvature coupling.Comment: 10 pages, RevTeX
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