485 research outputs found

    Workflow-based Context-aware Control of Surgical Robots

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    Surgical assistance system such as medical robots enhanced the capabilities of medical procedures in the last decades. This work presents a new perspective on the use of workflows with surgical robots in order to improve the technical capabilities and the ease of use of such systems. This is accomplished by a 3D perception system for the supervision of the surgical operating room and a workflow-based controller, that allows to monitor the surgical process using workflow-tracking techniques


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    Unstable Adams operations on p-local compact groups

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    A p-local compact group is an algebraic object modelled on the p-local homotopy theory of classifying spaces of compact Lie groups and p-compact groups. In the study of these objects unstable Adams operations, are of fundamental importance. In this paper we define unstable Adams operations within the theory of p-local compact groups, and show that such operations exist under rather mild conditions. More precisely, we prove that for a given p-local compact group G and a sufficiently large positive integer mm, there exists an injective group homomorphism from the group of p-adic units which are congruent to 1 modulo p^m to the group of unstable Adams operations on

    Research Notes : United States : Evaluation of soybean germplasm for stress tolerance and biological efficiency toward : Moisture Stress

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    Three soybean cultivars, \u27Lee-74\u27, \u27Wright\u27, and \u27RA 401\u27, were subjected to 100% (control), 75%, and 50% of field capacity during vegetative (Vl), flowering (R2), and pod-filling (R4) stages in greenhouse and field studies. Stress applied at R2 significantly reduced the yield in the green-house, while in the field, the maximum reduction was observed when the plants were subjected to stress at R4. Stress during Vl reduced the yield components less than stress applied during R2 or R4 stages in both studies

    Robotergestützte Ultraschalltomographie

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    Ultraschallbildgebung ist ein in der Medizin häufig verwendetes Verfahren zur Diagnostik und Verlaufskontrolle. Ultraschall bietet vor allem eine große Weichteilauflösung bei gleichzeitig niedrigen Kosten, erfordert aber vom Anwender ein großes Maß an Erfahrung. Aufgrund vieler Artefakte und Verzerrungen in Ultraschallbildern ist die Bildqualität der Bilder deutlich geringer, als die derer, die mittels Magnetresonanztomographie erstellt werden können. Deshalb arbeiten viele verschiedene Forschungsgruppen an der Verbesserung der Modalitäten und Datensätze im Zusammenhang mit Ultraschallbildgebung. Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Entwicklung eines robotergestützten Ultraschalltomographen. Das Gerät ist in der Lage tomographische Bildserien von Phantomen und Weichgewebe zu erstellen, die anschließend dreidimensional visualisiert werden können

    Social support, depression symptoms, and unwanted sexual experiences: Review of the literature

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    Unwanted sexual experiences are common in the United States, and victims are at increased risk of adverse psychological effects. Depression symptoms are common in survivors, which is concerning due to the health risks and suicidality risk associated with Major Depressive Disorder. Social support has been found to reduce depression symptoms and increase successful treatment, leading to improved outcomes. The current study tested three hypotheses: that most survivors would endorse depression symptoms; that higher levels of perceived social support would correlate with lower levels of depression symptoms, and that social support from family and friends would have a stronger negative correlation with depression symptoms than support from significant others. We evaluated 82 survivors of unwanted sexual experiences’ levels of depression symptoms and perceived social support, finding that increased social support was significantly correlated with decreased depression symptoms in this sample. Support was evaluated in three dimensions, with results indicating that perceived support from friends and family have a nearly equal correlation with lower depression symptoms, while support from significant others had no statistical significance on its own