1,516 research outputs found

    Architecture Blueprint in Strategic Alignment

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    Increasingly, IT architecture is seen as the obvious instrument for decision making in the strategicalignment between the business domain and the technology domain. However field experiences showwe are far from the point that the business domain broadly uses architecture, while strategic alignmentis high on the agenda of many CIOñ€ℱs. It looks like there is a fundamental disconnect in thecommunication process between the worlds of business and IT. This paper discusses which formaspects an architecture blueprint must have in the communication process with strategic alignment toovercome this disconnection. For this purpose, a couple principles are proposed for architectureblueprints to contribute to a successful alignment between the business domain and the technologydomain

    Quantifying excitations of quasinormal mode systems

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    Computations of the strong field generation of gravitational waves by black hole processes produce waveforms that are dominated by quasinormal (QN) ringing, a damped oscillation characteristic of the black hole. We describe here the mathematical problem of quantifying the QN content of the waveforms generated. This is done in several steps: (i) We develop the mathematics of QN systems that are complete (in a sense to be defined) and show that there is a quantity, the ``excitation coefficient,'' that appears to have the properties needed to quantify QN content. (ii) We show that incomplete systems can (at least sometimes) be converted to physically equivalent complete systems. Most notably, we give a rigorous proof of completeness for a specific modified model problem. (iii) We evaluate the excitation coefficient for the model problem, and demonstrate that the excitation coefficient is of limited utility. We finish by discussing the general question of quantification of QN excitations, and offer a few speculations about unavoidable differences between normal mode and QN systems.Comment: 27 pages, 14 figures. To be published in: J. Math. Phys. (1999

    Explaining Giant Apparent pKA\mathrm{p}K_\mathrm{A} Shifts in Weak Polyelectrolyte Brushes

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    Recent experiments on weak polyelectrolyte brushes found marked shifts in the effective pKAK_\mathrm{A} that are linear in the logarithm of the salt concentration. Comparing explicit-particle simulations with mean-field calculations we show that for high grafting densities the salt concentration effect can be explained using the ideal Donnan theory, but for low grafting densities the full shift is due to a combination of the Donnan effect and the polyelectrolyte effect. The latter originates from electrostatic correlations which are neglected in the Donnan picture and which are only approximately included in the mean-field theory. Moreover, we demonstrate that the magnitude of the polyelectrolyte effect is almost invariant with respect to salt concentration but depends on the grafting density of the brush. This invariance is due to a complex cancellation of multiple effects. Based on our results, we show how the experimentally determined pKAK_\mathrm{A} shifts may be used to infer the grafting density of brushes, a parameter that is difficult to measure directly.Comment: First revised version of the manuscript; 15 pages, 16 figure

    Virtual Library MatthÀus Daniel Pöppelmann

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    The „Virtual Library MatthĂ€us Daniel Pöppelmann“ is planned as a book index with attached weblinks to digitized historical printed works and reflects the former, in original lost private library of the famous baroque architect in Dresden. The index was developed in 2013/14 by the subproject-team of the TU Dresden within the European Network of Baroque Cultural Heritage (ENBaCH). In 2017 the virtual library has been brought up-to-date with regard to the transcribed book titles and the additional weblinks within the context of the Project MatthĂ€us Daniel Pöppelmann (1662-1736): Die Schloss- und Zwingerplanungen fĂŒr Dresden. Planen und Bauen im “modus romanus” of the TU Dresden, supported by the Fritz-Thyssen-Stiftung

    Sprachstandardisierung unter Mehrsprachigkeitsbedingungen. Das Deutsche in Luxemburg im 19. Jahrhundert

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    Der Beitrag beschreibt die Grundstruktur des Forschungsprojekts ‚Standardization in Diversity (SDiv). The case of German in Luxembourg 1795–1920‘, das im Zeitraum 2013–2016 vom Fonds National de la Recherche (Luxemburg) und der DFG gefördert wird. Weitere Informationen auf der Internetseite des Projekts unter http://infolux.uni.lu/standardization

    NÄr man kÞber en idé uden at forstÄ den

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    Denne artikel er en opfĂžlgning pĂ„ casebeskrivelsen ”Kampen om den organisatoriske selvfortĂŠlling” (find den her: https://rauli.cbs.dk/index.php/SiS/article/download/5567/6184), hvor der blev stillet en rĂŠkke en rĂŠkke spĂžrgsmĂ„l til lĂŠserne. Artiklen her giver en rĂŠkke mulige svar pĂ„ de stillede spĂžrgsmĂ„l, samt en kort gennemgang af den teori, der fĂžrer frem til de givne svar

    Et empirisk casestudie af omstillingsforlĂžb i fire virksomheder

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    I mange virksomheder eller mÄske i alle virksomheder arbejder man lÞbende med forbedrings- og forandringsarbejder, gerne defineret som projekter med fokus pÄ procesarbejde og de resultater, som projekterne forventes at skulle skabe....
