229 research outputs found

    Manejo de sistemas de produção de sementes e forragem de feijão-miúdo para a agricultura familar.

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    Muscular activity of patella and hip stabilizers of healthy subjects during squat exercises

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    CONTEXTUALIZAÇÃO: Atualmente relaciona-se a fraqueza dos músculos do quadril e da coxa ao surgimento da dor anterior no joelho (DAJ). Dessa maneira, compreender como os agachamentos devem ser realizados para melhorar a ativação elétrica desses músculos é importante para o tratamento fisioterapêutico. OBJETIVO: Comparar a ativação mioelétrica de estabilizadores da patela e pelve entre as posições de agachamentos convencional e associado à contração isométrica em adução e abdução da coxa em indivíduos sem queixa de DAJ. MÉTODOS: O sinal eletromiográfico foi captado a partir de eletrodos duplo-diferenciais posicionados nos músculos vasto medial oblíquo (VMO), vasto lateral oblíquo (VLO), vasto lateral longo (VLL) e glúteo médio (GMed) em 15 mulheres sedentárias e clinicamente saudáveis, durante a contração de agachamentos convencional e associados à adução e à abdução isométrica da coxa com carga de 25% do peso corporal. A análise estatística empregada foi o modelo linear de efeitos mistos, com significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: A associação da adução e abdução isométrica da coxa no agachamento produziu cerca de 0,47 (0,2) e 0,59 (0,22), respectivamente, de atividade elétrica do músculo GMed, enquanto o agachamento convencional (AGA) produziu 0,33 (0,27) de atividade elétrica. A maior ativação do VMO aconteceu na contração de agachamento associado à adução da coxa e foi de 0,59 (0,27); já o músculo VLL apresentou uma maior atividade elétrica durante o agachamento associado à abdução, sendo de 0,60 (0,32). CONCLUSÃO: O exercício de agachamento associado à adução da coxa promoveu uma maior ativação muscular do VMO, além de aumentar a atividade muscular do GMed.BACKGROUND: Hip and knee muscle weaknesses have been associated with the onset of anterior knee pain (AKP). Therefore, the understanding of how squats exercises can be performed in order to optimize the electrical activity of these muscles is relevant for physical therapy treatments. OBJECTIVE: To compare the electromyographic activity of patella and pelvic stabilizers during traditional squat and squat associated with isometric hip adduction or abduction in subjects without AKP. METHODS: Electromyography signals were captured using double-differential electrodes at the vastus medialis obliquus (VMO), vastus lateralis obliquus (VLO), vastus lateralis longus (VLL) and gluteus medium (GMed) in 15 healthy and sedentary women during squats exercises: traditional and associated with hip adduction and hip abduction with load of 25% of body weight. Linear mixed models with significance level of 5% were used for data analysis. RESULTS: Squat associated with hip adduction and abduction produced electromyographic activity of GMed of 0.47 (0.2) and 0.59 (0.22) respectively, while conventional squat produced an electromyiographic activity of 0.33 (0.27). The higher VMO activity was 0.59 (0.27) during the isometric contraction in the squat associated with hip adduction. The higher VLO activity was 0.60 (0.32) during isometric contraction in the squat associated with hip abduction. CONCLUSION: Squat exercise associated with hip adduction increased VMO muscle activity as well as the activity of GMed activity.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Molecular development of oxfendazole resistance starting with a susceptible Haemonchus contortus isolate.

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    Abstract: Haemonchus contortus is one of the main small ruminant parasites in tropical areas and its control is traditionally done through the utilization of synthetic anthelmintics such as benzimidazoles (BZ). BZ resistance is associated to single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) located in the Beta-tubulin isotype 1 gene: F200Y, F167Y and E198A. Here we describe the rise of resistant mutations within a completely susceptible isolate (Inbred-susceptible-Edinburgh - ISE) in an experimental infection model in 3 sheep treated with increasing oxfendazole doses. After initial infection and rise in fecal egg counts, the drug regimen started with subdoses as low as 30% of the recommended dosage and were gradually increased to 100% over the course of a year. Experimental animals were infected every 1.5 months with 5,000 L3 larvae cultured from feces collected one week after each treatment. After an initial period when resistance was only detected in the F200Y locus, both resistant polymorphisms (F200Y and F167Y) were detected in increasing frequencies after each treatment. Eventually resistance at F200Y stationed at frequencies around 70% and decreased while resistance frequencies at F167Y kept rising and finally stationed at around 75%. Resistance at E198A was never detected in the studied period. Our study provide insights into the speed as to which each polymorphism may rise as BZ dosage increases converting a susceptible parasite population into a highly resistant one within a short time period.In conjunction with 53rd MSPTM Annual Conference

    Molecular diagnostic for levamisol resistance in Haemonchus contortus.

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    Abstract: In tropical areas, Haemonchus contortus is the leading cause of production losses in small ruminant herds and its control is traditionally done through the utilization of synthetic anthelmintics. Levamisole, an imidazothiazole derivative, is widely used in Brazil and the occurrence of resistance is not uncommon. The genetic base for levamisole resistance in H. contortus is still under investigation, but it has been recently associated with a 63 bp deletion in the Hco-acr-8 gene, which codes for one of the subunits of a levamisole-sensistive acetylcholine receptor. Here we describe a real time PCR test for the detection and quantification of the presence and absence of this deletion. Reactions contained 12.5ul 2 × Fast Start Universal SYBR Green Master Mix (Roche, West Sussex, UK), 0.3 pmol/ul of each primer (forward and reverse), 50 ng of DNA and water for a total volume of 25?l. Amplification conditions for were: 95 oC for 10 min and 35 cycles at 95 oC for 15 s and at 56 ºC for 30 s. We tested the assay in two known H. contortus isolates, one resistant (Kokstad isolate - KOK) and another susceptible (Inbred-susceptible-Edinburgh - ISE). We also used the test to characterize a local H. contortus population previously exposed to levamisole. Preliminay results are in agreement with previously reported data as only the resistant allele was detected in the KOK isolate and both alleles were detected in the ISE isolate suggesting that this test may be useful in the fast detection of levamisole resistance in H. contortus.In conjunction with 53rd MSPTM Annual Conference

    Tecnologia de plantas medicinais e bioativas da flora de clima temperado.

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