214 research outputs found

    Is Being Wicked the Same as Having Wickedness? A Dialogue on Human Nature between Wicked, Frankenstein, and Rousseau’s Second Discourse

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    This thesis revolves around the characters of Elphaba, from the musical Wicked, and the Monster, from Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. In the comparison of these two verdant characters I seek to analyze their psychological development, starting from their conceptions, to their final moments in their respective stories. I will focus on the parallels between their relations with their fathers, other social connects they may or may not make, and their interaction within the wider social-political world of their stories. In this I seek to explain how Elphaba and the Monster come to represent two different types of man, according to Jean Jacque Rousseau’s Second Discourse, or A Discourse on the Inequality Among Men. Further, I seek to analyze the different types of man they come to represent as a larger criticism on the societies and times of the periods in which both stories were first published. Some of the anxieties and issues these characters represent within their time periods include: women’s rights, the marginalized and outcasted in society, racism and colonization, and problems with technology and progress

    Receptor tyrosine kinase and p16/CDKN2 expression in a case of tripe palms associated with non-small-cell lung cancer

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    Background: Tripe palms is a descriptive term for a cutaneous paraneoplastic keratoderma. Tripe palms are frequently associated with gastric and pulmonary carcinoma. The pathogenetic mechanism remains unknown. Objective: To determine the influence of receptor tyrosine kinases, which are both expressed in pulmonary carcinomas and in human skin, we performed expression studies on epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), HER2, HERS in a skin sample of tripe palms obtained from a patient with non-small-cell lung cancer with lymph node involvement. Two months after diagnosis, the patient had developed palmoplantar `tripe palms'. Additionally, the expression of SRC, c-myc and p16/CDKN2 were studied. Method: Conventional reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction was performed on a tissue sample of tripe palms. Results: Weak expression of HER2 and of p16/CDKN2 was found. EGFR, HERS, c-myc and SRC were not expressed. Conclusion: Receptor tyrosine kinases of subclass I, the tyrosine kinase SRC and the oncogene c-myc play no major role in the pathogenesis of this case of tripe palms. Copyright (C) 2000 S. Karger AG. Basel

    Effects of a 16-week multimodal exercise program on activities of daily living in institutionalized individuals with dementia

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    We aimed to examine the effects of a 16-week multimodal exercise program (MEP) on activities of daily living (ADL) in individuals with dementia (IWD). Furthermore, we investigated the participants’ individual response to the MEP and whether baseline cognitive and motor performance explain ADL performance. We conducted a multicenter randomized controlled trial (RCT) involving 319 participants aged ≥ 65 years with mild to moderate dementia. ADL were assessed at baseline and after the 16-week intervention using the Barthel Index (BI), the Erlangen Test of Activities of Daily Living (E-ADL) and the 7‑item Physical Performance Test (PPT-7). We additionally assessed cognitive and motor performance using standardized and validated assessments. Intervention effects were examined through two-factor analysis of variance with repeated measurements applying a per protocol and an intention-to-treat analysis. We compared baseline cognitive and motor performance between positive-responders (positive-R), non-responders (non-R), and negative-responders (negative-R) and examined cognitive and motor performance as potential cofounders of ADL by conducting multiple regression analyses. There were no significant time×group effects on ADL. Between 20 and 32% of participants responded positively to the intervention, i.e., improved ADL performance from baseline to follow-up. Positive-R had worse baseline motor performance compared to non-R. Cognitive and motor performance explained up to 51.4% of variance in ADL. The MEP had no significant overall effect on ADL in IWD. This may be related to insufficient exercise intensity. However, our results indicate that the response to the MEP depends on individual prerequisites which should thus be considered in further research on individual exercise approaches

    Effects of a 16-week multimodal exercise program on activities of daily living in institutionalized individuals with dementia: A multicenter randomized controlled trial [Auswirkungen eines 16-wöchigen multimodalen Trainingsprogramms auf die Aktivitäten des täglichen Lebens bei Heimbewohnern mit Demenz: Eine multizentrische randomisierte kontrollierte Studie]

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    We aimed to examine the effects of a 16-week multimodal exercise program (MEP) on activities of daily living (ADL) in individuals with dementia (IWD). Furthermore, we investigated the participants’ individual response to the MEP and whether baseline cognitive and motor performance explain ADL performance. We conducted a multicenter randomized controlled trial (RCT) involving 319 participants aged ≥ 65 years with mild to moderate dementia. ADL were assessed at baseline and after the 16-week intervention using the Barthel Index (BI), the Erlangen Test of Activities of Daily Living (E-ADL) and the 7‑item Physical Performance Test (PPT-7). We additionally assessed cognitive and motor performance using standardized and validated assessments. Intervention effects were examined through two-factor analysis of variance with repeated measurements applying a per protocol and an intention-to-treat analysis. We compared baseline cognitive and motor performance between positive-responders (positive-R), non-responders (non-R), and negative-responders (negative-R) and examined cognitive and motor performance as potential cofounders of ADL by conducting multiple regression analyses. There were no significant time×group effects on ADL. Between 20 and 32% of participants responded positively to the intervention, i.e., improved ADL performance from baseline to follow-up. Positive-R had worse baseline motor performance compared to non-R. Cognitive and motor performance explained up to 51.4% of variance in ADL. The MEP had no significant overall effect on ADL in IWD. This may be related to insufficient exercise intensity. However, our results indicate that the response to the MEP depends on individual prerequisites which should thus be considered in further research on individual exercise approaches

    Extra c-myc oncogene copies in high risk cutaneous malignant melanoma and melanoma metastases

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    Amplification and overexpression of the c-myc gene have been associated with neoplastic transformation in a plethora of malignant tumours. We applied interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with a locus-specific probe for the c-myc gene (8q24) in combination with a corresponding chromosome 8 α-satellite probe to evaluate genetic alterations in 8 primary melanomas and 33 advanced melanomas and compared it to 12 melanocytic nevi, 7 safety margins and 2 cases of normal skin. Additionally, in metaphase spreads of 7 melanoma cell lines a whole chromosome 8 paint probe was used. We investigated the functionality of the c-myc gene by detecting c-myc RNA expression with RT-PCR and c-myc protein by immunohistochemistry. 4/8 primary melanomas and 11/33 melanoma metastases showed additional c-myc signals relative to the centromere of chromosome 8 copy number. None of the nevi, safety margins or normal skin samples demonstrated this gain. In 2/7 melanoma cell lines (C32 and WM 266–4) isochromosome 8q formation with a relative gain of c-myc copies and a loss of 8p was observed. The highest c-myc gene expression compared to GAPDH was found in melanoma metastases (17.5%). Nevi (6.6%) and primary melanomas (5.0%) expressed the c-myc gene on a lower level. 72.7% of the patients with c-myc extra copies had visceral melanoma metastases (UICC IV), patients without c-myc gain in 35.0% only. The collective with additional c-myc copies also expressed the gene on a significantly higher level. These results indicate that a c-myc gain in relation to the centromere 8 copy number might be associated with advanced cutaneous melanoma. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    The relationship between chiropractor required and current level of business knowledge

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    Background: Chiropractors frequently practice within health care systems requiring the business acumen of an entrepreneur. However, some chiropractors do not know the relationship between the level of business knowledge required for practice success and their current level of business knowledge. The purpose of this quantitative study was to examine the relationship between chiropractors’ perceived level of business knowledge required and their perceived level of current business knowledge. Methods: Two hundred and seventy-four participants completed an online survey (Health Care Training and Education Needs Survey) which included eight key business items. Participants rated the level of perceived business knowledge required (Part I) and their current perceived level of knowledge (Part II) for the same eight items. Data was collected from November 27, 2013 to December 18, 2013. Data were analyzed using Spearman’s ranked correlation to determine the statistically significant relationships for the perceived level of knowledge required and the perceived current level of knowledge for each of the paired eight items from Parts I and II of the survey. Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Tests were performed to determine the statistical difference between the paired items. Results: The results of Spearman’s correlation testing indicated a statistically significant (p < 0.01) positive correlation for the perceived level of knowledge required and perceived current level of knowledge for six variables: (a) organizational behavior, (b) strategic management, (c) marketing, (d) legal and ethical, (e) managerial decisions, and (f) operations. Wilcoxon Signed Ranks testing indicated a significant difference for three paired items: strategic management; marketing and; legal and ethical. The results suggest that relationships exist for the majority of business items (6 of 8) however a statistically difference was demonstrated in only three of the paired business items. Conclusion: The implications of this study for social change include the potential to improve chiropractors’ business knowledge and skills, enable practice success, enhance health services delivery and positively influence the profession as a viable career.https://doi.org/10.1186/s12998-017-0134-
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