16 research outputs found

    A new species of Eclipta Bates, 1873 from Brazil (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) in honor of the late Ubirajara Ribeiro Martins de Souza

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    A new species of Eclipta Bates, 1873 from Brazil (São Paulo), E. birai, is described and illustrated. A tribute to the late Ubirajara Ribeiro Martins de Souza is provided

    A new synonym and distribution record in the genus Ceiupaba Martins & Galileo 1998 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Desmiphorini)

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    Bezark, Larry G., Nascimento, Francisco E. De L. (2019): A new synonym and distribution record in the genus Ceiupaba Martins & Galileo 1998 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Desmiphorini). Zootaxa 4701 (6): 591-593, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4701.6.

    Dorcasta borealis Breuning 1940

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    <i>Dorcasta borealis</i> Breuning, 1940 <p>(Figs 6–11, 39–41)</p> <p> <i>Dorcasta borealis</i> Breuning, 1940: 207.</p> <p> <b>Redescription</b>. Integument mostly dark brown; scape and pedicel dark brown; antennomeres III–VIII dark reddish-brown, darkened on narrow distal area of antennomeres III–IV; antennomeres IX–XI dark brown; meso- and metatibiae reddish- brown on about basal half, gradually darkened toward apex (sometimes entirely dark brown); tarsomere V reddish-brown on about basal half, dark brown on distal half.</p> <p> <b>Head</b>. Frons moderately finely and abundantly punctate; pubescence nearly obscuring integument, pale yellow, denser close to lower eye lobes (from antennal tubercles to apex of gena), yellowish-white on remaining surface; without short, thick, slender scale-like setae; with sparse long, dark erect, setae. Antennal tubercles with yellowish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument. Dorsal surface moderately finely, abundantly punctate; with longitudinal, pale yellow pubescent band on each side, from upper eye lobe to prothoracic margin; remaining surface with yellowish-brown pubescence, interspersed with a few yellowish or white setae, not obscuring integument; with sparse long, dark erect, setae. Area behind lower eye lobes with slightly oblique, moderately wide pale yellow pubescent band, from eye to prothorax, not connected to pubescent band behind upper eye lobe; remaining surface with yellowish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument; with sparse long, dark erect, setae. Genae with punctures slightly coarser than on frons; with yellowish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument except pale yellow pubescent band starting on frons; with sparse long, dark erect, setae. Distance between upper eye lobes 0.40 times length of scape; in frontal view, distance between lower eye lobes 0.6 times length of scape. Antennae in female 1.30 times elytral length, reaching about distal fifth of elytra; in male 1.45 times elytral length, slightly surpassing elytral apex. Scape with sparse long (from shorter to longer than diameter of scape), dark erect, setae ventrally. Pedicel and antennomeres III– X with long (from about as long as diameter of antennal segment to almost 3 times), dark erect, setae ventrally (gradually sparser toward X), moderately abundant on basal antennomeres, but not dense. Antennal formula (ratio) based on length of antennomere III (male/female; only one couple measured): scape = 1.19/1.34; pedicel = 0.31/0.34; IV = 1.12/1.15; V = 0.91/0.96; VI = 0.77/0.81; VII = 0.73/0.73; VIII = 0.63/0.65; IX = 0.56/0.61; X = 0.49/0.57; XI = 0.65/0.73.</p> <p> <b>Thorax</b>. Prothorax cylindrical, slightly or not narrowed basally, not widened centrally. Pronotum coarsely, abundantly punctate; with wide, longitudinal pale yellow pubescent band laterally, from base to apex, and slender, longitudinal pale yellow pubescent band centrally; remaining surface with yellowish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument; with sparse long, dark erect, setae. Sides of prothorax with sculpturing as on pronotum; with wide, longitudinal pale yellow pubescent band close to ventral side, with yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument, with yellowish-brown pubescence interspersed on remaining surface; with sparse long, dark erect, setae. Ventral side of thorax with yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument, except laterally wide (especially on mesanepisternum and mesepimeron), longitudinal pale yellow pubescent band from mesanepisternum to apex of metaventrite, usually also covering basal third of metanepisternum. Metaventrite moderately coarsely, abundantly punctate laterally. Scutellum with pale yellow pubescence obscuring integument. <b>Elytra</b>. Coarsely, moderately abundantly punctate on basal third, gradually sparser toward apex, less so laterally; apex with long, thick spine at outer angle, slightly concave toward short sutural spine (sometimes sutural angle only projected); with sparse long, dark erect, setae throughout; pubescence as follows: dorsally with wide pale yellow pubescent band from base to apex, not reaching suture or lateral curvature, widened after basal eighth; with longitudinal pale yellow pubescent band close to lateral curvature; with yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument on remaining surface. <b>Legs</b>. Metafemora in male notably widened (Fig. 6); in female (Fig. 7) widened, but distinctly less than in male.</p> <p> <b>Abdomen</b>. Ventrites moderately coarsely, sparsely punctate (slightly denser laterally); with yellowish-white pubescence partially obscuring integument, except longitudinal pale yellow pubescent band on ventrites I–IV; ventrite V in female depressed distally (not so in male).</p> <p> <b>Dimensions (mm), male/female</b>. Total length, 5.35–5.80/5.55–6.15; prothoracic length, 1.05–1.10/1.05–1.15; basal prothoracic width, 0.75–0.80/0.75–0.80; distal prothoracic width, 0.80–0.85/0.80–0.90; greatest prothoracic width, 0.85–0.90/0.80–0.90; humeral width, 0.95–1.00/0.95–1.05; elytral length, 3.85–4.05/3.80–4.30.</p> <p> <b>Material examined</b>. COSTA RICA (<b>new country record</b>), <i>Guanacaste</i>: Santa Rosa National Park (on dried vines), 5 males, 2 females, 1.VI.2002, F. T. Hovore col. (LGBC, CAS; 1 male, MZSP). NICARAGUA, <i>Carazo</i>: 1 mi SE Jinotepe, 1 female, 14.VII.1974, C.W. & L.B. O’Brien & G.B. Marshall col. (LGBC).</p> <p> <b>Remarks</b>. <i>Dorcasta borealis</i> differs from <i>D. implicata</i> Melzer, 1934 (Fig. 34), by the dorsal elytral pale yellow pubescent band not interspersed with moderately large irregular spots distinctly exposing the integument (present in <i>D. implicata</i>). It can be separated from <i>D. quadrispinosa</i> Breuning, 1940 (Fig. 38) by the sutural apices of the elytra without a long spine (usually present in <i>D. quadrispinosa</i>), and by the outer apical spine of the elytra distinctly separated from the sutural spine (inner side sub-fused with the sutural spine in <i>D. quadrispinosa</i>).</p> <p>Although not reported by Breuning (1940) photographs of the holotype indicate it is a female.</p>Published as part of <i>Bezark, Larry G., Santos-Silva, Antonio & Nascimento, Francisco E. De L., 2018, A synopsis of the genus Dorcasta Pascoe, 1858 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Apomecynini), pp. 49-68 in Zootaxa 4399 (1)</i> on pages 53-55, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4399.1.3, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/1206454">http://zenodo.org/record/1206454</a&gt

    Dorcasta Pascoe 1858

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    <i>Dorcasta</i> Pascoe, 1858 <p> <i>Dorcasta</i> Pascoe, 1858: 264; Thomson, 1861: 383; 1864: 95; 1865: 388; Lacordaire, 1872: 705; LeConte, 1873: 345 (syn.); Bates, 1880: 129; LeConte & Horn, 1883: 330; Leng & Hamilton, 1896: 143; Bradley, 1930: 245; Arnett, 1962: 871; Breuning, 1971: 246; Linsley & Chemsak, 1984: 119; Monné & Giesbert, 1994: 188 (checklist); Monné, 1994: 11 (cat.); 2005: 299 (cat.); 2012: 86; 2017: 261 (cat.).</p> <p> <i>Aegilopsis</i> Horn, 1860: 571; Thomson, 1864: 98; 1865: 389; Lacordaire, 1872; 706.</p> <p> Breuning (1971) defined <i>Dorcasta</i> as follows (translated): “Very elongate. Antennae very coarse, slightly shorter than body, fringed with long setae; scape moderately long, slightly thickened, as long as antennomere IV; antennomere III slightly shorter, as long as V. Antennal tubercles small, close to each other and elevated, separated by a rectangular angle. Eyes very finely faceted, strongly emarginate, the lower eye lobes as long as wide, slightly elongate at antero-inner margin. Frons distinctly narrowed beneath, wider than long, distinctly trapeziform. Pronotum as long as wide, cylindrical, convex, slightly trilobate at base, with 2 thin transverse sulci, one anteriorly and one posteriorly, with straight side margins. Elytra very long, parallel, moderately convex, weakly narrowed from middle, basally slightly broader than pronotum. Head not retractable. Prosternal process lower than coxae, arched. Mesoventral process slightly inclined forward. Metaventrite with normal length. Mesocoxal cavities closed. Legs short, the femora claviform, the mesotibiae with dorsal sulcus. Entirely covered with long, erect, dark setae.”</p> <p> This description is problematic. The frons is not narrowed beneath, but it is narrowed toward the antennal tubercles (“Front fortement rétréci en dessous”). Apparently this was not a mistake, because Breuning (1971) reported a similar feature for <i>Bebelis</i> Thomson, 1864 (“Front rétréci en dessous”). The type of ommatidia (“Eyes very finely faceted”) could be used as a distinctive feature when compared with species of <i>Bebelis</i>, because according to Breuning (1971), the eyes in <i>Bebelis</i> are coarsely faceted. However, the eyes in <i>Bebelis</i> are exactly as in <i>Dorcasta</i>: finely faceted. The antennae may be as long as or slightly longer than the body; as seen above, the length of antennomere III ranges from slightly shorter to slightly longer than the scape, and may be slightly longer than antennomere V. Finally, the pronotum may be longer than wide, and the lateral margins may be slightly rounded centrally, and/or slightly narrowed toward the head from middle.</p> Key to species of <i>Dorcasta</i> <p>1. Antennomeres with erect, ventral setae visibly dense and contiguous, (Figs 18, 24).................................. 2</p> <p>- Antennomeres with erect, ventral setae sparser and separated (Figs 1, 8, 31, 33, 34, 38).............................. 3</p> <p> 2(1). Frons densely pubescent centrally, nearly obscuring integument (Fig. 21); body without minute scale-like setae. Mexico, Gua- temala, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia (?).................................. <i>D. crassicornis</i> Pascoe, 1858</p> <p> - Frons without dense pubescence centrally (Fig. 28); minute scale-like setae widely distributed on nearly the entire body. Brazil........................................................................................ <i>D. birai</i> <b>sp. nov.</b></p> <p>3(1). Dorsal dark pubescence of elytra variegated (sometime fused) without clearly defined longitudinal bands (Figs 34, 38)..... 4</p> <p>- Elytra with at least one dorsal clearly defined dark longitudinal band of pubescence................................. 5</p> <p> 4(3). Sutural apex of elytra with or without minute spicule (Fig. 34). Brazil (Alagoas, Sergipe, Ceará, Pernambuco, Maranhão, Bahia, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul), Bolivia (Santa Cruz, Tarija), Paraguay, Argentina (Tucumán, Santa Fé, Buenos Aires, Formosa)......................................................... <i>D. implicata</i> Melzer, 1934</p> <p> - Sutural apex of elytra with long spine (Fig. 38); lateral spine sometimes sub-fused with sutural spine. Brazil (Rio Grande do Norte, Pernambuco, Bahia, Minas Gerais)........................................ <i>D. quadrispinosa</i> Breuning, 1940</p> <p>5(3). Dorsal pubescent bands of elytra entirely fused.............................................................. 6</p> <p>- Dorsal pubescent bands of elytra not entirely fused........................................................... 7</p> <p> 6(5). Outer apex of elytra with spine longer than pedicel (Fig. 33). Brazil (Goiás)......... <i>D. singularis</i> Martins & Galileo, 2001</p> <p> - Outer apex of elytra with spine shorter than pedicel (Figs 8, 39). Nicaragua, Costa Rica......... <i>D. borealis</i> Breuning, 1940</p> <p>7(5). Central, yellow pubescent band on pronotum about 3/4 of basal width of antennomere III (Fig. 31).................... 8</p> <p>- Central, yellow pubescent band on pronotum half of basal width of antennomere III (Figs. 1, 13)...................... 9</p> <p> 8(7). Antennomeres with grayish pubescent basal ring. United States (Kansas to Texas), northeastern Mexico.................................................................................................... <i>D. cinerea</i> (Horn, 1860)</p> <p> - Antennomeres without basal pubescent ring. Mexico, Panama.................................... <i>D. rifkindi</i> <b>sp. nov.</b></p> <p> 9(7). Outer elytral spine short, at most as long as pedicel (Fig. 13); metafemora in male (Fig. 16) notably wider than in female (Fig. 17). El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica................................................ <i>Dorcasta parkeri</i> <b>sp. nov.</b></p> <p>- Outer elytral spine slightly longer than pedicel (Fig. 1); metafemoral width similar in male (Fig. 4) and female (Fig. 2)... 10</p> <p> 10(9). Mexico, Panama, Venezuela, French Guiana, Colombia................................ <i>D. dasycera</i> (Erichson, 1848)</p> <p> - Haiti............................................................................. <i>D. gracilis</i> Fisher, 1932</p> Observations: <p> 1. We did not examine any specimens of <i>Dorcasta</i> from Hispaniola. Therefore, it is not possible to know if there are differences between <i>D. dasycera</i> and <i>D. gracilis</i> based solely on the original descriptions and photographs of the holotypes;</p> <p> 2. According to Martins & Galileo (2001), when comparing <i>D. singularis</i> with <i>D. gracilis</i>, the outer elytral spines in <i>D. gracilis</i> are convergent. Although they appear that way in the holotype of <i>D. gracilis</i>, the feature is variable in <i>D. dasycera</i>, and the spines can be distinctly convergent as well, independent of the locality.</p>Published as part of <i>Bezark, Larry G., Santos-Silva, Antonio & Nascimento, Francisco E. De L., 2018, A synopsis of the genus Dorcasta Pascoe, 1858 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Apomecynini), pp. 49-68 in Zootaxa 4399 (1)</i> on pages 50-51, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4399.1.3, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/1206454">http://zenodo.org/record/1206454</a&gt

    Dorcasta crassicornis Pascoe 1858

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    <i>Dorcasta crassicornis</i> Pascoe, 1858 <p>(Figs 18–23, 35–37)</p> <p> <i>Dorcasta crassicornis</i> Pascoe, 1858: 264.</p> <p> <b>Redescription</b>. Integument mostly black; mouthparts reddish-brown.</p> <p> <b>Head</b>. Frons moderately finely and abundantly punctate; pubescence nearly obscuring integument, yellowish- white except yellow lateral area, from base of antennal tubercles to apex of genae; with a few long, erect dark setae, without short, thick, slender scale-like setae. Antennal tubercles with yellowish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument. Dorsal surface moderately finely and abundantly punctate (sometimes somewhat coarsely punctate); with wide, slightly oblique yellow pubescent band from behind upper eye lobes to prothoracic margin, usually not prolonged along margin of upper eye lobes toward antennal tubercles; central area sometimes with yellowish-white pubescence not forming band; remaining surface with yellowish-brown pubescence typically not obscuring integument (occasionally, partially obscuring it); with a few long, dark erect setae. Area behind lower eye lobes moderately coarsely, abundantly punctate, gradually sparser toward gena; with oblique, wide yellow pubescent band from eye to prothoracic margin, not connected with band behind upper eye lobe; remaining surface with yellowish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument, especially toward gena. Gena moderately coarsely, sparsely punctate toward ventral side, finer, sparser toward dorsal side; with yellowish-brown pubescence partially obscuring integument, except yellow pubescent band starting on frons; with a few long, dark erect setae. Distance between upper eye lobes 0.3 times length of scape; in frontal view, distance between lower eye lobes 0.7 times length of scape. Antennae in both sexes from almost reaching to slightly surpassing elytral apex. Scape and pedicel with sparse long, dark erect, setae ventrally (setae as long as to longer than diameter of segment, slightly denser on pedicel). Antennomeres III–X with long (from about as long as diameter of antennal segment to almost 3 times), dark erect, setae ventrally, usually sparser on X, notably dense on III–IX. Antennal formula (ratio) based on length of antennomere III (male/female; only one couple measured): scape = 1.20/1.17; pedicel = 0.24/0.32; IV = 1.20/ 1.17; V = 1.00/1.03; VI = 0.80/0.88; VII = 0.71/0.76; VIII = 0.64/0.67; IX = 0.53/0.65; X = 0.49/0.59; XI = 0.58/ 0.70.</p> <p> <b>Thorax</b>. Prothorax cylindrical, slightly or not narrowed basally, slightly or not narrowed toward distal margin, usually not widened centrally. Pronotum coarsely, abundantly punctate; with wide, longitudinal yellow pubescent band on each side, from base to apex, and narrow, longitudinal yellow pubescent band centrally from base to apex; remaining surface with yellowish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument; with sparse long, dark erect, setae throughout. Sides of prothorax with wide, longitudinal yellow pubescent band close to ventral side, with whitish pubescence on remaining surface not obscuring integument with sparse long, dark erect, setae interspersed. Ventral side of thorax with whitish pubescence not obscuring integument, except laterally wider (especially on mesanepisternum and mesepimeron), longitudinal yellow pubescent band, from mesanepisternum to apex of metaventrite (often also covering basal third of metanepisternum, but more pale yellow). Metaventrite coarsely, sparsely punctate laterally. Scutellum with yellow pubescence obscuring integument. <b>Elytra</b>. Coarsely, moderately abundantly punctate on basal half, gradually finer, sparser toward apex (especially on distal quarter); apex with long, thick spine at outer angle, slightly concave toward short sutural projection; with moderately abundant long, dark erect, setae throughout; pubescence as follows: three longitudinal yellow pubescent bands fused at apex, two dorsally (innermost starting at about apex of basal sixth; outermost from base to apex; both distinctly separate until near apex, but sometimes partially or entirely fused), another laterally, from humerus to apex; three longitudinal white pubescent bands, one between dorsal yellow bands (often absent), one close to lateral curvature, another close to lateral margin; one narrow, yellow or white pubescent band, from scutellum to about apex of basal fourth (sometimes indistinct); remaining surface with yellowish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument. <b>Legs</b>. Metafemora noticeably widened in male (Figs 19, 22), moderately narrow in female (Fig. 23).</p> <p> <b>Abdomen</b>. Ventrites moderately finely, sparsely punctate, slightly more abundant laterally; with whitish pubescence partially obscuring integument, except longitudinal yellow pubescent band laterally, from base of ventrite I to apex of IV, from slightly to distinctly connected along apex of each ventrite (Fig. 19); ventrite V not distally depressed in female.</p> <p> <b>Dimensions (mm), male/ female</b>. Total length, 6.60–10.10/8.00–9.95; prothoracic length, 1.30–1.85/1.50– 1.90; basal prothoracic width, 1.00–1.65/1.15–1.50; distal prothoracic width, 0.95–1.50/1.20–1.55; greatest prothoracic width, 1.05–1.70/1.25–1.60; humeral width, 1.25–2.05/1.55–2.00; elytral length, 4.65–7.15/5.60–6.75.</p> <p> <b>Material examined.</b> MEXICO (new country records), <i>Oaxaca</i>: 19 miles S Matías Romero, 1 male, 25.VI.1969, D. E. Bright col. (MZSP); vic El Aguacero, Tropical deciduous forest, 19 & 24.VI.2016, J. Rifkind & E. Martinez collectors, 1 male. <i>Chiapas</i>: El Aguacero National Park, 1 female, 25.IX.1989, R. L. Penrose col. (LGBC). Quintana Roo: Nuevo X-Can, 1 male, 27.V.1992, R. L. Penrose col. (CSCA); 3 km NW Macario Gomez, 1 male, 4.VI.1992, R. L. Penrose col. (CSCA); Sumidero, 1 female, 23.IX.1989, F. T. Hovore col (CAS); <i>Quintana Roo</i>: Leona Vicario 1 female, 5.VI.1992, F. T. Hovore col (CAS); 12 km NW Nuevo Valladolid, 1 male, 26- 30.V.2012, Cole collection (CAS); 23 km SWCancun, 1 female, 2.VI.2001, Cope collection (CAS); GUATEMALA (new country record), <i>Suchitepéquez</i>: Finca San Rafael Olimpo (Cuyotenango), 1 female, 15.II.1966, J. M. Campbell col. (MZSP); <i>Guatemala</i>: 6.5 km SW Amatitlan, 1220m, 1 male, 23-31.VII.1979, E. L.</p> <p> & K. W. Sleeper cols (CAS); COSTA RICA (new country record), <i>Puntarenas</i>: Playa Jaco, 1 male, 1 female, XII.1990, F. T. Hovore col. (LGBC). <i>San Jos</i>: La Caja, no date indicated, Schmidt col. (MZSP); 2 specimens, (unknown sex), 1934, Schmidt col. (MZSP). <i>Guanacaste</i>: 3 km SE Naranjo, 1 female, 18-28.XI.1991, F. D. Parker col. (LGBC); 1 female, 9-12.VII.1993, F. D. Parker col. (LGBC). PANAMA, <i>Cocl</i>: 2 km E El Valle, 07.II.1992, 6 males, 1 female, R. L. Penrose col. (CSCA); <i>Panama</i>: Cerro Campana, 1 female, 7.I.1994, J. E Wappes col (CAS).</p> <p> <b>Remarks</b>. According to Pascoe (1858), when describing <i>Dorcasta crassicornis</i>, it belonged to “Mr. Saunders’s collection, without a locality.” Pascoe (1858) suggested Brazil as possibly the country where the specimen was collected. Actually, there are specimens from Brazil with a very similar general appearance. However, the three specimens from Brazil examined by us have some differences when compared with specimens from Mexico and Central America. Two of these specimens are the types of a new species described herein (<i>D. birai</i>). However, another specimen from the Brazilian state of São Paulo, belonging to the MZSP collection only differs from Mexico and Central America specimens by the yellow pubescent band at the center of the pronotum, which is somewhat wider (including comparison with the holotype of <i>D. crassicornis</i>). As we have only the single specimen from São Paulo, we prefer not to describe it as a new species. Blackwelder (1946) indicated, Argentina as a country where the species occurs, as doubtful. Franz (1954) included El Salvador Breuning; (1960, 1971) listed only Colombia; and Monné (2017) listed El Salvador, Panama and Colombia. We did not examine specimens from El Salvador and Colombia but, it is likely that the true <i>D. crassicornis</i> does occur in these countries.</p> <p> <i>Dorcasta crassicornis</i> differs from all other species of the genus (except <i>D. birai</i> <b>sp. nov</b>.) by the dense erect setae on the ventral surface of the antennomeres. See remarks under <i>D. birai</i>.</p>Published as part of <i>Bezark, Larry G., Santos-Silva, Antonio & Nascimento, Francisco E. De L., 2018, A synopsis of the genus Dorcasta Pascoe, 1858 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Apomecynini), pp. 49-68 in Zootaxa 4399 (1)</i> on pages 57-61, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4399.1.3, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/1206454">http://zenodo.org/record/1206454</a&gt

    Dorcasta rifkindi Bezark & Santos-Silva & Nascimento 2018, sp. nov.

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    <i>Dorcasta rifkindi</i>, sp. nov. <p>(Figs 29–32)</p> <p> <b>Description</b>. Integument mostly dark brown, some areas almost black; mouthparts from dark to light reddish-brown.</p> <p> <b>Head</b>. Frons moderately finely and abundantly punctate; pubescence mostly obscuring integument (sometimes less so), pale yellow to yellowish-white on wide central, yellow laterally close to lower eye lobes (this yellow area prolonged toward apex of gena); with sparse long, dark erect, setae laterally; without short, thick, slender scale-like setae. Antennal tubercles with yellowish to yellowish-brown pubescence, from nearly obscuring to not obscuring integument. Dorsal surface moderately finely and sparsely punctate; with narrow, oblique yellow pubescent band on each side, slightly widened from base of antennal tubercle to prothoracic margin; remaining surface with pale yellow pubescence partially obscuring integument; with a few long, dark erect setae. Area behind eyes moderately coarsely, sparsely punctate (sparser behind lower eye lobes); with longitudinal, moderately wide yellow pubescent band from eye to prothorax, not connected to pubescent band of dorsal surface; remaining surface with yellowish- brown pubescence partially obscuring integument (sometimes yellowish-white); with sparse long, dark erect setae. Genae with sculpturing as on area behind lower eye lobes; with yellowish-brown (sometimes yellowish-white) pubescence partially obscuring integument, except yellow pubescent band starting on frons; with sparse long, dark erect, setae. Distance between upper eye lobes 0.23 times length of scape; in frontal view, distance between lower eye lobes 0.63 times length of scape. Antennae in male 1.6 times elytral length, reaching elytral apex at basal third of antennomere X; in female, 1.5 times elytral length, reaching elytral apex at base of antennomere XI. Scape with moderately sparse long, dark erect, setae ventrally (from shorter to slightly longer than diameter of scape). Pedicel and antennomeres III– X with long (from about as long as diameter of antennal segment to almost 3 times), dark erect, setae ventrally (gradually shorter and sparser toward X), abundant, especially in basal antennomeres, but not forming dense fringe. Antennal formula (ratio) based on length of antennomere III (male/female; only one couple measured): scape = 1.03/1.13; pedicel = 0.24/0.28; IV = 1.22/1.30; V = 1.03/1.10; VI = 0.89/0.89; VII = 0.77/0.78; VIII = 0.69/0.65; IX = 0.60/0.65; X = 0.53/0.61; XI = 0.57/0.65.</p> <p> <b>Thorax</b>. Prothorax cylindrical, not, to slightly widened centrally. Pronotum coarsely, abundantly punctate; with wide, longitudinal yellow pubescent band from base to apex, on each side, and slightly narrower, longitudinal yellow pubescent band from base to apex, centrally, with narrow white pubescent band close to each side of lateral yellow pubescent bands (sometimes absent or indistinct); remaining surface with yellowish-brown pubescence partially obscuring integument; with sparse long, dark erect, setae throughout. Sides of prothorax with wide, longitudinal yellow pubescent band close to ventral side, with whitish pubescence partially obscuring integument on remaining surface; with sparse long, dark erect, setae. Ventral side of thorax with yellowish-white pubescence partially obscuring integument, except laterally wide (especially on mesanepisternum and mesepimeron), longitudinal yellow pubescent band, covering mesanepisternum to apex of metaventrite and basal area of metanepisternum. Metaventrite coarsely, moderately sparsely punctate laterally. Scutellum with yellow pubescence obscuring integument. <b>Elytra</b>. Coarsely, abundantly punctate basally, gradually finer, sparser toward apex (punctures sub-aligned); outer angle of apex with long triangular projection, oblique toward unarmed sutural angle; with moderately abundant long, dark erect, setae throughout; pubescence as follows: three longitudinal, wide, yellow pubescent bands (two dorsal ones fused at apex), two dorsally (innermost starting at about apex of basal sixth; outermost from base to apex), another laterally from base to near apex; dorsal yellow pubescent bands distinctly separated from base to near apex (sometimes slightly separated throughout); two longitudinal white pubescent bands from base to apex, one on lateral curvature, another close to outer margin; with narrow, white pubescent band laterally close to each side; longitudinal yellow pubescent bands with narrow, yellow pubescent band along basal third of suture, gradually narrower, whiter, less distinct toward apex; remaining surface with yellowish-brown pubescence partially obscuring integument. <b>Legs</b>. Metafemora notably widened in male (Fig 32), moderately narrow in female.</p> <p> <b>Abdomen</b>. Ventrites moderately coarsely, sparsely punctate, slightly more abundant laterally and on ventrite V; with yellowish-white pubescence partially obscuring integument, except longitudinal yellow pubescent band from base of ventrite I to apex of IV laterally, usually connected between them along apex of ventrites (Fig. 32); ventrite V in male sub-flat, slightly depressed distally in female.</p> <p> <b>Dimensions (mm), holotype male/ paratype males/ paratype females</b>. Total length, 10.50/8.05–10.00/9.45– 12.30; prothoracic length, 2.00/1.45–1.90/1.75–2.30; basal prothoracic width, 1.75/1.20–1.55/1.45–1.95; distal prothoracic width, 1.75/1.20–1.55/1.45–1.95; greatest prothoracic width, 1.80/1.25–1.65/1.55–2.10; humeral width, 2.30/1.60–2.10/1.95–2.75; elytral length, 7.40/5.70–6.95/6.65–8.60.</p> <p> <b>Type material</b>. Holotype male from MEXICO, <i>Puebla</i>: 2.7 km NW Petlalcingo (18°05’49”N / 97°56’49”W; 1500 m), 7.VII.2001, R.L. Westcott col. (CAS). Paratypes – MEXICO, <i>Morelos</i>: San Andrés de la Cal (1498 m), 3 males, 4.IX.2013, J. Rifkind, R. Reyes, I. Villanueva, A. Hernández, J. Martínez & G. Cordero col. (LGBC); km 19 E. Cuernavaca (Cañon de Lobos; 1220 m), 2 males, 3.XI.1990, A. Mudge col. (LGBC); Sierra de Huatla, vic. Estacion Biologia El Limon, tropical deciduous forest, (1275 m), 1 male, 6.X.2013, J. Rifkind, R. Reyes, I. Villanueva, A. Hernández, J. Martínez & G. Cordero col. (LGBC); <i>Jalisco</i>: Estación Biológica Chamela (km 59 carretera Melaque-Puerto Vallarta, 1 male, 28.IX.2002, R.L. Westcott col. (LGBC); 1 female, 7.X.2002, R.L. Westcott col. (LGBC); Estación Biológica Chamela, 1 male, 20-27.VII.1984, J. T. Doyen col (EMEC); Estación Biológica Chamela, 1 male, 8-16.VII.1985, J. Chemsak, H. Katsura & A. E. Michelbacher cols (EMEC); Estación Biológica Chamela, 1 male, 13.II.1985, 1 male, 22.VIII./1985, F. A. Noguera col (EMEC); IBUNAM, Eje Central, 1 male, 1 female, 28.IX.2002, A. Mudge col. (MZSP); Guerrero: 29 km E Chichihualco, 2 females, 16.IX.1989, J. E. Wappes col. (ACMT); Estación Biológica Chamela, 1 male, 9-10.X. 1988, R.L. Westcott & A. Mudge col. (CSCA); Estación Biológica Chamela, 1 male, 5-12.X. 1988, R.L. Penrose col. (CSCA); Estación Biológica Chamela, 1 female, 12-16VII.1992, Cope collection (CAS); 3 km SW Las Palmas, 1 male, 24.VII.1990, R.L. Penrose col. (CSCA); near Cuitzmala, 2 males, 10.X.1988, R.L. Penrose col. (CSCA); 5 km SW Tecalitlan, 1200m, 1 male, 2.I.1989, E. S. Ross & R. E. Stecker cols. (CAS); <i>Colima</i>: E Road to El Terrero, 3-4000’, 4.X.1992, J. E. Wappes col (EMEC); <i>Guerrero</i>: 23 km W Iguala, 1 male, 18-20.IX.1989, J. E. Wappes col (EMEC); 8-10 km E Huitzuco, 1 male, 19.IX.1989, J. E. Wappes col (EMEC); 3 km S Zumpango del Rio (1200 m), 1 female, 6.XI.1990, A. Mudge col. (LGBC); 23 km N Iguala, 1 female, 18-20.IX.1989, J. E. Wappes col. (ACMT); 40 km E Iguala, 1 female, 15.X (no year indicated), F. T. Hovore col. (CAS); 12 km W Tetelcingo, 1 male, 21.IX.1989, J. E. Wappes col. (ACMT); Hwy 134 (55 km NE Villa de Zaragoza), 2 males, 1 female, 14.VII.1985, J. E. Wappes col. (ACMT); 17 km W Iguala, 3 males, 20-27.VII.1987, Jim Cope col. (CAS); 3 km W Chilpancingo, 2 males, 20- 27.VII.1987, Jim Cope col. (CAS); 3 km N Chilpancingo, 1 male, 18.XI.1946, E. C. Van Dyke col. (CAS). <i>Puebla</i>: 60 mi S Puebla, 1 male, 3.VII.1955, Derham Giuliani col. (CAS); <i>Mexico</i>: Tejupilco, 1 male, 15.VII.1952, H. E. Hinton col. (CAS); <i>Chiapas</i>: El Aguacero, 1 female, 25.IX.1989, R.L. Penrose col. (LGBC); Veracruz: 2 females, 25.X.1979, J. E. Wappes col. (ACMT); PANAMA: <i>Panama</i>, Las Cumbres, 1 male, 4.XII.1976, H. Wolda col. (CAS); La Chorrera, 1 female, 20.XII.1944, K. E. Frick, col. (CAS); <i>Canal Zone</i>, Fort Clayton, 1 female, 3.I.1945, K. E. Frick, col. (CAS)</p> <p> <b>Remarks</b>. <i>Dorcasta rifkindi</i> <b>sp. nov</b>. is similar to <i>D. crassicornis</i>, but differs as follows: erect setae on the ventral side of antennal segments distinctly less dense (Fig. 31); central yellow pubescent band on pronotum as 3/4 of the basal width of antennomere III. In <i>D. crassicornis</i>, the erect setae on the ventral side of antennal segments are notably dense (Fig. 18), and the central yellow pubescent band on pronotum is narrower than half of the basal width of antennomere III. It differs from <i>D. dasycera</i> by the metafemora in males being notably tumid (Fig. 32) and the erect setae on the ventral side of antennomeres more abundant and shorter (Fig. 31). In <i>D. dasycera</i> the metafemora in males is not notably tumid (Fig. 4), and the erect setae on the ventral side of the antennal segments are sparser and longer (Fig. 1).</p> <p> <b>Etymology</b>. This species is named after our colleague Jacques Rifkind of Southern California, an avid clerid worker who has provided numerous cerambycids for study including specimens in the type series.</p>Published as part of <i>Bezark, Larry G., Santos-Silva, Antonio & Nascimento, Francisco E. De L., 2018, A synopsis of the genus Dorcasta Pascoe, 1858 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Apomecynini), pp. 49-68 in Zootaxa 4399 (1)</i> on pages 63-66, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4399.1.3, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/1206454">http://zenodo.org/record/1206454</a&gt

    Dorcasta parkeri Bezark & Santos-Silva & Nascimento 2018, sp. nov.

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    <i>Dorcasta parkeri</i>, sp. nov. <p>(Figs 12–17)</p> <p> <b>Description</b>. Integument mostly black (sometimes partially dark reddish-brown on elytra and abdominal ventrites); femora partially dark reddish-brown or entirely dark brown; basal half of meso- and metatibiae dark reddish-brown or tibiae entirely dark brown.</p> <p> <b>Head</b>. Frons moderately finely and abundantly punctate; pubescence nearly obscuring integument, yellowish- white except yellow lateral area close to inferior side of lower eye lobe (this yellow area prolonged toward apex of gena; sometimes pale yellow; sometimes starting at about middle of lower eye lobes); with sparse long, dark erect, setae, without short, thick, slender scale-like setae. Antennal tubercles with yellowish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument. Dorsal surface moderately finely, densely punctate; with narrow pubescent band on each side, from base of antennal tubercle to prothoracic margin, oblique from antennal tubercle to about middle of upper eye lobe, then vertical, widened toward prothorax; central area with narrow yellowish pubescent band close to prothorax (sometimes absent); remaining surface with yellowish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument; with a few long, dark erect setae. Area behind lower eye lobes moderately coarsely, densely punctate; with longitudinal, moderately narrow yellow pubescent band, from eye to prothorax (sometimes not reaching eye), not connected to pubescent band of dorsal surface; remaining surface with yellowish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument (sometimes more yellow on some areas); with sparse long, dark erect, setae. Genae with sculpturing as on area behind lower eye lobes, gradually finer toward dorsal surface; with yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument, except yellow pubescent band starting on frons; with sparse long, dark erect, setae. Distance between upper eye lobes 0.42 times length of scape; in frontal view, distance between lower eye lobes 0.7 times length of scape. Antennae in male 1.46 times elytral length, reaching elytral apex; in female 1.40 times elytral length, almost reaching elytral apex. Scape with long (from shorter to slightly longer than diameter of scape), sparse, dark erect, setae ventrally. Pedicel and antennomeres III– X with long (from about as long as diameter of antennal segment to almost 3 times), dark erect, setae ventrally (gradually shorter and sparser toward X), moderately abundant in basal antennomeres but, not dense. Antennal formula (ratio) based on length of antennomere III (male/female; only one couple measured): scape = 1.31/1.35; pedicel = 0.29/0.29; IV = 1.21/1.26; V = 0.92/0.97; VI = 0.79/0.87; VII = 0.73/0.71; VIII = 0.63/0.68; IX = 0.55/0.64; X = 0.52/0.58; XI = 0.63/0.71.</p> <p> <b>Thorax</b>. Prothorax cylindrical, slightly narrowed basally, widened on basal half, slightly narrowed gradually toward distal margin (sometimes not widened on basal half). Pronotum coarsely, abundantly punctate; with wide, longitudinal yellow pubescent band from base to apex, on each side and slender, longitudinal yellow pubescent band centrally (sometimes partially absent); remaining surface with yellowish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument; with sparse long, dark erect, setae throughout. Sides of prothorax with wide, longitudinal yellow pubescent band close to ventral side, with whitish pubescence on remaining surface, not obscuring integument; with sparse long, dark erect, setae. Ventral side of thorax with whitish pubescence not obscuring integument, except lateral wide (especially on mesanepisternum and mesepimeron), longitudinal yellow pubescent band, from mesanepisternum to apex of metaventrite (also covering basal third of metanepisternum); with moderately short, sparse, dark erect setae. Metaventrite coarsely, abundantly punctate laterally. Scutellum with yellow pubescence obscuring integument. <b>Elytra</b>. Coarsely, abundantly punctate, sparser on distal area; apex with long, thick spine at outer angle, concave toward short sutural spine; with moderately abundant long dark erect setae throughout; pubescence as follows: three longitudinal yellow pubescent bands fused at apex, two dorsally (innermost starting at about apex of basal sixth; outermost from base to apex; both separated until near apex, but sometimes partially fused along entire length), another laterally, from humerus to apex; two longitudinal white pubescent bands from base to apex, one on lateral curvature, another close to outer margin (sometimes distinct); with narrow, yellow pubescent sutural band, from scutellum to near apex of basal seventh (sometimes absent); with moderately sparse white pubescence close to yellow bands; remaining surface with yellowish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument. <b>Legs</b>. Metafemora notably widened in male (Figs 14–16), moderately narrow in female (Fig. 17).</p> <p> <b>Abdomen</b>. Ventrites moderately coarsely, abundantly punctate laterally; with whitish pubescence partially obscuring integument, except longitudinal yellow pubescent band laterally, from base of ventrite I to apex of IV, from slightly to distinctly connected along apex of each ventrite (Fig. 14); apex of ventrite V in female slightly depressed centrally (not so in male).</p> <p> <b>Dimensions (mm), holotype / paratype males/ paratype females</b>. Total length, 7.85/6.50–8.10/6.90–7.90; prothoracic length, 1.55/1.15–1.55/1.35–1.60; basal prothoracic width, 1.25/0.90–1.05/0.95–1.20; distal prothoracic width, 1.15/0.90–1.10/1.00–1.20; greatest prothoracic width, 1.30/0.95–1.15/1.00–1.25; humeral width, 1.50/1.15–1.40/1.20–1.50; elytral length, 5.40/4.50–5.60/4.70–5.75.</p> <p> <b>Type material</b>. Holotype male from COSTA RICA, <i>Guanacaste</i>: 14 km S Cañas, 1-22.X.1991, F. D. Parker col. (CAS). Paratypes – MEXICO, <i>Chiapas</i>: Sumidero, 23.IX.1989, F. T. Hovore, col. (CAS); EL SALVADOR, 17 mi W Acauitla, Sonsonate, 2 males, 8.VI.1977, C.W. & L.B. O’Brien & G.B. Marshall collectors (LGBC); NICARAGUA, <i>Matagalpa</i>: 8 miles SE Ciudad Darío (1400’), 2 males, 14.VII.1974, C.W. & L.B. O’Brien & G.B. Marshall col. (LGBC, MZSP); 7 miles N Matagalpa (4900’), 1 female, C.W. & L.B. O’Brien & G.B. Marshall col. (LGBC). COSTA RICA, <i>Guanacaste</i>: Estación Experimental Enriques Jimenez Nuñez (20 km SW Cañas), 1 male, 5-17.XI.1991, A.S. Menke col. (USNM); 14 km SE Cañas, 1 male, 21-25.X.1990, F. D. Parker col. (LGBC); 1 female, 1-10.VII.1991, F.D. Parker col. (LGBC); 23.VI-15.VII.1991, 1 female, F.D. Parker col. (MZSP); 1 male, 1- 5.X.1990 F.D. Parker col. (LGBC); 1 male, 27.X.-18.XI.1990, F.D. Parker col. (LGBC); 1 male, 1-22.X.1991, F.D. Parker col. (LGBC); 1 female, 15-18.X.1991, F.D. Parker col. (LGBC); 1 female, 10-15.X.1990, F.D. Parker col. (LGBC); 1 female, 23-30.VI.1991, F.D. Parker col. (LGBC); 1 female, 20-30.X.1989, F.D. Parker col. (LGBC).</p> <p> <b>Remarks</b>. <i>Dorcasta parkeri</i> <b>sp. nov</b>. is similar to <i>D. dasycera</i> but differs by the metafemora in males being distinctly widened (Fig. 16) (not widened in males of <i>D. dasycera</i> (Fig. 4). It differs from <i>D. crassicornis</i> (Fig. 18) by the sparse setae on the ventral surface of the antennomeres (notably visibly dense in <i>D. crassicornis</i>). <i>Dorcasta parkeri</i> also resembles <i>D. borealis</i> by the metafemora in males being wider than in females but, differs by the elytra having three longitudinal yellow pubescent bands (Fig. 13) (in <i>D. borealis</i>, the elytra have a single wide pale yellow pubescent band from base to apex (Fig. 8)).</p> <p> <b>Etymology</b>. This species is named after Frank D. Parker, who collected the type and numerous other cerambycids while malaise-trapping for his beloved hymenoptera in the neotropics. The first author has been fortunate to examine many of these longhorns.</p>Published as part of <i>Bezark, Larry G., Santos-Silva, Antonio & Nascimento, Francisco E. De L., 2018, A synopsis of the genus Dorcasta Pascoe, 1858 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Apomecynini), pp. 49-68 in Zootaxa 4399 (1)</i> on pages 55-57, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4399.1.3, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/1206454">http://zenodo.org/record/1206454</a&gt

    A synopsis of the genus Dorcasta Pascoe, 1858 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Apomecynini)

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    Bezark, Larry G., Santos-Silva, Antonio, Nascimento, Francisco E. De L. (2018): A synopsis of the genus Dorcasta Pascoe, 1858 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Apomecynini). Zootaxa 4399 (1): 49-68, DOI: https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4399.1.

    Dorcasta cinerea Horn 1860

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    <i>Dorcasta cinerea</i> Horn, 1860 <p> <b>Remarks.</b> This species is distributed in the United States from Kansas to Texas, and in northeastern Mexico (Tamaulipas).</p> <p> <b>Material examined:</b> MEXICO, 3 mi W Cedral, <i>San Luis Potosi</i>: 2 specimens, IX.21.76, 6000’, <i>Sphaeralcea</i> (EMEC); Linares, <i>Nuevo Leon</i>: 1 specimen, IX.12 -18.76, A.E. Michelbacher, collector (EMEC); 34 mi N Saltillo, <i>Coahuila</i>: 1 specimen, VII.11.64, C.D. Johnson, collector (EMEC), new state records.</p>Published as part of <i>Bezark, Larry G., Santos-Silva, Antonio & Nascimento, Francisco E. De L., 2018, A synopsis of the genus Dorcasta Pascoe, 1858 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Apomecynini), pp. 49-68 in Zootaxa 4399 (1)</i> on page 67, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4399.1.3, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/1206454">http://zenodo.org/record/1206454</a&gt