5,772 research outputs found

    Congruent and Incongruent Corticospinal Activations at the Level of Multiple Effectors

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    Motor resonance is defined as the subliminal activation of the motor system while observing actions performed by others. However, resonating with another person's actions is not always an appropriate response: In real life, people do not just imitate but rather respond in a suitable fashion. A growing body of neurophysiologic studies has demonstrated that motor resonance can be overridden by complementary motor responses (such as preparing a precision grip on a small object when seeing an open hand in sign of request). In this study, we investigated the relationship between congruent and incongruent corticospinal activations at the level of multiple effectors. The modulation of MEPs evoked by single-pulse TMS over the motor cortex was assessed in upper and lower limb muscles of participants observing a soccer player performing a penalty kick straight in their direction. Study results revealed a double dissociation: Seeing the soccer player kicking the ball triggered a motor resonance in the observer's lower limb, whereas the upper limb response afforded by the object was overridden. On the other hand, seeing the ball approaching the observers elicited a complementary motor activation in upper limbs while motor resonance in lower limbs disappeared. Control conditions showing lateral kicks, mimicked kicks, and a ball in penalty area were also included to test the motor coding of object affordances. Results point to a modulation of motor responses in different limbs over the course of action and in function of their relevance in different contexts. We contend that ecologically valid paradigms are nowadays needed to shed light on the motor system functioning in complex forms of interaction

    A generalization of bounds for cyclic codes, including the HT and BS bounds

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    We use the algebraic structure of cyclic codes and some properties of the discrete Fourier transform to give a reformulation of several classical bounds for the distance of cyclic codes, by extending techniques of linear algebra. We propose a bound, whose computational complexity is polynomial bounded, which is a generalization of the Hartmann-Tzeng bound and the Betti-Sala bound. In the majority of computed cases, our bound is the tightest among all known polynomial-time bounds, including the Roos bound

    Jasmonic acid methyl ester induces xylogenesis and modulates auxin-induced xylary cell identity with NO Involvement

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    In Arabidopsis basal hypocotyls of dark-grown seedlings, xylary cells may form from the pericycle as an alternative to adventitious roots. Several hormones may induce xylogenesis, as Jasmonic acid (JA), as well as indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) auxins, which also affect xylary identity. Studies with the ethylene (ET)-perception mutant ein3eil1 and the ET-precursor 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC), also demonstrate ET involvement in IBA-induced ectopic metaxylem. Moreover, nitric oxide (NO), produced after IBA/IAA-treatments, may affect JA signalling and interact positively/negatively with ET. To date, NO-involvement in ET/JA-mediated xylogenesis has never been investigated. To study this, and unravel JA-effects on xylary identity, xylogenesis was investigated in hypocotyls of seedlings treated with JA methyl-ester (JAMe) with/without ACC, IBA, IAA. Wild-type (wt) and ein3eil1 responses to hormonal treatments were compared, and the NO signal was quantified and its role evaluated by using NO-donors/scavengers. Ectopic-protoxylem increased in the wt only after treatment with JAMe(10 μM), whereas in ein3eil1 with any JAMe concentration. NO was detected in cells leading to either xylogenesis or adventitious rooting, and increased after treatment with JAMe(10 μM) combined or not with IBA(10 μM). Xylary identity changed when JAMe was applied with each auxin. Altogether, the results show that xylogenesis is induced by JA and NO positively regulates this process. In addition, NO also negatively interacts with ET-signalling and modulates auxin-induced xylary identity

    Gravitating Semilocal strings

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    We discuss the properties of semilocal strings minimally coupled to gravity. Semilocal strings are solutions of the bosonic sector of the Standard Model in the limit sin2θW=1\sin^2\theta_W=1 (where θW\theta_W is the Weinberg angle) and correspond to embedded Abelian-Higgs strings for a particular choice of the scalar doublet. We focus on the limit where the gauge boson mass is equal to the Higgs boson mass such that the solutions fulfill the Bogomolnyi-Prasad-Sommerfield (BPS) bound.Comment: Contribution to the Proceedings of the Spanish Relativity Meeting (ERE) 2009, Bilbao, Spai

    Novas perspectivas na formação profissional em Educação Física

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    O objetivo deste artigo é caracterizar os principais tipos de modelos curriculares utilizados na formação profissional em Educação Física e propor um novo, baseado no ensino reflexivo. São apresentadas e discutidas as principais críticas e limitações dos modelos de currículo tradicional-esportivo e de orientação técnico-científica. O modelo denominado práticoreflexivo é abordado do ponto de vista da Pedagogia e da Educação Física. Como resultado são apresentadas sugestões para a implantação deste modelo na formação profissional em Educação Física, a partir dos seguintes tópicos: a) prática como eixo do currículo; b) utilização do conhecimento de profissionais experientes; c) experiências de socialização dos graduandos; d) relação dialética entre teoria e prática; e) concepção ampliada de currículo; f) currículo temático; g) supervisão

    Low-Power Instrument Transformers and Energy Meters: Opportunities and Obstacles

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    Low-Power Instrument Transformers (LPITs) are becoming the preferred measurement device in the medium voltage (MV) distribution network (DN). They have several benefits compared to legacy solutions. However, the adoption of LPITs results in the need for adapting the grid and its assets to accept them. One practical example is using LPITs as the current and voltage source for energy meters (EMs), which are also used for billing purposes. The resulting measurement chain introduces several metrological challenges that must be studied and investigated. Therefore, in this work, the scenarios of LPITs and energy meters are introduced along with the latest relevant international standards. Afterwards, the opportunities and obstacles due to the implementation of the LPIT plus energy meter measurement chain are discussed. The discussion focuses on metrological requirements, accuracy evaluation, target uncertainty, and influence quantities affecting the performance of the devices