4,848 research outputs found

    Jasmonic acid methyl ester induces xylogenesis and modulates auxin-induced xylary cell identity with NO Involvement

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    In Arabidopsis basal hypocotyls of dark-grown seedlings, xylary cells may form from the pericycle as an alternative to adventitious roots. Several hormones may induce xylogenesis, as Jasmonic acid (JA), as well as indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) auxins, which also affect xylary identity. Studies with the ethylene (ET)-perception mutant ein3eil1 and the ET-precursor 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC), also demonstrate ET involvement in IBA-induced ectopic metaxylem. Moreover, nitric oxide (NO), produced after IBA/IAA-treatments, may affect JA signalling and interact positively/negatively with ET. To date, NO-involvement in ET/JA-mediated xylogenesis has never been investigated. To study this, and unravel JA-effects on xylary identity, xylogenesis was investigated in hypocotyls of seedlings treated with JA methyl-ester (JAMe) with/without ACC, IBA, IAA. Wild-type (wt) and ein3eil1 responses to hormonal treatments were compared, and the NO signal was quantified and its role evaluated by using NO-donors/scavengers. Ectopic-protoxylem increased in the wt only after treatment with JAMe(10 ÎĽM), whereas in ein3eil1 with any JAMe concentration. NO was detected in cells leading to either xylogenesis or adventitious rooting, and increased after treatment with JAMe(10 ÎĽM) combined or not with IBA(10 ÎĽM). Xylary identity changed when JAMe was applied with each auxin. Altogether, the results show that xylogenesis is induced by JA and NO positively regulates this process. In addition, NO also negatively interacts with ET-signalling and modulates auxin-induced xylary identity

    A design for an electromagnetic filter for precision energy measurements at the tritium endpoint

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    We present a detailed description of the electromagnetic filter for the PTOLEMY project to directly detect the Cosmic Neutrino Background (CNB). Starting with an initial estimate for the orbital magnetic moment, the higher-order drift process of E X B is configured to balance the gradient-B drift motion of the electron in such a way as to guide the trajectory into the standing voltage potential along the mid-plane of the filter. As a function of drift distance along the length of the filter, the filter zooms in with exponentially increasing precision on the transverse velocity component of the electron kinetic energy. This yields a linear dimension for the total filter length that is exceptionally compact compared to previous techniques for electromagnetic filtering. The parallel velocity component of the electron kinetic energy oscillates in an electrostatic harmonic trap as the electron drifts along the length of the filter. An analysis of the phase-space volume conservation validates the expected behavior of the filter from the adiabatic invariance of the orbital magnetic moment and energy conservation following Liouville’s theorem for Hamiltonian systems

    Neutrino physics with the PTOLEMY project: active neutrino properties and the light sterile case

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    The PTOLEMY project aims to develop a scalable design for a Cosmic Neutrino Background (CNB) detector, the first of its kind and the only one conceived that can look directly at the image of the Universe encoded in neutrino background produced in the first second after the Big Bang. The scope of the work for the next three years is to complete the conceptual design of this detector and to validate with direct measurements that the non-neutrino backgrounds are below the expected cosmological signal. In this paper we discuss in details the theoretical aspects of the experiment and its physics goals. In particular, we mainly address three issues. First we discuss the sensitivity of PTOLEMY to the standard neutrino mass scale. We then study the perspectives of the experiment to detect the CNB via neutrino capture on tritium as a function of the neutrino mass scale and the energy resolution of the apparatus. Finally, we consider an extra sterile neutrino with mass in the eV range, coupled to the active states via oscillations, which has been advocated in view of neutrino oscillation anomalies. This extra state would contribute to the tritium decay spectrum, and its properties, mass and mixing angle, could be studied by analyzing the features in the beta decay electron spectrum

    Dynamic Identification as a Tool to Constrain Numerical Models for Structural Analysis of Historical Buildings

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    Operational modal analysis (OMA), also known as output-only or ambient vibration test (AVT), has become in last decades a powerful approach for a wide range of applications in the field of civil engineering. When historical structures are investigated this approach is particularly appealing avoiding shaking the structure artificially. This paper discusses the assessment of the dynamic behavior of the Baptistery of San Giovanni in Firenze (Italy). Based on experimental results obtained through a temporary network of seismic sensors, the enhanced frequency domain decomposition (EFDD) technique is employed to evaluate frequencies and mode shapes. These modal parameters are subsequently used to calibrate a 3D finite element (FE) model of the Baptistery. Genetic algorithm (GA) technique is employed for calibration, thus allowing to obtain an accurate and robust numerical model. To verify the effects introduced by the number of identified modal parameters on the model updating procedure several analyses are in addition performed. This paper, providing an illustrative case study in the field of health monitoring of monumental structures, confirms that the OMA technique is able to derive effective information on the dynamic behavior of historical buildings, which in turn is useful to tune reliable and robust numerical models to be employed for structural analysis

    Immunopresence and functional activity of prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthases and nitric oxide synthases in bovine corpora lutea during diestrus

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the occurrence and the activity of prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 1 (PTGS1), PTGS2, and endothelial, neuronal, and inducible nitric oxide synthase (e-, n-, and iNOS) in early, mid, late, and regressive corpora lutea (CL) of bovines during diestrus. PTGS1 immunoreactivitywas localised mainly in the cytoplasm of small luteal cells, whereas PTGS2 was detected in the cytoplasm of large luteal cells during early, mid, and late stages. The immunoexpression of all NOS isoforms was observed in the nuclei of luteal cells in the CL stages examined. PTGS1 enzyme activity was higher in late CL and lower in regressive ones; PTGS2 increased from early to late CL andlowered in regressive ones. Constitutive NOS enzymatic activity (eNOS plus nNOS) was higher in late CL and lower in regressive ones; iNOS was lower in regressive CL. These results support the idea that PTGSs and NOSs regulate the bovine CL life span mainly during the transition from the luteotrophic to the luteolytic phase

    Analytical and numerical seismic assessment of heritage masonry towers

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    Abstract The new Italian building code, published in 2018 [MIT in NTC 2018: D.M. del Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei trasporti del 17/01/2018. Aggiornamento delle Norme Tecniche per le Costruzioni (in Italian), 2018], explicitly refers to the Italian “Guidelines for the assessment and mitigation of the seismic risk of the cultural heritage” [PCM in DPCM 2011: Direttiva del Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri per valutazione e riduzione del rischio sismico del patrimonio culturale con riferimento alle norme tecniche per le costruzioni, G.U. n. 47 (in Italian), 2011] as a reliable source of guidance that can be employed for the vulnerability assessment of heritage buildings under seismic loads. According to these guidelines, three evaluation levels are introduced to analyse and assess the seismic capacity of historic masonry structures, namely: (1) simplified global static analyses; (2) kinematic analyses based on local collapse mechanisms, (3) detailed global analyses. Because of the complexity and the large variety of existing masonry typologies, which makes it particularly problematic to adopt a unique procedure for all existing structures, the guidelines provide different simplified analysis approaches for different structural configurations, e.g. churches, palaces, towers. Among the existing typologies of masonry structures there considered, this work aims to deepen validity, effectiveness and scope of application of the Italian guidelines with respect to heritage masonry towers. The three evaluation levels proposed by the guidelines are here compared by discussing the seismic risk assessment of a representative masonry tower: the Cugnanesi tower located in San Gimignano (Italy). The results show that global failure modes due to local stress concentrations cannot be identified if only simplified static and kinematic analyses are performed. Detailed global analyses are in fact generally needed for a reliable prediction of the seismic performance of such structures.</jats:p

    Modulation instability and conservation of energy:toward a new model

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    L'articolo analizza la propagazione in regime nonlineare di un segnale ottico CW in presenza di una "piccola" perturbazione. In letteratura sono presenti lavori che specificano i parametri fisici che regolano l'interazione tra il segnale CW e la perturbazione ma non si hanno indicazioni relative ai limiti di applicabilità dei modelli proposti. Obiettivo principale di questo lavoro è rappresentato dalla definizione dei parametri che "attivano" l'instabilità di modulazione e regolano il regime di propagazione nonlineare. A tal fine, il regime di propagazione nonlineare è analizzato vincolandolo al principio di conservazione dell'energia

    The paleo-community of the Sciacca red coral

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    The sub-fossil red coral deposits of Sciacca (Sicily Channel) have attracted scientific attention for nearly 150 years. Their origin and formation have been long questioned and investigated, given the fact that they represent one of the most intriguing geobiological events ever to occur in the Mediterranean basin. Less attention was given to the paleo-community associated with the sub-fossil coral. Radiocarbon age determinations, in particular, were provided only for red coral, neglecting the possibility of understanding which species were simultaneously present in the coralline paleo-community and which was their role. The study of cemented coral rubble pieces revealed that Corallium rubrum covered the largest time interval (more than 3000 years) and was contemporary to many secondary epibionts over two millennia and to Madrepora oculata for about 500 years; this last finding suggested that an uncommon co-dominance between the two structuring species occurred in the nearby living communities. The lack of Fe-Mg deposits on the cemented coral rubbles coupled with the low bioerosion rate of the red coral skeletons by the demosponge Siphonodictyon coralliirubri (assessed through the analysis of the erosive paleo-scars) suggested that the deposits met with a rapid sediment cover-up. Moreover, for the first time, the analysis of a piece of cemented coral rubble of sub-fossil red coral coming from Sardinian waters confirmed that, albeit to a lesser extent, the conditions favouring the preservation of dead corals can occur also in different localities far from Sciacca

    Multiple algebraisations of an elliptic Calogero-Sutherland model

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    Recently, Gomez-Ullate et al. (1) have studied a particular N-particle quantum problem with an elliptic function potential supplemented by an external field. They have shown that the Hamiltonian operator preserves a finite dimensional space of functions and as such is quasi exactly solvable (QES). In this paper we show that other types of invariant function spaces exist, which are in close relation to the algebraic properties of the elliptic functions. Accordingly, series of new algebraic eigenfunctions can be constructed.Comment: 9 Revtex pages, 3 PS-figures; Summary, abstract and conclusions extende
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