46 research outputs found

    Characterization of the Proliferation Sites of <em>Aedes aegypti</em> (Diptera: Culicidae) in the Artificial Breeding Sites of Caxias, Maranhão, Brazil

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    The Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) is dispersed throughout the Brazilian territory, being a transmitter of dengue and other arboviruses. This study analyzes the main breeding of A. aegypti in semi-arid tropical region. Samples have been collected for 12 months in the dry and rainy periods to watch the main breeding and characteristics of the proliferation sites. Most of the positive containers have been from the storage group (75.96%) found with immature forms mainly in the rainy season, with a predominance of containers having a height superior to 50 cm, protected from the sun and with organic matter. Theses breeding sites, where A. aegypti performs oviposition and survives in the dry season too


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    AbstractIntroduction: Mosquito-borne diseases are currently the biggest public health problem globally. Dengue fever infection is one ofthe most important arboviral diseases in humans. Aedes aegypti is the most efficient vector for arboviruses because it is highlyanthropophilic, frequently bites, and thrives in close proximity to humans. Stored water in the containers for long period,extended rainfall during the rainy season, and ambient relative humidity and temperature may favor the breeding of Ae. aegyptiand other mosquitoes. Objective: We assessed potential container breeding sites of Ae. aegypti in a peripheral area of a mediumsizedmunicipality of the State of Maranhão, Brazil. Methods: In this study, Ae. aegypti breeding sites were investigated in the dryand rainy seasons, in 800 properties, located in peripheral area with poor urbanization and sanitation. Results: During the dryseason 35 (4.37%) residences showed the presence of immature forms of Ae. aegypti and in the rainy season we have found 82positive residences (10.25%). The group of containers with higher positivity to immature forms of Ae. aegypti was water storagecontainers, with values of 100% and 94.05% in the dry and rainy seasons, respectively. We found 3,529 immature forms in the dryseason and 17,827 in the rainy. Conclusion: Storage containers are the main recipients found with Ae. aegypti, and the mostproductive for immature forms, markedly during the rainy season, and contribute to the maintenance of this vector in high ratesin this period, in addition to providing the right conditions for vector survival during the dry period, in this semi-arid region.Keywords: Aedes aegypti. Arboviroses. Dengue.ResumoIntrodução: As doenças transmitidas por mosquitos atualmente são os maiores problemas de saúde pública globalmente. Ainfecção por dengue é uma das arboviroses mais importantes em humanos. O Aedes aegypti é o vetor mais eficiente para os arbovírusporque é altamente antropofílico, pica frequentemente e prospera nas proximidades dos seres humanos. A água armazenadaem recipientes durante um longo período, a precipitação prolongada durante a estação chuvosa e a umidade e temperaturaambiente podem favorecer a criação de Ae. aegypti e outros mosquitos. Objetivo: Avaliou-se potenciais criadouros do Ae. aegyptiem uma área periférica de um município de médio porte do Estado do Maranhão, Brasil. Métodos: Neste estudo, os criadouros doAe. aegypti foram investigados nas épocas seca e chuvosa, em 800 imóveis, localizadas em área periférica com baixa urbanizaçãoe saneamento. Resultados: Durante a estação seca, 35 (4,37%) dos imóveis mostraram a presença de formas imaturas de Ae.aegypti e na estação chuvosa foram encontradas 82 residências positivas (10,25%). O grupo de recipientes com maior positividadepara as formas imaturas do Ae. aegypti foi o de armazenamento de água, com valores de 100% e 94,05% nas estações seca echuvosa, respectivamente. Foram encontrados 3.529 imaturos na estação seca e 17.827 na estação chuvosa. Conclusão: Osrecipientes de armazenamento são os principais criadouros encontrados com Ae. aegypti, e os mais produtivos para formasimaturas, marcadamente durante a estação chuvosa, e contribuem para a manutenção do vetor em altas taxas neste período,além de fornecer as condições adequadas para a sobrevivência do vetor durante o período seco, nessa região do semiárido.Palavras-chave: Aedes aegypti. Arboviroses. Dengue


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    Objetivo: analisar a percepção do idoso acerca dos desafios do envelhecimento e de sua participação na Universidade Aberta à Terceira Idade. Método: pesquisa de natureza exploratório-descritiva com abordagem qualitativa, realizada com idosos participantes da Universidade Aberta à Terceira Idade de uma capital brasileira. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevista semiestruturada de setembro a outubro de 2016 e analisados por meio da Técnica de Análise de Conteúdo Temática. Resultados: emergiram três categorias temáticas: “envelhecimento: conquista, liberdade, oportunidade e etapa do ciclo da vida”; “o desafio de enfrentar as mudanças e o olhar da sociedade diante do envelhecimento” e “a Universidade Aberta à Terceira Idade como ferramenta para enfrentar os desafios do envelhecimento”. Conclusão: a participação dos idosos no projeto Universidade Aberta à Terceira Idade é uma tática positiva para as inter-relações sociais e individuais, apresentando benefícios assertivos para a sua qualidade de vida.Descritores: Enfermagem Geriátrica. Envelhecimento. Idoso. Educação. Universidade

    Burden of leishmaniasis in Brazil and federated units, 1990-2016: Findings from Global Burden of Disease Study 2016.

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    BACKGROUND: The study presents estimates for the burden of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) and cutaneous and mucocutaneous leishmaniasis (CML) in Brazil and its 27 federated units using data from the Global Burden of Disease Study (GBD) 2016. METHODOLOGY: We report the incidence, years of life lost (YLL), years lived with disability (YLD), and disability-adjusted life years (DALY) for leishmaniasis in Brazil from 1990 to 2016. The metrics are presented as age-standardized rates per 100,000 inhabitants with their respective uncertainty intervals (95%UI) and relative percentages of change. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The age-standardized incidence rate of leishmaniasis decreased 48.5% from 1990 (71.0, 95%UI 24.3-150.7) to 2016 (36.5, 95%UI 24.7-50.9), whereas the age-standardized DALY increased 83.6% over the studied period from 12.2 (95%UI 7.9-18.8) to 22.4 (95%UI 13.3-36.2). The age-standardized incidence rate and YLL for VL increased by 52.9% and 108% from 1990 to 2016, respectively. Considering CML, the age-standardized incidence rate and YLD decreased by 51% and 31.8% respectively for the same period. For VL, similar profiles for male and female were observed, with YLL and DALY increasing over time; with males presenting slightly higher values. The highest YLL rates were among "under 1-year old" children, which increased 131.2% from 1990 to 2016. Regarding CML, the highest values of YLD and DALY were verified among males, and YLD values showed a similar profile, with rates increasing with age. The VL burden increased in some states in the Northeast and Southeast regions and decreased for CML in some Northern states. CONCLUSION: The increase of VL burden over the study period might be associated with the difficulties in controlling the disease spread. Information regarding the weight of VL and CML, including the death and disability tolls that they cause, highlights the impact of these neglected diseases on public health and the importance of effective prevention and treatment

    Entry of dengue virus serotypes and their geographic distribution in Brazilian federative units: a systematic review

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    OBJECTIVE: To describe the entry of Dengue virus (DENV) serotypes in Brazil and its federative units. METHODS: A systematic review of studies published between 1980 and 2018 in databases and in the gray literature was performed using descriptors related to the years of entry of the DENV serotypes. Additionally, experts and official sources of information (Brazilian Ministry of Health) were consulted. RESULTS: From 100 publications selected for the systematic review, 26 addressed the entry of DENV serotypes in the North region of the country, 33 in the Northeast, 24 in the Southeast, 14 in the Central-West, and five in the South. DENV-1 and DENV-4 were introduced in the North region in 1981. DENV-2 was introduced in the Southeast in 1990. DENV-3 was introduced in the North in 1999. CONCLUSION: The rapid expansion of dengue throughout the Brazilian territory was verified from the second half of the 1980s, with the gradual entry of the four serotypes, which resulted in the emergence of epidemics of arbovirus, which are currently verified in the country. Considering the epidemiology of the disease, more information should be disseminated and published in the wide-ranging scientific literature for a better understanding of the spread and circulation of DENV serotypes

    Factors associated with the occurrence of dengue epidemics in Brazil: a systematic review

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    Objective To identify and describe broadly the factors related to the occurrence of dengue epidemics in Brazil. Methods Systematic review of studies published in Medline, Lilacs, PubMed, Cochrane, BVS, Web of Science, Scopus, and thesis and dissertations databases using descriptors cataloged in DeCs and MeSH on dengue and factors associated with the occurrence of epidemics, published from 2008 to 2018. Results Thirty-five studies carried out in the country were selected. The epidemics recorded in Brazil were associated and/or correlated with multiple factors such as environment, socioeconomic conditions, climate, and aspects related to the vector, among others. Conclusions. Dengue epidemics are complex and multifactorial. The continuity of the vector control actions was found to be relevant to the reduction of Aedes aegypti and for disease control. To contain the spread of the disease, effective measures are needed in all sectors, including health, education, economy, population, business, and government. Actions for the early detection of cases of the disease can prevent new outbreaks of epidemics


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    Introduction: Dengue remains one of the major diseases of public health importance in tropical and subtropical countries. Is the target of concern in parts of government and society in general, since the most vulnerable link in the control is combating main vector Aedes aegypti. Objective: To determine the level of knowledge and information of housewives about the prevention and control of dengue. Methods: The study is a sample survey (200 interviews) carried out in August through October 2007, in four neighborhoods of the western portion of the municipality of Caxias, State of Maranhão, Brazil, a locality with records of high densities of Aedes aegypti larvae and numbers of cases of dengue fever. A closed questionnaire was used to evaluate the level of knowledge of local housewives about the disease, its vector, and its prevention. Results: The women surveyed had a satisfactory level of information regarding dengue, i. e., more than 80% were able to correctly describe the transmission of the disease, and to recognize the importance of containers filled with stagnant water for proliferation of A. aegypti. However, 97% reported having water-storage containers in their homes. These data emphasize the dissociation between knowledge and practice regarding dengue. Therefore, educational campaigns are necessary to effect further changes in population behavior; because the residents do not follow the necessary practices to prevent the vector from proliferating, and maintain mosquito breeding sites in their homes. Conclusion: This survey provides supporting information to help in the development of new educational efforts to improve the participation of housewives in dengue control.Keywords: Aedes aegypti. dengue. women.ResumoIntrodução: A dengue continua sendo uma das principais doenças de importância em Saúde Pública nos países tropicais e subtropicais. Constitui-se alvo de preocupação por parte do poder público e da sociedade em geral, uma vez que o elo mais vulnerável para o controle é o combate ao principal vetor, o Aedes aegypti. Objetivo: Verificar o conhecimento e o nível de informações das donas-de-casa sobre a prevenção e controle da dengue. Métodos: Trata-se de um inquérito amostral (200 entrevistas), realizado entre agosto e outubro de 2007, em Caxias (MA), em quatro bairros da zona oeste, localidade com registro de alta densidade de imaturos e do mosquito Aedes aegypti. Avaliou-se por meio da aplicação de questionário fechado, o conhecimento das donas-de-casa sobre a dengue, seu vetor e prevenção. Resultados: Mostraram que as entrevistadas possuem um nível satisfatório de informação sobre a dengue, ou seja, mais de 80% dos entrevistados souberam relatar de forma correta a transmissão da doença, bem como reconheceram a importância dos recipientes contendo água parada para a proliferação do A. aegypti. Contudo, 97,0% dos entrevistados relataram possuir recipientes de armazenamento de água no interior de suas residências. Esses dados evidenciam a dissociação entre o conhecimento e práticas sobre a doença. As campanhas educativas são necessárias como medidas para fortalecer as mudanças de comportamento da população, pois apesar do conhecimento sobre a dengue, os moradores não praticam as ações necessárias para evitar a proliferação do vetor, mantendo criadouros nas residências. Conclusão: A pesquisa pode servir como subsídio para orientar novas ações educativas voltadas para maior participação das donas-de-casa nas ações de controle da dengue.Palavras-chave: Aedes aegypti. Dengue. Mulheres

    Evolution of a key enzyme of aerobic metabolism reveals Proterozoic functional subunit duplication events and an ancient origin of animals

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    The biological toolkits for aerobic respiration were critical for the rise and diversification of early animals. Aerobic life forms generate ATP through the oxidation of organic molecules in a process known as Krebs’ Cycle, where the enzyme isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) regulates the cycle's turnover rate. Evolutionary reconstructions and molecular dating of proteins related to oxidative metabolism, such as IDH, can therefore provide an estimate of when the diversification of major taxa occurred, and their coevolution with the oxidative state of oceans and atmosphere. To establish the evolutionary history and divergence time of NAD-dependent IDH, we examined transcriptomic data from 195 eukaryotes (mostly animals). We demonstrate that two duplication events occurred in the evolutionary history of NAD-IDH, one in the ancestor of eukaryotes approximately at 1967 Ma, and another at 1629 Ma, both in the Paleoproterozoic Era. Moreover, NAD-IDH regulatory subunits β and γ are exclusive to metazoans, arising in the Mesoproterozoic. Our results therefore support the concept of an ‘‘earlier-than-Tonian’’ diversification of eukaryotes and the pre-Cryogenian emergence of a metazoan IDH enzyme


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    Introdução: No Maranhão a Malária é endêmica e um dos principais problemas de saúde pública. Sua permanência no estado é favorecida por sua posição geográfica, o que determina uma complexidade de ecossistemas, bem como por fatores como o baixo nível socioeconômico da população. Objetivos: Analisar fatores relacionados à transmissão da Malária como sexo, idade, origem dos casos e tipo de infecção, correlacionando com as maiores incidências de casos no Maranhão (MA), no período de 2005 a 2009. Métodos: Os dados foram obtidos junto à Fundação Nacional de Saúde, através do Sistema de Vigilância Epidemiológica da Malária, sendo consideradas as variáveis: sexo, faixa etária, relação de casos autóctones e importados, tipo de infecção e Índice Parasitário Anual (IPA) da Malária no período. Resultados: Foram notificados, no período, 37.799 casos de Malária no Estado, com predominância do sexo masculino (70%), maior parcela de afetados em idade de 20 a 29 anos, predominância de infecções por Plasmodium vivax e maior número de notificações autóctones. Conclusão: Embora o IPA classifique o Estado em área sem risco para transmissão da Malária, quando levadas em consideração as regiões geográficas, alguns municípios apresentaram risco moderado. A proximidade com o Pará (PA), e a presença de grande diversidade de espécies de Anopheles, típica de ambientes amazônicos, clima quente e úmido, bem como as condições socioculturais da população oferecem condições para a transmissão de plasmódios. Devem ser mantidas as medidas de controle e prevenção nas áreas de maior risco, assim como deve ser realizado monitoramento entomológico nas regiões com surtos constantes para se evitar o aumento da incidência da doença.Palavras-chave: Malária. Anopheles. Plasmodium. Epidemiologia.AbstractIntroduction: Malaria is endemic and it is one of the major public health problems in the State of Maranhão, Brazil. Its occurrence in the state is due to favored geographic position, which determines a complexity of ecosystems as well as factors such as the low socioeconomic level of the population. Objective: To analyze factors related to the transmission of malaria, such as sex, age, origin and type of infection, by correlating with the greatest incidences of cases in the State of Maranhão during 2005 to 2009. Methods: The data were obtained from the national health foundationthrough the malaria epidemiological surveillance system. The variables sex, age group, autochthonous and imported cases, type of infection and parasitic annual index (API) of malaria during the period were considered. Results: In 37,799 cases of malaria were notified in the state, with male predominance (70%), greater number of infected individuals in the age group of 20 to 29 years, more infections by Plasmodium vivax and greater number of autochthonous notifications. Conclusion: Although the API classifies the state as an area without risk for malaria transmission, when we take into account the geographical regions, some municipalities presented moderate risk. The proximity to the Pará State, the presence of great diversity of species of Anopheles that are typical of the Amazon environments, the hot and humid climate, as well as the social and cultural conditions of the population provide conditions for plasmodia transmission. Due to that, control and prevention measures should be done in the areas of greatest risk, as well as entomological monitoring in the regions with outbreaks in order to avoid the increase of disease incidence.Keywords: Malaria. Anopheles. Plasmodium. Epidemiology

    Factors associated with deaths from dengue in a city in a metropolitan region in Southeastern Brazil: a case-control study.

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    BACKGROUND: Dengue is a public health problem in Brazil. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze factors associated with deaths from dengue in residents of the municipality of Contagem, Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, during the 2016 epidemic. METHODS: To determine the factors associated with deaths due to dengue, we used a logistic regression model (univariate and multivariable) in which the response variable (outcome) was death due to dengue. Independent variables analyzed included demographic variables and those related to symptoms, treatment, hospitalization, testing, comorbidities, and case history. RESULTS: The factors associated with dengue deaths in the final multivariable model [p < 0.05; 95% confidence interval (CI)] were age (OR = 1.07; 95%CI 1.03-1.11) and presence of bleeding (OR = 8.55; 95%CI 1.21-59.92). CONCLUSIONS: The results showed that age and the presence of bleeding factors increased the risk of dengue death. These findings indicate that warning signs of dengue should be routinely monitored, and patients should be instructed to seek medical attention when they occur. It is also emphasized that the parameters and epidemiological conditions of dengue patients need to be continuously investigated to avoid a fatal outcome