5 research outputs found

    UWOMJ Volume 47, Number 4, November 1977

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    Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistryhttps://ir.lib.uwo.ca/uwomj/1220/thumbnail.jp

    Some blood pressure studies in normal horses and in horses affected with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    The literature indicated that the main obstacle to indirect peripheral blood pressure measurements (sphygmomanometry) in horses, is the lack of a large superficial artery capable of being temporarily occluded. Consequently, the standard human sphygmomanometric techniques employing palpatory and auscultatory methods are unsatisfactory in horses. Some other sphygmomanometric techniques including the xylol bead modified palpatory, the photoelectric and the modified auscultatory methods were assessed by trials on horses. The latter method was shown to be the only potentially useful technique.Blood pressure measurements using this technique showed that the blood pressure of resting horses shows continuous short term cyclic variations, an observation which was supported by direct peripheral blood pressure measurements. Peripheral blood pressure was shown to significantly increase in horses during excitement and also following submaximal exercise. During longer term studies, many technical difficulties were encountered with the modified auscultatory technique and it was concluded that it would be unlikely to become acceptable for general clinical use.The literature concerning right heart blood pressure measurements in horses indicated that very little information was available concerning the right heart blood pressure alterations that occur in chronic pulmonary disease. Angiographic studies indicated that the use of a single hydrostatic baseline for all right heart blood pressure as is currently used by all authors, causes estimation of right ventricular pressure. measurements, an under- A separate hydrostatic baseline was therefore established for right ventricular blood pressure measurements.It was shown that horses clinically affected with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), had pulmonary and systolic right ventricular hypertension and that this hypertension became reversed during remission stages of the disease. Further studies showed that a close relationship existed between carotid arterial hypoxaemia and pulmonary hypertension in COPD affected horses.This relationship between arterial hypoxaemia and pulmonary hypertension in COPD was substantiated by inducing partial remission of pulmonary hypertension in clinically affected horses, by oxygen administration. In contrast, normal pulmonary hypertension was induced by rendering temporarily hypoxaemic, by administration of nitrogen enriched air.Marked pulmonary hypertension was also induced during experimental hypercapnia or acidosis production. Bicarbonate, atropine or furosemide administered intravenously had no significant short term effects on pulmonary arterial pressure. No clinical or cardiac catheterisation evidence of right heart failure was observed in any COPD affected horses. These observations were substantiated by the relative in frequency of right ventricular hypertrophy that was observed on post mortem examinations of horses affected with chronic pulmonary disease

    Immer ruhig Blut: Technik-, kultur- und körpersoziologische Studien zur Blutdruckmessung

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    Die Fallstudie, die sich auf den Laiengebrauch von Blutdruckmeßgeräten als Schlüsselsituation konzentriert und damit vor allem die Prozesse der Veralltäglichung von Technik in den Blick nimmt, bereitet das Soziale ihres Gegenstandes in einem dreifach gestuften Näherungsprozeß auf. Sie präsentiert die Gesellschaftlichkeit des Blutdruckmeßgerätes zuerst im Rahmen eines technikzentrierten Modelles, das der Frage der sozialen Strukturen des Gerätegebrauches im privaten Lebensbereich nachgeht. Dieses Modell ermöglicht es, auf dem Wege einer ersten Feldbeschreibung die komplexe Topographie der sozialen Vernetzungen des Artefaktes aufzuzeigen. Der zweiten Studie, die nach den soziokulturellen Bedeutungen des Instrumentes fragt, unterliegt ein kulturzentriertes Analysekonzept. Mit seiner Hilfe kann ein Panorama all jener funktionalen und symbolischen Bedeutungen dekodiert werden, die dem Gerät unter Alltagsbedingungen zugeschrieben werden. Die dritte Studie schließlich, die sich an der doppelten Fragestellung nach den Implikationen des Blutdruckmeßgerätes für die Vorstellungen vom und den Umgang mit dem Körper orientiert, basiert auf einem archäologischen Forschungskonzept. Dieses erlaubt es, die implizit mit der Geräteverwendung einhergehenden Transformationen im Verhältnis zum fremden und eigenen Körper in ihrer historischen Schichtung herauszupräparieren. Damit steht die Körpergeschichte der Blutdruckmessung am Ende der Arbeit, weil gerade sie weitergehen wird

    Determinants of Circadian Blood Pressure Variation: A Community-Based Study in Ohasama.

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