87 research outputs found

    Evaluation of responses to 5-HT-enhancing drugs in NMRI mice

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    In humans, the ingestion of the combination of two or more serotonin (5-HT)-enhancing drugs but also of a single drug in overdose can induce serious adverse effects, which are characteristics of the serotonin syndrome (SS). In mice, acute administration of direct and indirect 5-HT agonists also leads to behavioral and autonomic responses, but in literature different responses are thought to be essential. In order to detect common behavioral SS responses induced by 5-HT-enhancing drugs with different mechanisms of action, we investigated the effects of the 5-HT precursor 5-hydroxy-l-tryptophan (5-HTP), the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) fluoxetine (FLX), and the monoaminooxidase (MAO) inhibitor tranylcypromine (TCP) in male NMRI mice. The drugs were administered alone or in combination to investigate additive effects or drug potentiation. Moreover, we compared the 5-HT responses to the effects induced by the dopamine, noradrenaline, and cholinergic agonists, apomorphine (APO), atomoxetine (ATO), and oxotremorine (OXO). Our results show that the studied 5-HT-enhancing drugs induced a different number of concomitant responses. The following five responses consistently and dose-dependently occurred in NMRI mice: flat body posture, hindlimb abduction, piloerection, tremor, and decreased rearings. Like in humans, the combination of 5-HT-enhancing drugs leads to a potentiation of drug effects. With the exception of flat body posture the responses are not specific for serotonergic hyperactivity. The findings demonstrate that the SS in NMRI mice is a suitable animal model for preclinical research, if it is taken into account that the spectrum of typical responses to 5-HT enhancing drugs may differ depending on drug and mouse strain and that some responses might be evoked by activation of other transmission systems, too

    Assessment of Stress in Laboratory Beagle Dogs Constrained by a Pavlov Sling

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    The 3Rs - Replacement, Reduction and Refinement - have become increasingly important in designing animal experiments. The Pavlov sling is thought to be a non-invasive method to restrain dogs for examinations. The aim of our study was to investigate whether laboratory Beagle dogs that had been trained to tolerate restraint by a Pavlov sling are stressed by this procedure and, furthermore, to analyze their behavior during this period. Five male and five female Beagle dogs were used, each three years of age. Animals were restrained in the Pavlov sling for 30 min on six days with an interval of at least two days. The following behaviors were recorded every minute for each session: postures of body, head, and ears, as well as state of eyes, tail, legs, and mouth. Additionally, the animals were observed for the occurrence of particular stress signs, including body shaking, sweating of the paws, increased saliva production, piloerection, blinking of eyes, snout licking, yawning, and panting. As an indicator for stress, salivary cortisol levels were measured before, during, and after each session. Our results show that for most behavioral parameters, e.g., body, leg, head, tail, and ear posture, the frequency of changes between different behavior patterns, as well as cortisol concentration, were not influenced by restraint in the Pavlov sling. Therefore, the Pavlov sling does not seem to be perceived as a stressful situation by the Beagle dogs. Our study demonstrates that under certain conditions the use of the Pavlov sling in trained dogs can substitute for more ordinary methods of immobilization, e.g., the use of narcotics

    Severity classification of repeated isoflurane anesthesia in C57BL/6JRj mice—Assessing the degree of distress

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    According to the EU Directive 2010/63, the severity of a procedure has to be classified as mild, moderate or severe. General anesthesia is thought to be mild, but the Directive does not differentiate between single and repeated anesthesia. Therefore, we investigated the impact of repeated administration of isoflurane, the most commonly used inhalation anesthetic, on the well-being of adult C57BL/6JRj mice, in comparison to single administrations and to untreated animals, when applied six times for 45 min at an interval of 3–4 days. For the animals anesthetized, excitations, phases of anesthesia, and vital parameters were monitored. Well-being after anesthesia was assessed using a behavioral test battery including luxury behavior like burrowing and nest building behavior, the Mouse Grimace Scale (MGS), the free exploratory paradigm for anxiety-related behavior, home cage activity and the rotarod test for activity, as well as food intake and body weight. Additionally, hair corticosterone and fecal corticosterone metabolites were measured. Our results show that nest building behavior, home cage activity, body weight, and corticosterone concentrations were not influenced by anesthesia, whereas changes in burrowing behavior, the MGS, food intake, and the free exploratory behavior indicated that the well-being of the mice was more affected by repeated than single isoflurane anesthesia. This effect depended on the sex of the animals, with female mice being more susceptible than male mice. However, repeated isoflurane anesthesia caused only short-term mild distress and impairment of well-being, mainly in the immediate postanesthetic period. Well- being stabilized at 8 days after the last anesthesia, at the latest. Therefore, we conclude that when using our anesthesia protocol, the severity of both single and repeated isoflurane anesthesia in C57BL/6JRj mice can be classified as mild. However, within the mild severity category, repeated isoflurane anesthesia ranks higher than single isoflurane anesthesia. Additionally, our results imply that male and female mice can differently perceive the severity of a procedure

    Are isoflurane and sevoflurane real alternatives to carbon dioxide?

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    In the European Union (EU) millions of laboratory mice are used and killed for experimental and other scientific purposes each year. Although controversially discussed, the use of carbon dioxide (CO2) is still permitted for killing rodents according to the Directive 2010/63/EU. Within the scope of refinement, our aim was to investigate if isoflurane and sevoflurane are an appropriate alternative killing method to CO2 in mice. Different concentrations of CO2 (filling rates of 20%, 60%, 100%; CO2 20, 60, 100), isoflurane (Iso 2%, 5%) and sevoflurane (Sevo 4.8%, 8%) were compared in two mouse strains (NMRI, C57Bl/6J) using a broad spectrum of behavioral parameters, including the approach-avoidance test, and analyzing blood for stress parameters (glucose, adrenaline, noradrenaline). We focused in our study on the period from the beginning of the gas inlet to loss of consciousness, as during this period animals are able to perceive pain and distress. Our results show that only higher concentrations of CO2 (CO2 60, 100) and isoflurane (5%) induced surgical tolerance within 300 s in both strains, with CO2 100 being the fastest acting inhalant anesthetic. The potency of halogenated ethers depended on the mouse strain, with C57Bl/6J being more susceptible than NMRI mice. Behavioral analysis revealed no specific signs of distress, e. g. stress-induced grooming, and pain, i. e. audible vocalizations, for all inhalant gases. However, adrenaline and noradrenaline plasma concentrations were increased, especially in NMRI mice exposed to CO2 in high concentrations, whereas we did not observe such increase in animals exposed to isoflurane or sevoflurane. Escape latencies in the approach-avoidance test using C57Bl/6J mice did not differ between the three inhalant gases, however, some animals became recumbent during isoflurane and sevoflurane but not during CO2 exposure. The rise in catecholamine concentrations suggests that CO2 exposure might be linked to a higher stress response compared to isoflurane and sevoflurane exposure, although we did not observe a behavioral correlate for that. Follow-up studies investigating other fast-acting stress hormones and central anxiety circuits are needed to confirm our findings

    The Role of Water in Carbon Dioxide Adsorption in Porphyrinic Metal-Organic Frameworks

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    Capturing and converting CO2 through artificial photosynthesis using photoactive, porous materials is a promising approach for addressing increasing CO2 concentrations. Porphyrinic Zr-based metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are of particular interest as they incorporate a photosensitizer in the porous structure. Herein, the initial step of the artificial photosynthesis is studied: CO2 sorption and activation in the presence of water. A combined vibrational and visible spectroscopic approach was used to monitor the adsorption of CO2 into PCN-222 and PCN-223 MOFs, and the photophysical changes of the porphyrinic linker as a function of water concentration. A shift in CO2 sorption site and bending of the porphyrin macrocycle in response to humidity was observed, and CO2/H2O competition experiments revealed that the exchange of CO2 with H2O is pore-size dependent. Therefore, humidity and pore-size can be used to tune CO2 sorption, CO2 capacity, and light harvesting in porphyrinic MOFs, which are key factors for CO2 photoreduction

    The Substitutions L50F, E166A, and L167F in SARS-CoV-2 3CLpro Are Selected by a Protease Inhibitor In Vitro and Confer Resistance To Nirmatrelvir.

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    The SARS-CoV-2 main protease (3CLpro) has an indispensable role in the viral life cycle and is a therapeutic target for the treatment of COVID-19. The potential of 3CLpro-inhibitors to select for drug-resistant variants needs to be established. Therefore, SARS-CoV-2 was passaged in vitro in the presence of increasing concentrations of ALG-097161, a probe compound designed in the context of a 3CLpro drug discovery program. We identified a combination of amino acid substitutions in 3CLpro (L50F E166A L167F) that is associated with a >20× increase in 50% effective concentration (EC50) values for ALG-097161, nirmatrelvir (PF-07321332), PF-00835231, and ensitrelvir. While two of the single substitutions (E166A and L167F) provide low-level resistance to the inhibitors in a biochemical assay, the triple mutant results in the highest levels of resistance (6× to 72×). All substitutions are associated with a significant loss of enzymatic 3CLpro activity, suggesting a reduction in viral fitness. Structural biology analysis indicates that the different substitutions reduce the number of inhibitor/enzyme interactions while the binding of the substrate is maintained. These observations will be important for the interpretation of resistance development to 3CLpro inhibitors in the clinical setting. IMPORTANCE Paxlovid is the first oral antiviral approved for treatment of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Antiviral treatments are often associated with the development of drug-resistant viruses. In order to guide the use of novel antivirals, it is essential to understand the risk of resistance development and to characterize the associated changes in the viral genes and proteins. In this work, we describe for the first time a pathway that allows SARS-CoV-2 to develop resistance against Paxlovid in vitro. The characteristics of in vitro antiviral resistance development may be predictive for the clinical situation. Therefore, our work will be important for the management of COVID-19 with Paxlovid and next-generation SARS-CoV-2 3CLpro inhibitors

    Probing nearby molecular vibrations with lanthanide-doped nanocrystals

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    The photoluminescence (PL) of lanthanide-doped nanocrystals can be quenched by energy transfer to vibrations of molecules located within a few nanometers from the dopants. Such short-range electronic-to-vibrational energy transfer (EVET) is often undesired as it reduces the photoluminescence efficiency. On the other hand, EVET may be exploited to extract information about molecular vibrations in the local environment of the nanocrystals. Here, we investigate the influence of solvent and gas environments on the PL properties of NaYF4:Er3+,Yb3+ upconversion nanocrystals. We relate changes in the PL spectrum and excited-state lifetimes in different solvents and their deuterated analogues to quenching of specific lanthanide levels by EVET to molecular vibrations. Similar but weaker changes are induced when we expose a film of nanocrystals to a gas environment with different amounts of H2O or D2O vapor. Quenching of green- and red-emitting levels of Er3+ can be explained in terms of EVET-mediated quenching that involves molecular vibrations with energies resonant with the gap between the energy levels of the lanthanide. Quenching of the near-infrared-emitting level is more complex and may involve EVET to combination-vibrations or defect-mediated quenching. EVET-mediated quenching holds promise as a mechanism to probe the local chemical environment—both for nanocrystals dispersed in a liquid and for nanocrystals exposed to gaseous molecules that adsorb onto the nanocrystal surface

    Optical Microscopy in the Nano-World

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    Scanning near-field optical microscopy (SNOM) is an optical microscopy whose resolution is not bound to the diffraction limit. It provides chemical information based upon spectral, polarization and/or fluorescence contrast images. Details as small as 20 nm can be recognized. Photophysical and photochemical effects can be studied with SNOM on a similar scale. This article reviews a good deal of the experimental and theoretical work on SNOM in Switzerland
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