27 research outputs found

    Skal sundhedsfremme indsatser på arbejdspladsen være evidensbaserede?

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    L ivsstil er ikke længere en privat sag. Offentlige såvel som private arbejdspladser forsøger i dag at påvirke deres medarbejdere i retning af en mere sund livsstil. Virksomhederne føler således i større grad end tidligere, at de har et medansvar for de ansattes sundhedsvaner (Sundhedsstyrelsen 2006). Dette lader sig blandt andet afspejle i det voksende marked af aktører på området, som tilbyder deres bistand til virksomhederne, i form af fx tilbud om afholdelse af livsstilskurser, rygestoptilbud, diætistvejledning mm. På DR kunne man i efteråret følge med i programmet Chris på chokoladefabrikken, der viste hvordan Toms chokoladefabrik ved hjælp fra en sundhedscoach forsøger at inspirere deres medarbejdere til en sund og aktiv hverdag. Det er således ikke længere kun den enkeltes ansvar at leve sundt, men arbejdsgiveren får også et an svar for, at medarbejderne lever sundt

    Waist Circumference and Body Mass Index as Predictors of Health Care Costs

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    BACKGROUND: In the present study we analyze the relationship between body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC) and future health care costs. On the basis of the relation between these anthropometric measures and mortality, we hypothesized that for all levels of BMI increased WC implies added future health care costs (Hypothesis 1) and for given levels of WC increased BMI entails reduced future health care costs (Hypothesis 2). We furthermore assessed whether a combination of the two measures predicts health care costs better than either individual measure. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Data were obtained from the Danish prospective cohort study Diet, Cancer and Health. The population includes 15,334 men and 16,506 women 50 to 64 years old recruited in 1996 to 1997. The relationship between future health care costs and BMI and WC in combination was analyzed by use of categorized and continuous analyses. The analysis confirms Hypothesis 1, reflecting that an increased level of abdominal fat for a given BMI gives higher health care costs. Hypothesis 2, that BMI had a protective effect for a given WC, was only confirmed in the continuous analysis and for a subgroup of women (BMI<30 kg/m(2) and WC <88 cm). The relative magnitude of the estimates supports that the regressions including WC as an explanatory factor provide the best fit to the data. CONCLUSION: The study showed that WC for given levels of BMI predicts increased health costs, whereas BMI for given WC did not predict health costs except for a lower cost in non-obese women with normal WC. Combining WC and BMI does not give a better prediction of costs than WC alone

    Simultaneous hyperpolarized 13C-pyruvate MRI and 18F-FDG-PET in cancer (hyperPET):feasibility of a new imaging concept using a clinical PET/MRI scanner

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    In this paper we demonstrate, for the first time, the feasibility of a new imaging concept - combined hyperpolarized (13)C-pyruvate magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) and (18)F-FDG-PET imaging. This procedure was performed in a clinical PET/MRI scanner with a canine cancer patient. We have named this concept hyper PET. Intravenous injection of the hyperpolarized (13)C-pyruvate results in an increase of (13)C-lactate, (13)C-alanine and (13)C-CO(2) ((13)C-HCO(3)) resonance peaks relative to the tissue, disease and the metabolic state probed. Accordingly, with dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) and use of (13)C-pyruvate it is now possible to directly study the Warburg Effect through the rate of conversion of (13)C-pyruvate to (13)C-lactate. In this study, we combined it with (18)F-FDG-PET that studies uptake of glucose in the cells. A canine cancer patient with a histology verified local recurrence of a liposarcoma on the right forepaw was imaged using a combined PET/MR clinical scanner. PET was performed as a single-bed, 10 min acquisition, 107 min post injection of 310 MBq (18)F-FDG. (13)C-chemical shift imaging (CSI) was performed just after FDG-PET and 30 s post injection of 23 mL hyperpolarized (13)C-pyruvate. Peak heights of (13)C-pyruvate and (13)C-lactate were quantified using a general linear model. Anatomic (1)H-MRI included axial and coronal T1 vibe, coronal T2-tse and axial T1-tse with fat saturation following gadolinium injection. In the tumor we found clearly increased (13)C-lactate production, which also corresponded to high (18)F-FDG uptake on PET. This is in agreement with the fact that glycolysis and production of lactate are increased in tumor cells compared to normal cells. Yet, most interestingly, also in the muscle of the forepaw of the dog high (18)F-FDG uptake was observed. This was due to activity in these muscles prior to anesthesia, which was not accompanied by a similarly high (13)C-lactate production. Accordingly, this clearly demonstrates how the Warburg Effect directly can be demonstrated by hyperpolarized (13)C-pyruvate MRSI. This was not possible with (18)F-FDG-PET imaging due to inability to discriminate between causes of increased glucose uptake. We propose that this new concept of simultaneous hyperpolarized (13)C-pyruvate MRSI and PET may be highly valuable for image-based non-invasive phenotyping of tumors. This methods may be useful for treatment planning and therapy monitoring

    National Clinical Guidelines for non-surgical treatment of patients with recent onset low back pain or lumbar radiculopathy

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    Styringsgennemgang – virker den statslige styring af det regionale sundhedsvæsen?

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    Den statslige styring af det regionale sundhedsvæsen skal tilpasses, så den understøtter et effektivt sundhedsvæsen med fokus på at producere mere af den rette aktivitet snarere end blot mere aktivitet

    The Socioeconomic Burden of Obesity

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    Objective: To evaluate the socioeconomic impact of obesity by estimating the direct and indirect costs associated with obesity in Denmark, based on individual level data. Methods: Costs were assessed for different BMI groups, and the relative risks for change in direct and indirect costs per BMI point above 30 were estimated. A fourth analysis estimated the odds ratio for comorbidities per BMI point above 30. Individual data on income, social transfer payments, healthcare costs and diagnoses were retrieved from national registries. Results: One BMI point above 30 was associated with a 2% decrease in income, a 3% increase in social transfer payments, and a 4% increase in healthcare costs. In absolute numbers, income contributed to most of the total economic burden. One BMI point above 30 was also associated with increased comorbidity, which explains the increase in both direct and indirect costs. Conclusion: Obesity is associated with increased comorbidity, giving rise to an increase in both direct and indirect costs. Especially income is affected, which emphasizes the importance of including both measures when evaluating the total socioeconomic burden of obesity. Our findings draw attention to the potential for saving public resources and preventing loss of income by preventing obesity