134 research outputs found

    The conductance and organization of the TMC1-containing mechanotransducer channel complex in auditory hair cells.

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    Transmembrane channel-like protein 1 (TMC1) is thought to form the ion-conducting pore of the mechanoelectrical transducer (MET) channel in auditory hair cells. Using single-channel analysis and ionic permeability measurements, we characterized six missense mutations in the purported pore region of mouse TMC1. All mutations reduced the Ca2+ permeability of the MET channel, triggering hair cell apoptosis and deafness. In addition, Tmc1 p.E520Q and Tmc1 p.D528N reduced channel conductance, whereas Tmc1 p.W554L and Tmc1 p.D569N lowered channel expression without affecting the conductance. Tmc1 p.M412K and Tmc1 p.T416K reduced only the Ca2+ permeability. The consequences of these mutations endorse TMC1 as the pore of the MET channel. The accessory subunits, LHFPL5 and TMIE, are thought to be involved in targeting TMC1 to the tips of the stereocilia. We found sufficient expression of TMC1 in outer hair cells of Lhfpl5 and Tmie knockout mice to determine the properties of the channels, which could still be gated by hair bundle displacement. Single-channel conductance was unaffected in Lhfpl5-/- but was reduced in Tmie-/-, implying TMIE very likely contributes to the pore. Both the working range and half-saturation point of the residual MET current in Lhfpl5-/- were substantially increased, suggesting that LHFPL5 is part of the mechanical coupling between the tip-link and the MET channel. Based on counts of numbers of stereocilia per bundle, we estimate that each PCDH15 and LHFPL5 monomer may contact two channels irrespective of location

    The ultrastructural distribution of prestin in outer hair cells: a post-embedding immunogold investigation of low-frequency and high-frequency regions of the rat cochlea

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    Outer hair cells (OHCs) of the mammalian cochlea besides being sensory receptors also generate force to amplify sound‐induced displacements of the basilar membrane thus enhancing auditory sensitivity and frequency selectivity. This force generation is attributable to the voltage‐dependent contractility of the OHCs underpinned by the motile protein, prestin. Prestin is located in the basolateral wall of OHCs and is thought to alter its conformation in response to changes in membrane potential. The precise ultrastructural distribution of prestin was determined using post‐embedding immunogold labelling and the density of the labelling was compared in low‐frequency and high‐frequency regions of the cochlea. The labelling was confined to the basolateral plasma membrane in hearing rats but declined towards the base of the cells below the nucleus. In pre‐hearing animals, prestin labelling was lower in the membrane and also occurred in the cytoplasm, presumably reflecting its production during development. The densities of labelling in low‐frequency and high‐frequency regions of the cochlea were similar. Non‐linear capacitance, thought to reflect charge movements during conformational changes in prestin, was measured in OHCs in isolated cochlear coils of hearing animals. The OHC non‐linear capacitance in the same regions assayed in the immunolabelling was also similar in both the apex and base, with charge densities of 10 000/μm2 expressed relative to the lateral membrane area. The results suggest that prestin density, and by implication force production, is similar in low‐frequency and high‐frequency OHCs

    Developmental Acquisition of a Rapid Calcium-Regulated Vesicle Supply Allows Sustained High Rates of Exocytosis in Auditory Hair Cells

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    Auditory hair cells (HCs) have the remarkable property to indefinitely sustain high rates of synaptic vesicle release during ongoing sound stimulation. The mechanisms of vesicle supply that allow such indefatigable exocytosis at the ribbon active zone remain largely unknown. To address this issue, we characterized the kinetics of vesicle recruitment and release in developing chick auditory HCs. Experiments were done using the intact chick basilar papilla from E10 (embryonic day 10) to P2 (two days post-hatch) by monitoring changes in membrane capacitance and Ca2+ currents during various voltage stimulations. Compared to immature pre-hearing HCs (E10-E12), mature post-hearing HCs (E18-P2) can steadily mobilize a larger readily releasable pool (RRP) of vesicles with faster kinetics and higher Ca2+ efficiency. As assessed by varying the inter-pulse interval of a 100 ms paired-pulse depolarization protocol, the kinetics of RRP replenishment were found much faster in mature HCs. Unlike mature HCs, exocytosis in immature HCs showed large depression during repetitive stimulations. Remarkably, when the intracellular concentration of EGTA was raised from 0.5 to 2 mM, the paired-pulse depression level remained unchanged in immature HCs but was drastically increased in mature HCs, indicating that the Ca2+ sensitivity of the vesicle replenishment process increases during maturation. Concomitantly, the immunoreactivity of the calcium sensor otoferlin and the number of ribbons at the HC plasma membrane largely increased, reaching a maximum level at E18-P2. Our results suggest that the efficient Ca2+-dependent vesicle release and supply in mature HCs essentially rely on the concomitant engagement of synaptic ribbons and otoferlin at the plasma membrane

    Harmonin-b, an actin-binding scaffold protein, is involved in the adaptation of mechanoelectrical transduction by sensory hair cells

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    We assessed the involvement of harmonin-b, a submembranous protein containing PDZ domains, in the mechanoelectrical transduction machinery of inner ear hair cells. Harmonin-b is located in the region of the upper insertion point of the tip link that joins adjacent stereocilia from different rows and that is believed to gate transducer channel(s) located in the region of the tip link's lower insertion point. In Ush1cdfcr-2J/dfcr-2J mutant mice defective for harmonin-b, step deflections of the hair bundle evoked transduction currents with altered speed and extent of adaptation. In utricular hair cells, hair bundle morphology and maximal transduction currents were similar to those observed in wild-type mice, but adaptation was faster and more complete. Cochlear outer hair cells displayed reduced maximal transduction currents, which may be the consequence of moderate structural anomalies of their hair bundles. Their adaptation was slower and displayed a variable extent. The latter was positively correlated with the magnitude of the maximal transduction current, but the cells that showed the largest currents could be either hyperadaptive or hypoadaptive. To interpret our observations, we used a theoretical description of mechanoelectrical transduction based on the gating spring theory and a motor model of adaptation. Simulations could account for the characteristics of transduction currents in wild-type and mutant hair cells, both vestibular and cochlear. They led us to conclude that harmonin-b operates as an intracellular link that limits adaptation and engages adaptation motors, a dual role consistent with the scaffolding property of the protein and its binding to both actin filaments and the tip link component cadherin-23

    Simulation of the Response of the Inner Hair Cell Stereocilia Bundle to an Acoustical Stimulus

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    Mammalian hearing relies on a cochlear hydrodynamic sensor embodied in the inner hair cell stereocilia bundle. It is presumed that acoustical stimuli induce a fluid shear-driven motion between the tectorial membrane and the reticular lamina to deflect the bundle. It is hypothesized that ion channels are opened by molecular gates that sense tension in tip-links, which connect adjacent stepped rows of stereocilia. Yet almost nothing is known about how the fluid and bundle interact. Here we show using our microfluidics model how each row of stereocilia and their associated tip links and gates move in response to an acoustical input that induces an orbital motion of the reticular lamina. The model confirms the crucial role of the positioning of the tectorial membrane in hearing, and explains how this membrane amplifies and synchronizes the timing of peak tension in the tip links. Both stereocilia rotation and length change are needed for synchronization of peak tip link tension. Stereocilia length change occurs in response to accelerations perpendicular to the oscillatory fluid shear flow. Simulations indicate that nanovortices form between rows to facilitate diffusion of ions into channels, showing how nature has devised a way to solve the diffusive mixing problem that persists in engineered microfluidic devices

    Systemic aminoglycosides are trafficked via endolymph into cochlear hair cells

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    Aminoglycoside antibiotics rapidly enter and kill cochlear hair cells via apical mechanoelectrical transduction (MET) channels in vitro. In vivo, it remains unknown whether systemically-administered aminoglycosides cross the blood-labyrinth barrier into endolymph and enter hair cells. Here we show, for the first time, that systemic aminoglycosides are trafficked across the blood-endolymph barrier and preferentially enter hair cells across their apical membranes. This trafficking route is predominant compared to uptake via hair cell basolateral membranes during perilymph infusion

    HCN Channels Are Not Required for Mechanotransduction in Sensory Hair Cells of the Mouse Inner Ear

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    The molecular composition of the hair cell transduction channel has not been identified. Here we explore the novel hypothesis that hair cell transduction channels include HCN subunits. The HCN family of ion channels includes four members, HCN1-4. They were orginally identified as the molecular correlates of the hyperpolarization-activated, cyclic nucleotide gated ion channels that carry currents known as If, IQ or Ih. However, based on recent evidence it has been suggested that HCN subunits may also be components of the elusive hair cell transduction channel. To investigate this hypothesis we examined expression of mRNA that encodes HCN1-4 in sensory epithelia of the mouse inner ear, immunolocalization of HCN subunits 1, 2 and 4, uptake of the transduction channel permeable dye, FM1-43 and electrophysiological measurement of mechanotransduction current. Dye uptake and transduction current were assayed in cochlear and vestibular hair cells of wildtype mice exposed to HCN channel blockers or a dominant-negative form of HCN2 that contained a pore mutation and in mutant mice that lacked HCN1, HCN2 or both. We found robust expression of HCNs 1, 2 and 4 but little evidence that localized HCN subunits in hair bundles, the site of mechanotransduction. Although high concentrations of the HCN antagonist, ZD7288, blocked 50–70% of the transduction current, we found no reduction of transduction current in either cochlear or vestibular hair cells of HCN1- or HCN2- deficient mice relative to wild-type mice. Furthermore, mice that lacked both HCN1 and HCN2 also had normal transduction currents. Lastly, we found that mice exposed to the dominant-negative mutant form of HCN2 had normal transduction currents as well. Taken together, the evidence suggests that HCN subunits are not required for mechanotransduction in hair cells of the mouse inner ear

    Frequency-Dependent Properties of a Fluid Jet Stimulus: Calibration, Modeling, and Application to Cochlear Hair Cell Bundles

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    The investigation of small physiological mechano-sensory systems, such as hair cells or their accessory structures in the inner ear or lateral line organ, requires mechanical stimulus equipment that allows spatial manipulation with micrometer precision and stimulation with amplitudes down to the nanometer scale. Here, we describe the calibration of a microfluid jet produced by a device that was designed to excite individual cochlear hair cell bundles or cupulae of the fish superficial lateral line system. The calibration involves a precise definition of the linearity and time- and frequency-dependent characteristics of the fluid jet as produced by a pressurized fluid-filled container combined with a glass pipette having a microscopically sized tip acting as an orifice. A procedure is described that can be applied during experiments to obtain a fluid jet’s frequency response, which may vary with each individual glass pipette. At small orifice diameters (<15 μm), the fluid velocity of the jet is proportional to the displacement of the piezoelectric actuator pressurizing the container’s volume and is suitable to stimulate the hair bundles of sensory hair cells. With increasing diameter, the fluid jet velocity becomes proportional to the actuator’s velocity. The experimentally observed characteristics can be described adequately by a dynamical model of damped fluid masses coupled by elastic components