7,514 research outputs found

    The Dawn of Fully Automated Contract Drafting: Machine Learning Breathes New Life Into a Decades-Old Promise

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    Technological advances within contract drafting software have seemingly plateaued. Despite the decades-long hopes and promises of many commentators, critics doubt this technology will ever fully automate the drafting process. But, while there has been a lack of innovation in contract drafting software, technological advances have continued to improve contract review and analysis programs. “Machine learning,” the leading innovative force in these areas, has proven incredibly efficient, performing in mere minutes tasks that would otherwise take a team of lawyers tens of hours. Some contract drafting programs have already experimented with machine learning capabilities, and this technology may pave the way for the full automation of contract drafting. Although intellectual property, data access, and ethical obstacles may delay complete integration of machine learning into contract drafting, full automation is likely still viable

    Analytical sun synchronous low-thrust manoeuvres

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    Article describes analytical sun synchronous low-thrust manoeuvres

    Persistent superfluid phase in a three-dimensional quantum XY model with ring exchange

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    We present quantum Monte Carlo simulation results on a quantum S=1/2 XY model with ring exchange (the J-K model) on a three-dimensional simple cubic lattice. We first characterize the ground state properties of the pure XY model, obtaining estimations for the energy, spin stiffness and spin susceptibility at T=0 in the superfluid phase. With the ring exchange, we then present simulation data on small lattices which suggests that the superfluid phase persists to very large values of the ring exchange K, without signatures of a phase transition. We comment on the consequences of this result for the search for various exotic phases in three dimensions.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    GATE convection subprogramme: field phase report

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    Assisted by J. L. Rasmussen and W. Murray of the U.S. GATE Project Office.February, 1975.Includes bibliographical references.A summary of the in-field decisions affecting the GATE Convection Subprogramme (C.S.P.) objectivesa preliminary tabulation and discussion of the data collectionand a discussion of the work of the Special Analysis Group in Dakar. Preliminary tables are presented of the upper air data coverage for the B and A/B ship arrays, the C-band ship radars, the SMS satellite coverage and the multi-aircraft missions flown in support of the C.S.P.A preliminary assessment of the subprogramme observational objectives is given

    The spin-half Heisenberg antiferromagnet on two Archimedian lattices: From the bounce lattice to the maple-leaf lattice and beyond

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    We investigate the ground state of the two-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnet on two Archimedean lattices, namely, the maple-leaf and bounce lattices as well as a generalized JJ-Jâ€ČJ' model interpolating between both systems by varying Jâ€Č/JJ'/J from Jâ€Č/J=0J'/J=0 (bounce limit) to Jâ€Č/J=1J'/J=1 (maple-leaf limit) and beyond. We use the coupled cluster method to high orders of approximation and also exact diagonalization of finite-sized lattices to discuss the ground-state magnetic long-range order based on data for the ground-state energy, the magnetic order parameter, the spin-spin correlation functions as well as the pitch angle between neighboring spins. Our results indicate that the "pure" bounce (Jâ€Č/J=0J'/J=0) and maple-leaf (Jâ€Č/J=1J'/J=1) Heisenberg antiferromagnets are magnetically ordered, however, with a sublattice magnetization drastically reduced by frustration and quantum fluctuations. We found that magnetic long-range order is present in a wide parameter range 0≀Jâ€Č/Jâ‰ČJcâ€Č/J0 \le J'/J \lesssim J'_c/J and that the magnetic order parameter varies only weakly with Jâ€Č/JJ'/J. At Jcâ€Č≈1.45JJ'_c \approx 1.45 J a direct first-order transition to a quantum orthogonal-dimer singlet ground state without magnetic long-range order takes place. The orthogonal-dimer state is the exact ground state in this large-Jâ€ČJ' regime, and so our model has similarities to the Shastry-Sutherland model. Finally, we use the exact diagonalization to investigate the magnetization curve. We a find a 1/3 magnetization plateau for Jâ€Č/J≳1.07J'/J \gtrsim 1.07 and another one at 2/3 of saturation emerging only at large Jâ€Č/J≳3J'/J \gtrsim 3.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure

    Design of optimal Earth pole-sitter transfers using low thrust propulsion

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    Recent studies have shown the feasibility of an Earth pole-sitter mission using low-thrust propulsion. This mission concept involves a spacecraft following the Earth's polar axis to have a continuous, hemispherical view of one of the Earth's poles. Such a view will enhance future Earth observation and telecommunications for high latitude and polar regions. To assess the accessibility of the pole-sitter orbit, this paper investigates optimum Earth pole-sitter transfers employing low-thrust propulsion. A launch from low Earth orbit (LEO) by a Soyuz Fregat upper stage is assumed after which a solar-electric-propulsion thruster transfers the spacecraft to the pole-sitter orbit. The objective is to minimise the mass in LEO for a given spacecraft mass to be inserted into the pole-sitter orbit. The results are compared with a ballistic transfer that exploits the manifolds winding off the pole-sitter orbit. It is shown that, with respect to the ballistic case, low-thrust propulsion can achieve significant mass savings in excess of 200 kg for a pole-sitter spacecraft of 1000 kg upon insertion. To finally obtain a full low-thrust transfer from LEO up to the pole-sitter orbit, the Fregat launch is replaced by a low-thrust, minimum time spiral through an orbital averaging technique, which provides further mass savings, but at the cost of an increased time of flight

    Interaction effects and quantum phase transitions in topological insulators

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    We study strong correlation effects in topological insulators via the Lanczos algorithm, which we utilize to calculate the exact many-particle ground-state wave function and its topological properties. We analyze the simple, noninteracting Haldane model on a honeycomb lattice with known topological properties and demonstrate that these properties are already evident in small clusters. Next, we consider interacting fermions by introducing repulsive nearest-neighbor interactions. A first-order quantum phase transition was discovered at finite interaction strength between the topological band insulator and a topologically trivial Mott insulating phase by use of the fidelity metric and the charge-density-wave structure factor. We construct the phase diagram at T=0T = 0 as a function of the interaction strength and the complex phase for the next-nearest-neighbor hoppings. Finally, we consider the Haldane model with interacting hard-core bosons, where no evidence for a topological phase is observed. An important general conclusion of our work is that despite the intrinsic nonlocality of topological phases their key topological properties manifest themselves already in small systems and therefore can be studied numerically via exact diagonalization and observed experimentally, e.g., with trapped ions and cold atoms in optical lattices.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures. Published versio

    Rapid Contingency Simulation Modeling of the NASA Crew Launch Vehicle

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    The NASA Crew Launch Vehicle is a two-stage orbital launcher designed to meet NASA's current as well as future needs for human space flight. In order to free the designers to explore more possibilities during the design phase, a need exists for the ability to quickly perform simulation on both the baseline vehicle as well as the vehicle after proposed changes due to mission planning, vehicle configuration and avionics changes, proposed new guidance and control algorithms, and any other contingencies the designers may wish to consider. Further, after the vehicle is designed and built, the need will remain for such analysis in the event of future mission planning. An easily reconfigurable, modular, nonlinear six-degree-of-freedom simulation matching NASA Marshall's in-house high-fidelity simulator is created with the ability to quickly perform simulation and analysis of the Crew Launch Vehicle throughout the entire launch profile. Simulation results are presented and discussed, and an example comparison fly-off between two candidate controllers is presented

    Vanishing spin alignment : experimental indication of triaxial 28Si+28Si\bf ^{28}Si + {^{28}Si} nuclear molecule

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    Fragment-fragment-Îł\gamma coincidences have been measured for 28Si+28Si\rm ^{28}Si + {^{28}Si} at an energy corresponding to the population of a conjectured resonance in 56^{56}Ni. Fragment angular distributions as well as Îł\gamma-ray angular correlations indicate that the spin orientations of the outgoing fragments are perpendicular to the orbital angular momentum. This differs from the 24Mg+24Mg\rm ^{24}Mg+{^{24}Mg} and the 12C+12C\rm ^{12}C+{^{12}C} resonances, and suggests two oblate 28Si\rm ^{28}Si nuclei interacting in an equator-to-equator molecular configuration.Comment: 14 pages standard REVTeX file, 3 ps Figures -- Accepted for publication in Physical Review C (Rapid Communication
